Chapter 188
Silly Zhu family in the middle school.

Jia Zhang's face looked sad, and the New Year's Eve was not happy.I was thinking about sticks, and I don't know if he can eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

"Grandma, don't you want to eat?" Xiao Dang looked at Jia Zhang sitting there without moving his chopsticks, and said in a daze.

"Let's eat your meal, your grandma misses your brother again. Brother Ni also doesn't know how to write a letter to his family after Chinese New Year. It's been several months without any news." Qin Huairu said Said that he couldn't help complaining, and when the stick started to lose money, he contacted his family once, and he never contacted his family again.

Which side is Silly Zhu eating dumplings heartlessly.He said at the same time: "Hey, you guys, it's just unnecessary to worry, it's a good thing that Sticky doesn't contact his family."

After hearing what Sha Zhu said, Jia Zhang stood up before he finished speaking, as if he was going to fight with him: "What are you talking about, Sha Zhu, it's a good thing if you don't contact the family."

"Old lady, don't worry, just listen to me. Think about it, he has a great character, and when he contacts us, it's either a bad life or something must have happened. So, he doesn't tell the family It’s really not a bad thing to get in touch. You’re right, Sophora.”

Huaihua nodded and agreed with Shazhu: "Grandma, my silly dad is right, my brother is really that kind of person."

The uncle also persuaded: "Old sister-in-law, let's eat. Zhuzi is right. Banggen is not a child anymore. He can take good care of himself."

Ever since the aunt passed away, the uncle wanted to find out what happened that afternoon. Why did his wife suddenly have a heart attack, and then he didn't know the reason and let it go.

Then he started to live together with Sha Zhu, Qin Huairu and their family.After all, the eldest mother passed away, and there was no one to wash, cook and clean up the house for him.If I didn't partner with Sha Zhu's family, I really don't know how I would live this day.

Even if he is not short of money now, he can't hire a nanny in this era.He has to go to work during the day, and cook, wash, and do housework when he comes back at night, so he doesn't even have a free time in a day.This is definitely not possible, so I asked Qin Huairu to tell the truth, we want to live together, and when he retires, let Qin Huairu's family help him take care of him, and when he passes away, all the things, houses and money will be given to their family .

Qin Huairu agreed without even thinking about it. She had figured it out a long time ago, and it is not a loss for the old man to take care of him.Not to mention the house and savings, the old man's pension is quite a lot when he retires. One month's pension can cover her two months' salary, and a fool would not want it.Although the uncle hasn't handed over the deposit yet, Qin Huairu believes that with his own means, it will be a matter of time before the money comes into his hands.

"Hum." Jia Zhang snorted softly and didn't say anything else, picked up the dumpling in front of her and ate it.


Xu Damao's house in the backyard.

Wang Dani saw that Xu Damao took the letter sent by Erhu and didn't even read it, so she hurriedly said: "You should read what Erhu said in the letter."

"What are you in a hurry for? Didn't I just read it?" Xu Damao said, putting aside the letter after reading it, and then said: "Er Hu's letter said that we don't have to worry about it. He has a good life there, eating and drinking. , it’s just that the temperature over there is too cold, let’s send him some thick cotton coats.”

"This is good, this is good." Thinking that there is no thick cotton coat at home, and there is no ticket to make a new one, he said to Du Hu: "Da Hu, why don't you send your cotton coat to your brother first. Anyway, you’re working in a movie theater, so it’s not cold. I’ll make you a new one when the tickets are available at home.”

Xu Damao objected without waiting for Dahu to agree: "No, I'd better ask someone to buy a few tickets. Only Dahu's cotton coat has been worn for several years, and it doesn't keep warm, so it's useless to send it over. That ghost in Heihe In this place, I heard that in winter, the temperature reaches minus four or more than 50 degrees."

"Ah, it's so cold. It doesn't freeze people to death."

Xu Damao rolled his eyes at Wang Dani and said angrily: "What do you know, people stay in the house in winter, there is a kang and a fire wall in the house, it is more comfortable to live in than our house. As you said, they all froze to death. And let so many educated youth pass by.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Du Hu at the side: "Da Hu, you have been studying this for a few months, how is it? Now you can play movies alone."

"It should be possible, but my master is afraid that I will break the projector, so he never lets me play it alone."

"Well, when you guys are on vacation, follow me to the commune to show a few shows. I'll see how well you show. If it's ok, I'll ask your grandfather to talk to your leaders, and let you show movies alone in the future." Xu Damao I know, why don't you worry about breaking the equipment, or want to use their family's big tiger as free labor for him, these are all secrets in the industry, and he can't say anything, but their family is not everything I don't understand chicks.Not to mention his father, he has also been a projectionist for more than ten years, and he has never seen anything in the world.

"Okay, okay. After I get to work, I'll take time off and go to the commune with you for a few times." Duhu said excitedly. After all, no one wants to be able to do it by himself, and follow the master's ass to beat him up.Not only is the hard work all his, but he also earns less money.

"No, let's wait until you are off duty, it's not too late."


The front yard is Yanbu's house.

Before it was twelve o'clock, the children were so sleepy that they all gasped. Yan Jiecheng hurriedly told the four of them to go back to sleep. He and Yu Li stayed with Yan Bugui, the third mother, and Yan Xie Shousui.

At twelve o'clock, Yan Jiecheng lit the hung firecrackers, and then went home with Yu Li and lay down.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year the next day, Yan Jiecheng got up very early.

The first thing I did when I got up was to put the dumplings I hugged last night into the pot, and then I went out and set off a string of firecrackers.

Before the dumplings in the pot were cooked, they heard loud shouts from Yan Bugui's house.

As soon as I heard it, I knew that Yan Jiefang and his wife had returned, otherwise no one would have gone to Yan Pugui's house early in the morning to make trouble, especially today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, if outsiders come to make trouble, it would not be a feud.

So Yan Jiecheng hurriedly called Yu Li up, asked her to look at the dumplings in the pot, and went over to have a look by herself.

As soon as I arrived outside Yan Bugui's house, I saw Wu Juan and Yan Bugui confronting each other in the room, Yan Jiefang was on Wu Juan's side, and the third mother was on Yan Bugui's side.

The four of them blushed arguing, seeing Yan Jiecheng coming, they quickly let him in.

"Brother, tell me, there are dads who do things like this..." Wu Juan scolded Yan Pugui at Yan Xiecheng.Like Yan Bugui did something outrageous.

"Cough, cough, this. Go ahead, I'm still cooking dumplings at home, I have to go back and watch." After finishing speaking, Yan Xiecheng sneaked home while they weren't paying attention. He shouldn't care about this matter. No matter how much they quarreled, they broke up.

(End of this chapter)

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