The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 199 Building Walls Becomes Road Building

Chapter 199 Building Walls Becomes Road Building
The uncle looked at the silent father Xu and persuaded him: "Old Xu, if you want to live in this courtyard in the future, it's better to get along with the neighbors in harmony."

"Don't build walls with cement and sand in your house. Help our courtyard repair the road. You are making a contribution to our courtyard. Everyone still thinks well, what do you think?"

Father Xu wanted to scold the street when he heard what the old man said. You didn't spend money to buy emotional things, but you are quite generous. You used your own things to earn fame without spending a penny.

Before Xu's father could speak, Xu Damao couldn't help but speak first. : "Hey, I said, Grandpa, you always think it's so beautiful. Our family spent money to buy these things. You let our family donate them as soon as you touch your lips. Why? "

"Da Mao, what you said is wrong. I'm doing it for your family's benefit. Your parents just moved in. Doing something for the yard is good for your family."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, the uncle is not angry, anyway, whether this matter can be done, as the uncle who made this suggestion, everyone will remember him well, even if Xu Damao disagrees in the end, everyone will only say that the old Xu family no.

Of course Father Xu also understood that their family would not do well if they didn't do this. If they did it, it was because of his Yi Zhonghai's favor. If they didn't, everyone would say that their family was stingy.

This matter is causing trouble now, it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen, if I knew it would be better to wait, I shouldn't be so anxious at the beginning, or I wouldn't be led by the nose by Yi Zhonghai.

"Da Mao, stop talking. Your uncle is right. Your mother and I just moved here because we should do something for the courtyard. Besides, the road has been repaired, and it is convenient for our house to walk."

"Old Yi, so, the materials for road construction are provided by our family, but this is the cost of the workers...?"

Xu's father thought that it would be better to keep a low profile when he first moved in, and first change everyone's views on his family in the compound. As for the loss this time, don't worry, let Yi Zhonghai spit it out for himself sooner or later.

"Old Xu, you're right to think so. Don't worry, I'll figure out a solution for the labor costs. I can't let your family spend all the money." The old man smiled and said to Xu Damao and his son. As for the labor costs, he has already thought about it. , when the time comes, it will be nothing more than opening a meeting and asking everyone to donate some money, otherwise it will be shared equally among all households, which is not much anyway.

"Dad, you..."

"Da Mao, needless to say, let's do this."

When Xu's father saw that Xu Damao was about to speak, he quickly interrupted him, and kept giving him winks.Xu Damao just shut up. Although he still had some doubts in his heart, he could only ask Xu's father when he got home.

When Yan Jiecheng saw this, he called out in his heart what a good guy, the old man was an old silver coin in the yard, and even such a difficult person as Xu's father was easily handled by him.

The uncle looked around for a week and said to Yan Bugui: "Old Yan, wait a moment before you tell everyone to come to the Intermediate Court for a meeting after dinner. Old Xu has been away for more than ten years and suddenly came back. Some residents of our courtyard do not know each other. , we have to introduce. There is also the matter of road construction, and we have to let everyone thank Lao Xu."

"Should be, should be, I will go door to door to notify."

Yan Bugui turned around and entered the compound, although the idea of ​​letting Xu Damao's family take the lead did not come true, but it would be good to repair the road in the courtyard for free, he still thought that Yi Zhonghai would give the labor cost for the road repair, It can only be said that he was too naive.

Yi Zhonghai will be retiring in a month, and now he can't wait to spend every penny in half, so there's no reason to go out for no reason.

Yan Jiecheng saw that the matter was settled, and there was nothing exciting to watch, so he returned home without interest, and waited for the meeting after dinner to see what other demon moths they could make.

When she got home, Yu Li was cooking in the kitchen. Although the food she made was not as delicious as Yan Jiecheng's, she learned a lot from watching Yan Jiecheng cook for several years. The food she cooks now is much more delicious than when she was just married. .

"Dad, why are you coming back late today?" Zi Wan, who was doing homework, looked up and asked, mainly because Yan Jiecheng came back to cook late and replaced it with Yu Li.She disliked that her mother's cooking was not as delicious as her father's.

"Stayed with your grandfather and the others at the gate of the courtyard for a while." Yan Jiecheng smiled and patted Ziwan's head. He was usually on time, but today he just watched the excitement at the gate for a long time, and came back a bit late.

"Dad, why don't you go and replace my mother, I like to eat your cooking."

At this moment, Yu Li happened to be passing by with fried dishes, and when she heard what Xiao Ziwan said, she put the dishes on the table and said angrily to Xiao Ziwan, "Why, do you dislike my cooking? If you think it's not good If you eat it, don't eat it."

"No, I feel sorry for you and I'm afraid you will be tired." Xiao Ziwan quickly changed her attitude when she heard Yu Li's words, and turned into a fawning look.

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time. If I hear you complaining about me next time, I'll see if I don't deal with you." Yu Li glanced at Xiao Ziwan with a look of knowing you.

"Okay, let's eat first, you guys will do your homework after dinner." Yan Xiecheng said to the children after watching Yu Li finish the meal, and helped Yu Li take away the leftover steamed buns Serve the table with porridge.

In order for the children to come up, Yu Li said while feeding the children: "Xie Cheng, I came back from get off work today and saw an old man and an old lady coming to Xu Damao's house. Who are they?"

"Ooo, those are Xu Damao's parents. They moved out for several years when we got married, so you don't know them."

"Oh, that's Xu Damao's parents? I thought they were relatives from Wang Dani's family."

"I think Xu Damao's father is also a good person. He has a kind face and good intentions. He can change the house for a grandson who is not related by blood. I heard that Dahu's job is also taken over by Xu Damao's father."

After hearing Yu Li's words, Yan Jiecheng gave her an annoyed look and explained: "There is something wrong with your eyes. You can't just look at people on the surface, and their family Xu Damao can't have children. Tell me, he is wrong with Dahu and the others." Which one is better for whom? Didn’t he still point to Dahu and the others to build a door for his house, besides, even if the house is changed, the house still belongs to their family, and it’s even closer.”

Yu Li looked at Yan Jiecheng and said seriously: "Then you mean, Xu Damao's father is not good enough?"

"You don't believe me when I tell you now, but you'll know after a long time. You'd better hurry up and eat, and you'll have to go to the middle court for a meeting later."

Yu Li asked in confusion: "What kind of meeting is this good? What happened again?"

"Hurry up and eat, you will know when you go."

(End of this chapter)

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