The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 198 Father Xu's First Shot Failed

Chapter 198 Father Xu's First Shot Failed

"What, your family has exchanged the old Wang's house?" Liu Haizhong was still working in the rolling mill during the day, and he didn't know about Xu Damao's house change and no one told him.

"Yeah, our two families are neighbors again. Don't worry about what Da Mao did before. If there is anything wrong with him, just tell me."

Xu's father had a talkative and negotiable tone, and Liu Haizhong didn't know what else to say, he was stunned for a long time without uttering a word.

Over there, Xu Damao saw that Liu Haizhong was being held by his father, and continued to tell the workers to move bricks into the yard.

After waiting for a long time, Liu Haizhong came to his senses and pointed to the bricks and cement and asked in bewilderment: "Then what are you doing here?"

Since Xu's father said that his family has changed houses with Wang Carpenter's, then their family will not be short of houses. If they don't build a house, then why use these things.

"O'ao, what are you talking about, we are going to build a wall in the yard."

"Build a wall? What kind of wall?" Liu Haizhong asked a little dull before he could react.

"It's just to build a wall in the middle of the courtyard. Your sister-in-law and I like to be quiet when we are older. We can't rest well because of the noise in this courtyard."

Only then did Liu Haizhong realize that his family wanted to divide the backyard into two. How could this be possible? Then how would he manage the backyard in the future.So without thinking, he said:

"No, I don't agree with that."

Xiaohu standing next to him saw that Liu Haizhong disagreed with their family building a wall in the yard, so he stood up and said: "Building a wall in front of our house, what's in the way, why don't you agree, I need your consent, Did I give you face?"

Xu's father came back, and Xu Xiaohu's words were hardened, even if he had been beaten to death before, he would not dare to speak so harshly in his bangs.

"Cough, cough, old Liu, the child is young, and he speaks aggressively, don't bother with him, let's talk back if you have something to say." Xu's father pretended to be angry and slapped Xu Damao and then said to Liu Haizhong.

Yan Jiecheng felt like throwing up when he heard this, but he didn't expect Xu's father to be an old silver coin. Xiaohu is already in his teens, how young?How does this sound like Qin Huairu's lines, Qin Huairu used to say this to people.

Whether this family has discussed it or not, they just came here to get angry with Liu Haizhong, but Liu Haizhong was so out of breath when he heard Xiaohu's words, he kept covering his chest with his hand, and it took a long time before he recovered.

"Okay, okay, you wait for me, I will go to the street office to report this matter to Director Wang, what will you do when I see it."

After Liu Haizhong finished speaking, he didn't care about the neighbors around him, and was about to get on his bicycle. At this moment, the uncle, Sha Zhu, and Qin Huairu came back.

A few of them didn't buy bicycles, and they walked to and from get off work, so they came back later than the second uncle and Yan Jiecheng.

"Old Liu, what's wrong with you?" the old man stopped Liu Haizhong and asked.

He was far away just now and saw a group of people around the gate of the compound, and he didn't know what they were doing. When he got closer, he heard that Liu Haizhong was going to the street to find Director Wang, so he reached out and stopped him.

After Director Wang came to the hospital last time to handle the matter of sending educated youths to the countryside, he saw that Liu Haizhong couldn't handle the work alone, so he hired Yi Zhonghai and Yan Bugui again.

What's going on in the compound now, the three uncles will preside over it together.

"Old Yi, you came back just in time. You said that Xu Damao's family will build a wall in our backyard to divide the yard into two."

The reason why he went to the street office just now was because Yan Bugui was in a daze and didn't help him. He thought that Yan Bugui had taken advantage of Xu Damao's family, and he couldn't control Xu Damao and his family by himself, so he decided Make this bad move.

The reason why Yan Bugui didn't help Liu Haizhong was not because he took advantage of Xu Damao's family, but because he had his own Xiao Jiujiu.

Their family is the same as Xu Damao's, more than half of Yan Jiecheng's house in the front yard belongs to their family.If Xu Damao's family can do this well, then he will have much less resistance when doing it.

The old man frowned after hearing Liu Haizhong's words, before he could speak, Sha Zhu jumped out and said: "What, Xu Damao wants to build a wall in our courtyard, he is going to shake the sky."

Qin Huairu stood beside him and kept pulling at him, winking at him, Shazhu acted as if he hadn't seen it, and maybe forget about other things, he had to come out to object to the matter of Xu Damao's family no matter whether it was good or bad. It's the deadly enemy.

"Zhuzi, don't get excited. Xu Damao hasn't built the wall yet. You go back with Huairu first. I'll go talk to him."

The old man was afraid that Shazhu would get involved with Xu Damao again, so he wanted him to go back with Qin Huairu first. After all, it is different now. Ever since Wang Dani came to this courtyard, Shazhu paid for beating people several times Well, he paid for it that time. No matter how much money there is, it won't be able to withstand such spending.

After what Liu Haizhong said just now, the uncle also knew that Xu Damao took his father over, but he didn't care too much. He was the uncle of this courtyard when Xu's father was in this courtyard.

Although Xu Damao's father is not easy to mess with, he is not a vegetarian either.

The uncle watched Qin Huairu pull Silly Zhu into the middle courtyard, and then walked over: "Old Xu, we buddies haven't seen each other for more than ten years, I'll let Zhuzi cook a few dishes later, so we can have a good drink." A few cups, you won't leave when you come back this time, will you?"

If you want to say that the uncle is very skilled, he doesn't mention the matter of building the wall at all, and he comes up to reminisce about the old days. Those who don't know think that the two of them have a good relationship.

Father Xu didn't know how to pick up the grandpa's outburst. This method is wrong. Shouldn't he come up and scold himself.

"I'm not leaving, I'll live in the backyard from now on." Xu's father replied with a look of bewilderment, this kind of conversation made him a little uncomfortable, and he still prefers to face people like Liu Haizhong who are simple-minded and well-developed.

"It's fine if you don't leave. I should retire in a month or so. Then we will have a companion. We can chat and play chess if we have nothing to do."

The uncle was looking forward to it, and Xu's father was a little stunned. This is not what they imagined at the beginning. What should he do?

He and Yi Zhonghai hadn't seen each other for more than ten years, so he was a little used to chatting suddenly, and Yi Zhonghai wasn't like this when he was here before.

Yan Jiecheng watched Xu's father deflated from the side, and knew that he was at a disadvantage.

Seeing Father Xu's silence, the old man said: "Just now I heard Lao Liu say that your house is going to build a wall. I think this is a good thing. It just happened to build the wall with the middle courtyard."

"What kind of wall is built in the middle courtyard?" Xu's father said in a somewhat dull manner before he could react.

"It's the Moon Gate. Didn't you say that the two of you like to be quiet? This way the middle courtyard won't be able to disturb you."

The uncle looked at Father Xu with a smile on his face. Father Xu felt chills in his heart. He wanted to live alone, but he didn't want to block the door. How could they get out like this.

(End of this chapter)

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