The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 210 Yan Bugui's Miscalculation

Chapter 210 Yan Bugui's Miscalculation

Because of Yan Jiecheng's reason, Yan Pugui is not easy to stop.

"Third Lord, how about it? When will your family invite you to dinner? This is what you said just now, so you can't go back on your word."

"Yes, third master, you can't lie to all of us."

"What are you talking about? After all, he is the third master of our courtyard. If he fools everyone like this, then the position of the third master still has the face to continue."


Hearing everyone's discussion, Yan Bugui didn't know what to say, he didn't expect to lift the stone and hit his own foot, if he had known about it, he wouldn't have spoken out.

But it's too late to regret it now, so I can only wait for the night to discuss with the boss, see if the boss can pay the money, and treat the people in the compound to a meal.As for not inviting, the neighbors in the compound don't care about him for the rest of his life. Although he is thick-skinned, he doesn't dare to provoke public anger. Fortunately, Xu Damao is with him.

Yan Jiecheng was reading in the study at this time, and he didn't know that Yan Bugui had already missed him, otherwise he would have yelled MMB.

Yan Jiefang also had no choice but to deal with Yan Pugui. He calculated this and that all day long. See if something came out of the calculation.

"Okay, let's leave, I'll discuss with our boss at night to see what time is right." Yan Bugui said with a constipated face, it seems that this time at least he has to remember a paragraph It's time, if there are a hundred or so people in the compound, if they all come to eat, then there will be a hemorrhage.

"No matter what I say, the third master is grand."

"You can get it, that's not what you said just now."

"That's what I mean too."

Hearing that Yan Bugui was going to invite everyone to dinner, the people who were sneering just now suddenly changed their attitudes and started to compliment Yan Bugui.

Looking at the backs of everyone leaving, Yan Bugui also felt bitter.

"Old man, what did you say you are doing here, so you can talk too much, that's it, how many people are there in our courtyard, you have to pay for it, and your salary for several months has to be covered."

The third mother also complained to Yan Bugui with a bitter face. After all, the two of them, Yan Bugui's money is equivalent to her money. It's not good to do something with this money. The two of them don't want to eat or drink. It's easy for some money.

"Now you say what's the use of me. When I asked Xu Damao to treat you just now, you gave me a thumbs up." Yan Bugui looked at the third mother speechlessly, and his attitude changed too quickly.

"I said a few words to you are not enough. Of course I agree that I didn't suffer a loss just now, but now, this is not a small sum of money."

"Don't worry, I've made up my mind. I'll go to the boss in a while. They don't need this little money. If I fool around, they will definitely be willing to pay." Yan Bugui said confidently.

Yan Jiefang felt chills when he heard this, fearing that Yan Pugui would find him again later, he had better hide quickly.So taking advantage of Yan Bugui's couple not paying attention, he ran home quickly and closed the door, and then he was relieved, thinking that the door would not be opened until no one asked.

"What's wrong with you, is someone chasing you from behind?" Wu Juan looked outside and said to Yan Jiefang.

"Hey, don't mention it, you will know when I tell you later." Yan Jiefang found a stool and sat down to take a sip of water, and then told Wu Juan what happened just now.

After hearing this, Wu Juan said with a smile: "Hey, it really seems like your parents can do it."

"How do you say it? I hear that you are a bit gloating." Yan Jiefang said dissatisfiedly. Although his parents are like this, they can't just say that as children.Besides, Wu Juan is still a daughter-in-law, so she shouldn't.

"Why, did I say something wrong? Huh, why can't I say it if they can do it."

"I... I'm too lazy to talk to you." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng stopped talking to Wu Juan, and sat on the stool alone in a daze.

"Hmph, I'm too lazy to talk to me, don't eat my cooking." After speaking, he twisted his butt and took the rolling pin and turned to cook.


"Old man, Jiefang, I saw him here just now." The third mother quarreled with Yan Bugui, only to find that Yan Jiefang could not find anyone.

"Needless to say, he must have run away. He is the only one who is afraid of his daughter-in-law. Let's go to the boss." Speaking of Yan Jiefang, Yan Pugui's face was full of disdain. The only person in their old Yan family who was afraid of their daughter-in-law was him. , not to mention being compared with Yan Jie, but not even being compared with himself.Although the third mother is in charge of money and everything, he still has to make up his mind about anything. As far as the family status is concerned, it is definitely not blown out.

Yan Jiecheng looked puzzled at Yan Bugui and the third mother who came to visit suddenly.

"Mom and Dad, are you two watching the TV? I'll go and turn it on for you." Yan Jiecheng said as he was about to turn on the TV.

"Don't worry, this is not the main reason we came here, and it won't be too late to read after we finish talking." The third mother said first.

Well, it’s not that there is something else, Yan Jiecheng is even more puzzled, and he doesn’t know what happened outside the study just now.

"Yes, yes."

"If you have something to say, just talk about it. Why are you still hesitating? There are no outsiders here."

"Cough, cough, isn't it because you bought a TV set? It's a happy event anyway. My intention with your mother is to set up a few tables in the courtyard to celebrate."

After listening to Yan Bugui's words, Yan Jiecheng didn't believe it at all. This is not like his usual style at all. Usually, at most, Yan Jiecheng would invite his family to eat.

How did you think about the neighbors in the compound this time?Besides, the TV set he bought was not new, it was just a second-hand one, so there was nothing to celebrate.

As for those people in the courtyard, if they have money to treat them to dinner, they might as well buy a few more books to read.

He definitely couldn't agree to this matter, so he said, "Let's forget about it, it's just a TV, there's nothing worth celebrating. If Zi Wan Ziyang is admitted to university in the future, it's worth celebrating."

"Ah, how many years do you have to wait?"

"The two of you are hiding something from me, right?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Bugui and the third mom, and there was something wrong no matter what.He had sensed it since they were in the house, especially in the way they talked.

"This... this." Yan Bugui said that he is also a teacher telling lies, which is still a bit unnatural.

"Hey, let me tell you the truth. It's all your father's fault." Seeing that Yan Bugui was talking intermittently, she couldn't tell her son nonsense, so she told all about what happened outside just now. I told Yan Jiecheng about it.

Yan Jiecheng was also speechless after hearing this, but he still didn't intend to help with this matter. Although he was not short of money, he had to let Yan Pugui suffer, otherwise he would not have a long memory in the future.

"Dad, this matter has nothing to do with me. If you are reluctant to invite everyone to dinner, you might as well stop taking the position of the third master and let them say whatever they like. You won't lose a piece of meat anyway."

"Well, you can't treat everyone to a meal." Seeing Yan Xiecheng's calm expression, Yan Bugui still didn't give up and planned to fight for it. He has been the third master for more than [-] years. If this continues, he will What face is there to stay in the yard.

"This is really not going to work, so I bought a second-hand TV. If I treat the people in the courtyard to dinner, people will not treat me as Yuan Datou, and I will not get a good result after spending money. I will not do that. "

(End of this chapter)

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