The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 200 Yan Jiecheng teaches liberation to earn extra money

Chapter 200 Yan Jiecheng teaches liberation to earn extra money

While Yan Jiecheng was talking to Yu Li, he was stuffing food into his mouth, but Yu Li stopped asking after seeing Yan Jiecheng's appearance.

After eating, they handed over the tasks of washing the dishes and clearing the table to the children. Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li took the benches to the central courtyard and sat down in an empty corner.

Originally, it was enough for each household to come to a meeting like this with someone who can make up their minds, but in the past few years, there have been few meetings in the courtyard, and Yu Li also felt curious, so she followed.

Just as Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li sat down, Yan Jiefang and Wu Juan also walked over and sat down next to them.

Yan Jiefang approached Yan Jiecheng and asked in a low voice: "Brother, do you know why this meeting is held? I asked Dad just now, but Dad still didn't tell me. You said Dad is the same, it's all over, and I still remember it."

A few days ago, Yan Pugui had a quarrel with Yan Jiefang because of the house. Although Yan Jiefang had transferred the house to Yan Jiefang, Yan Pugui was still a little angry and ignored Yan Jiefang when they met.

"Won't you know what's going on when the uncle and the others come?"

"Is it about Xu Damao's father? I saw his father came to our hospital today." Although Yan Jiecheng ignored him, he still kept talking in Yan Jiecheng's ear.

"Then you know and ask, are you free?"

"Cough, cough, I just want to talk to you. You see, no one in our family cares about me except you. I look like an outsider."

"You should find the reason for this on yourself. You said that you had a conflict with your parents because of the house. When Xie Di was looking for a job, you didn't care about it. After all, she is also your sister. Even if you have no money Lend it to her, buy a small gift for the head office, it’s okay to say a few words of concern.” Yan Jiecheng complained angrily, this Yan Jiefang is really outrageous recently, living so close and only thinking about living by himself.

"Cough, cough, brother, this, this..."

Yan Jiecheng looked at Wu Juan following Yan Jiefang's eyes, and then whispered, "Is that Wu Juan? Let me tell you, why are you a man? You can't let her be a woman in charge of everything you do. What's the matter with your own opinion, you still want to break ties with all of us?"

Yan Jiefang looked at Wu Juan, seeing that she didn't pay attention to this side, then nodded and said in a low voice: "Brother, this is not possible, see what you said, am I that person? Anyway, whoever is far and who is near me I still know. However, Wu Juan is in charge of our family’s money, and my pocket is cleaner than my face. I can’t help it even if I’m thinking about my little sister, and I’m embarrassed to go there empty-handed.”

"You don't have any private money?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Jiefang suspiciously, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Yan Jiefang was a little embarrassed by Yan Xiecheng, and said with a blushing face in frustration, "Oh, it's not like you don't know, the amount of my salary is on the surface, and she collects it every time I pay it. What do you buy at home? Everything is her decision."

While talking, Yan Jiefang turned his head and looked at Yu Li again, then changed the topic and asked in a low voice: "Brother, how did you save your private money? You can teach me too, let me save some too."

"If you want to save private money, you can't count on your salary. You have to earn some extra money." Yan Xiecheng didn't expect Yan Jiefang to be so stupid. Even Shazhu knew how to save private money. Don't look at Qin Huairu's salary. Received it, but he never sent it for money, and he never broke the wine and peanuts.

Yan Jiefang was stunned for a moment: "I don't have a place to earn extra money, and I'm not like Xu Damao and silly Zhu. By the way, where do you earn extra money? Take me with you and let me earn some. "

Yan Jiecheng felt distressed, how could he take it, he was not afraid if he had the space, if he learned from him in this way of liberation, wouldn't he be discovered by others.But when Yan Jiefang asked, he had to find an excuse to evade it.

So I thought for a while and said, "Aren't you an electrician? I usually ask you to read more books. Have you read them? Will you repair some small appliances?"

"Well, I can fix an electric fan and a flashlight. I can't do anything else." Yan Jiefang blushed a little. He would read books when he was not married, but since he got married and had children, he Just never watched it.

"In this way, when you are free, write a brand for repairing electrical appliances and ride a bicycle to stroll on the street. If someone asks you, you will repair it for them, and if you can't, you will bring them back to me. But remember You can’t buy and sell, if you get caught, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

"Can this work?" Yan Jiefang asked worriedly.

"Why not? You don't do speculative things. It's like silly Zhu going to cook for others. Who do you think arrested him for this?"

Yan Jiecheng became angry when he saw Yan Jiefang's timid appearance, and he wanted to make money but was afraid.Although it is strictly controlled now, it is also targeted. This matter is not buying or selling or speculating, as long as the electrical appliances are not bought back, repaired and sold.

It’s just that if you are looking for trouble, you will throw the sign and ride your bicycle and run away. Even if you don’t run away and get caught, it’s not a big trouble. At most, you will be criticized and educated.

After all, it is impossible for any family to never hire someone. Even if there is no electrical appliance at home, then your house is leaking. If you can’t repair it, you still need to find a mason.There is also the furniture at home, it is impossible for it to last forever.

"Then I don't worry, I will go when I rest next time."

"You have to have someone on your lips. Don't tell your wife everything, or you won't be able to save your private money." Yan Jiecheng was afraid that he would start drifting away before earning money, so he reminded him.

"Don't worry, I still know about this matter, I guarantee that no one will tell, just the two of us will know." Yan Jiefang swore, he thought that Yan Jiecheng was afraid that his sister-in-law would find out if he said it, and then his brother would not Private money.

"Okay, as long as you know it, let's talk about other things later, the uncle is here."

After Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, he watched the first uncle come out of Shazhu's house, went to sit behind the table and sat on a chair, and the second uncle and Yan Bugui sat on both sides.

In the past, most of the meetings were opened by the second uncle. Today, I don't know what happened. The second uncle closed his mouth and made a gesture with the first uncle, meaning to let the first uncle come.

The uncle first looked around for a week, seeing that everyone was here, and then cleared his throat.

"The main purpose of our hospital meeting this time is to introduce Xu Damao's father. He lived in our hospital before, and he has only been away for more than ten years. Now some people in our hospital do not know each other. Let Lao Xu say hello to everyone .Come on, Old Xu, talk to the big guy."

Xu's father saw that the elder gave him a brief introduction, and then asked him to speak, without being stage frightened, he stood up and bowed to everyone first, and then said:

"Hello everyone, I am Xu Damao's father, and I will live in this courtyard from now on. We are all neighbors. I apologize for what happened to Damao in our family. If there is anything wrong with him in the future I'm sorry everyone, just tell me, and I will educate him later."

As soon as Xu's father finished speaking, no matter whether he was sincere or not, everyone slapped his hands.

"Uncle Xu, if you want me to say it, you're more open-minded. Your Xu Damao is not a thing. When you are free, you have to repair him at home."

Before everyone's applause stopped, Shazhu stood up and complained to Xu Damao directly at Xu's father, even Qin Huai couldn't hold back.

"Silly Zhu, who you say is not a thing."

"I'm talking about you, who else, look at who else in our hospital can make me say that except you." Silly Zhu gave Xu Damao a blank look, thinking that this guy has no self-knowledge at all.

(End of this chapter)

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