The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 187 Yan Jie's work

Chapter 187 Yan Jie's work

After eating, Yan Xiecheng took apart the firecrackers he bought and distributed them to a few younger ones, letting them play by themselves in the yard.

Yu Li chatted with the third mother and Yan Jiedi in the room.

Yan Bugui looked at Yan Jie, she had been staying at home for several months without going to school, she couldn't stay at home all the time, she had to find a class for her, she was too old to be raised at home all the time with.It is the greatest disobedience for children not to be able to support themselves, this is his motto, even if there is only such a girl in the family, or the youngest child, that will not do.

"Xie Cheng, your sister has been staying at home for several months after graduation, and it's not appropriate to go on like this. You can find her a job. It doesn't matter how much she earns, let her have something to do." Yan Bugui thought If you want to work, you can't do it yourself. It seems that you have to find the boss.

"I'm thinking about it, but we have to wait for this matter. It's not like you don't know how hard it is to find a job now." Yan Jiecheng actually wanted to find a job for Zao Jie, but he really wasn't suitable, either because of physical labor or technical skills Work, never a girl does it.

Hearing Yan Bugui and Yan Xiecheng discuss finding a job for Yan Jiedi, Yu Li was moved. There is a job in their factory that is suitable for Yan Jiedi, so she interjected:

"Our factory does have a job, but it is suitable for Xie, but it will cost a lot of money."

"What position?" Yan Jiecheng asked eagerly when he heard Yu Li say that their factory had a job suitable for Yan Jiedi, and he didn't care about the money, and things that could be solved with money were nothing serious.

"In the personnel department of our factory, there is an eldest sister who has reached the age of retirement, and her two sons are still working, and there is no one to take over his shift. This is vacant, but now many people are watching. That is The asking price is too high, and we haven't reached an agreement." Yu Li introduced the job to Yan Jiecheng.

"The personnel department is in the office. This job is suitable for Xie. Yes, how much does their family cost?" Yan Xiecheng was moved when he heard Yu Li say that he worked in the personnel department.This position is really good, the work is not tiring, and there is a lot of money. I can still be with Yu Li when commuting to and from get off work in the future, but I don’t know how much money can take this position.

"Their family needs 1000 yuan to give up the job." Yu Li said with a distressed expression on her face. You must know that it is her salary. If you want to earn the 1000 yuan, you have to work without food or drink. years, let alone newcomers.

"1000 yuan, isn't this stealing money?" Yan Bugui immediately changed his face when he heard that he wanted 1000 yuan for a job. number.If this is used for a job, it will kill him.

"Dad, look at what you said. You don't even know what kind of job this is. It's an office job. It's not something that ordinary people can do. Our family just happens to be a high school student. If you don't have enough education to get this job, I have to change to another position." Yu Li was dissatisfied with Yan Pugui's yelling, she didn't say it because of their old Yan's family, and she didn't look at what time it is, an ordinary hard-working job outside , It is impossible for someone to give you without a few hundred dollars, let alone sit in an office.

Yan Jiecheng also said: "Dad, the price is about the same, and they don't ask for much. This job is a lifetime job, so don't be reluctant to spend money for Xie Yan."

Sitting there, Yan Bugui couldn't express his suffering. If he had known that a job would cost so much money, he would have stopped talking just now.It's better to let Xie Di stay at home, 1000 yuan is enough to support her for decades.Besides, this girl is not young anymore, and she will reach the age of her family in a few years. By then, she will be making wedding dresses for others.

Yan Jie looked at his father and said that the job would cost 1000 yuan, so he sat there without saying a word.With a look of loneliness on her face, she didn't want to stay at home, but also wanted to go out to work and earn money.But now this job is too difficult to find, not difficult, but impossible to find.Now I finally have an opportunity to get a job. If I miss it, I don’t know how long I will have to wait.

"Dad, how about I borrow the 1000 yuan from you, and pay it back to you when I earn money, okay?" Yan Jiedi said firmly. She didn't want to miss such a good job. Looking at the assignment of jobs on the street, I don't know that I will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

"Girl, it's not that Dad doesn't borrow money, the family really doesn't have that much money. Boss, you, as the eldest brother, can't help your sister with her work?"

Yan Bugui didn't want to give all the family money to his youngest daughter, even though it was a loan.But she will definitely not be able to pay it back in a while. When she goes to work to earn money to pay it back, when will she wait.The salary of just over ten yuan a month for the first three years before going to work, aside from food and drink expenses, will take at least several years for Yan Xiedi to repay the 1000 yuan.

Yan Xiecheng saw Yan Bugui mentioning himself, and thought about his own sister's finding a job. It's not appropriate for him not to pay, but he can't pay all by himself.So he said:

"Dad, why don't we give half of the 1000 yuan?" Afraid of Yan Bugui's disagreement, he said, "Well, when Xie Ya earns money, return your part first." Yes, I will pay back the half at the end."

"Well, since you've said that, let's do it. Tomorrow night, I'll ask your mother to send the money to Yu Li. When you get to work, hurry up and take care of your sister's work. "

Yan Bugui thought, this matter was brought up by him, if it wasn't for the money, it would definitely be unjustifiable, and the girl would not blame him to death in the future.Fortunately, I was witty and pulled the boss in, otherwise I would feel distressed to death.Originally, he planned to ask for some interest, but he looked at the eyes of Yan Jiecheng and the others, but he didn't say anything in the end. Forget it, he will treat it as a charity this time, and ask them to make up for it later.


The second uncle's house in the backyard.

This year's Chinese New Year, there are only two people in their family, the second uncle and the second aunt.Liu Guangqi didn't come back in Baocheng, Liu Guangtian followed Yu Haitang and took the child to the father-in-law's house, and Liu Guangfu also went to the countryside.

The second aunt looked at a large table of dishes and the two of them ate them alone, and the more they ate, the more unpleasant it became.

"Old Liu, no, let's call Guangtian back to live. Just the two of us, this Chinese New Year is not a New Year's Eve."

The second uncle muttered while eating dumplings and drinking wine: "I want to go with you, but I won't go anyway. I don't care if he doesn't come back."

The second uncle really wanted Liu Guangtian to come back, but he was the one who sent Liu Guangtian out before, and now he is begging him to come back, so he will lose face.

He has been in the compound for so many years, what he cares most about is his face, he can lose everything but not lose face.

"Okay, if you don't want to go, then I will go, and I will tell him when Guang Tian comes back." The second aunt said angrily.

The second uncle said disdainfully: "Hmph, it's useless for you to go. As for our daughter-in-law Yu Haitang, can she agree? I don't believe it. Don't let your son come back and lose face."

(End of this chapter)

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