The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 209 Xu Damao also bought a TV

Chapter 209 Xu Damao also buys a TV (subscribe for the fourth update)

Xu Damao looked at Yan Jiecheng suspiciously, seeing that he didn't look like he was telling a lie, so he started to look at the TV again.

I thought that Yan Jiecheng’s family had it all, so I had to buy one for my own family, so that no one could compare to it. Although I couldn’t buy a [-]-inch one, I could still buy a [-]-inch one. It was just a matter of spending more industrial rolls. .

"This TV is pretty good, and I just plan to buy one too."

Yan Jiefang was taken aback when he heard that Xu Damao's family would also buy it, and then said in surprise: "Your family also bought it? It's not cheap."

Yan Jiefang didn't know the background of Xu Damao's family, and thought Xu Damao was just like him. After all, he was also a second-level electrician, and his salary was much higher than Xu Damao's, so he didn't think Xu Damao could afford such a big TV set.

Yan Jiecheng saw that Xu Damao's expression changed a little after listening to Yan Jiefang's words, so he made a relief and said, "That's for you, Xu Damao is still short of this little money, you think everyone is like you."

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Xu Damao's face brightened and he said with a smile: "Jiefang, you really can't keep up with your brother, even though my salary is not as high as yours, but believe it or not, my monthly extra money can match the two of you." monthly salary."

Xu Damao's words must have some merit. It is impossible for him to have more than 80 yuan a month despite the extra money. He said this just to save face in front of Yan Jiefang.

Although he didn't have so much extra money, he had gold bars from Lou's family.As long as the outside situation is better, once the gold bars are sold, the first and second masters will all be defeated, and he really has nothing to fear in terms of money.

"So much, why does the projectionist make so much money?" Yan Jiefang said a little dizzily, then Xu Damao is the one who earns the most money in the courtyard.

He used to think that his brother Yan Jiecheng was the one who earned the most money in the courtyard for the pension of the elder brother. After all, his brother was still the leader of the electrician team and received a monthly subsidy of a few dollars, even though he and the second elder brother belonged to the seventh grade. work, but earn a few dollars more than the second uncle.

Besides, the second uncle is about to retire soon, and his brother's salary will be twice as much as that of the second-ranked one. I didn't expect that Xu Damao would suddenly appear, and he would have so much money just for an extra money.

"Of course, you don't even look at what I do. Showing movies can only be done by educated people. Wait, I'll bring the TV back in the afternoon." Xu Damao said proudly His face was full of contempt for Yan Jiefang.After speaking, he turned around and walked out with a figure-of-eight step.

Yan Jiefang looked at Xu Damao's back, and asked Yan Jiecheng, "Brother, can he really earn so much extra money?"

"Don't listen to his bragging, he was bluffing you just now, he is at most like a fool, earning about twenty yuan a month as an extra."

Yan Jiefang was a little disappointed. He didn't expect that people who were originally thought to be inferior to him would earn more than him. "That's not a lot, much better than me."

"Don't think so much, you'd better watch TV with peace of mind, I'm going to read a book, remember to turn off the TV when I leave." After finishing speaking, Yan Jiecheng ignored Yan Jiefang, got up and went into the study, leaving Yan Jiefang alone in the living room watching tv.


After Xu Damao came back from Yan Jiecheng's house, he was absent-minded all the time. Seeing that he was in a bad state, Wang Dani asked, "What's the matter with you? Did you go to the commune to show a movie?"

"It's not about that. I can still make mistakes with my technology. I'm not thinking that Yan Xiecheng's family actually bought a TV. Although it's a second-hand TV, our family can't let him compare. You take out the money and I'll buy it." Go buy one too." Although Xu Damao still has a lot of gold bars in his hand, he will not exchange them for money unless he has to, but the money in his hand is not enough to buy a TV, so he can only ask Wang Dani for it. .

"Ah, TV series, it's not cheap. Although our family has a lot of money, Dahu and the others have all reached the age of marriage one after another, so we shouldn't save money for them to get married."

"What do you know, just for Dahu and the others, our family has to buy this TV set. Don't even think about it. Dahu and the others are looking for a partner. The woman came to see that our house has a TV set. Can you disagree with this? ?”

"Don't keep learning from others. Keep the money in your hands. If you have money, you have to buy big things. Otherwise, who knows what our family's conditions are like." Xu Damao kept persuading Wang Dani, if he didn't have enough money in his hand, he wouldn't be bothered After talking to Wang Dani here, I went straight to the department store and brought the TV back.

"This... can this work?" Wang Dani still thinks it's better to keep the money in her hands, after all, the money to buy a TV is not a small amount.

"Okay, listen to me. Anyway, Dahu has to buy it when he gets married. It's better to buy it early than late. Let's enjoy it first."

Wang Dani was moved by Xu Damao, took out 300 yuan and a bunch of industrial certificates from the cabinet, and handed them to Xu Damao.

In the afternoon, Xu Damao entered the courtyard with a TV on his bicycle.

This was the time when there were many people, and it happened to be Sunday when everyone was there, but it made Xu Damao stand out for a while.

Even Yan Bugui ran out, yelling that Xu Damao had bought the first TV set in the courtyard and that he had to treat the neighbors in the courtyard to a meal to celebrate.

"Third Lord, what you said is not right. If you want to invite, your family will invite you first." Xu Damao said with a smile while leaving Yan Xiecheng's room.

He still doesn't know about Yan Jiecheng's purchase of the TV set. He came to play chess with the first and second uncles in the middle courtyard this morning.Yan Jiefang didn't watch TV in the afternoon, so he couldn't hear the sound either.

"What do you mean? I asked you to treat me. Why do you think the house of our boss is doing? Yan Bugui looked at Yan Jiecheng's room following the lunch bar, and found nothing wrong.

"Third Master, look at the corner over there, do you see that pole? Do you think you should treat your family?" Xu Damao pointed to Yan Jiecheng's TV antenna and said to Yan Bugui with a smile.

"This... this...." Seeing the antenna, Yan Pugui was stunned, why didn't he know when this happened.

"Third Master, don't talk. I can invite you to dinner. We have to have a first-come, first-served one. As long as your boss invites you, I will definitely invite you."

"Xu Damao, this is different. My brother's one is old, but yours is new." Yan Jiefang watched Xu Damao talking for a long time, deliberately not to mention that the TV was second-hand, so he came out to expose it.

"Cough, cough, the new one and the old one are not all the same. Your brother's TV is bigger than mine. Anyway, if you want to treat guests, you have to invite your brother first. That's fine, I won't bother you, I have to Hurry back and install the TV first." Xu Damao swaggered and pushed his bicycle out of the crowd and went back to the backyard.

(End of this chapter)

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