The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 211 Yan Bugui's Method

Chapter 211 Yan Bugui's Way

Yan Bugui didn't get the answer he wanted from Yan Jiecheng, so he could only walk back disappointed.

After returning home, Yan Bugui sat on a chair and drank tea while sulking. Seeing the expression of the third mother who hesitated to speak, he frowned and said, "Just say what you have to say, don't make these weird expressions."

"Old man, why don't you sit in the position of the third master, it won't take advantage of it, and it will always be a disadvantage."

Yan Bugui was silent for a while and then said: "No, this person still has to take the seat. Think about it, if I step down now, who in our academy is most likely to take my position?" Pointing towards the direction of the backyard stretched his neck.

"You mean... Xu Damao's father?"

The third mother was a little surprised with her mouth open, she also thought about it now, although Xu Damao's father just moved back, as long as Yan Bugui retires, the person who is most likely to take the position of the third master is him. The courtyard did a good deed. Although he didn't do it voluntarily, everyone must remember his good deed. Anyone who openly opposes it will definitely be stabbed in the back.

"Yes, it's him. Now I suspect that Xu Damao deliberately used words to seduce me just now, just to get me into the trap." Yan Bugui sighed as he spoke. He only thought of it after he came back. It doesn't matter if it is the third master, if it is Xu Damao's father, he will definitely not be reconciled.

"This little bastard is too much, I'll go find him." The third mother gritted her teeth and said angrily, she got up and went out to the backyard to find Xu Damao.

"What are you doing? Sit down. If you go to him, will he admit it? Besides, I'm the one who said that. Even if we suffer, it can only be considered unlucky for us." Yan Bugui stepped forward and dragged the third mother back and put her on the bed. He sat down on the chair and spoke.

"Then what should we do, let's just forget it?" The third mother was a little unwilling, after all, it's not something that can be done with just one or two dollars.

"What else can we do? But don't be angry. Although our family has spent money, Xu Damao is not going well. He can say it. If our family invites him, we will invite him."

"Then what if he waits until we're done asking for it before regretting it?"

Yan Bugui smiled and replied: "Don't worry, he doesn't dare, if he repents, we don't need our family to talk, the neighbors in the compound can drown him with spitting stars, especially Shazhu, the two of them are deadly rivals. You said, Sha Zhu can give up such a good opportunity and not run on him by then."

"Then how much do you plan to spend on the treat?" Although Xu Damao was with their family, the third mother still felt distressed.

"Ten dollars."

"Is this possible?" The third mother couldn't help but look at Yan Bugui's sticking out finger. There are about a hundred people in the compound, and they only pay ten yuan, which is equivalent to about [-] yuan per person. It's only ten cents, which isn't even enough to drink a bottle of soda.

Yan Bugui gave Third Mama an angry look, and then said calmly: "According to my method, this money will never be used up."

The third mother was also very curious about the way to invite a hundred people to dinner for ten yuan, so she asked, "What way? You said it."

"The people who come here bring their own food, and our family serves vegetables. I have thought about the reasons, and I say that the quantity is not enough. For vegetables, it is potatoes and radishes, and the meat is fish."

"That's not enough, is it?"

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet. Fish, I'll go to the river to buy from fishermen, just buy small fish, it's cheap. For vegetables, there are many others in the vegetable market at night, so let's buy them. This, at least half the price."

The three mothers frowned. "It's okay to talk about the food. How do you cook such a small fish?"

"If you can't cook, then stew the soup, add more radish and cabbage, and add more salt."

"Can this work?" The third mother was a little worried. If they really did this, the people in the compound would have to read them for the rest of their lives. It would be better not to invite them.

"Hmph, they don't want to eat the free ones. It's just fine if they don't want to eat them. Let's keep the rest and feed them to the chickens. If you eat them, you can lay eggs for our family. If you eat them, you won't be able to speak well of us. "

Yan Bugui made up his mind to do this. Although he was the one to make the treat, he had the final say on what to eat. Anyway, as long as the treat was made, they had no reason to say that they didn't mean anything.He can remember the faces of those people just now, he asked Xu Damao to treat him, but he didn't just treat himself, these people are good, and they still miss him.


Yan Jiecheng read the book at home all afternoon, and took a few bites for lunch. It was almost dark before Yu Li returned home with the two children.

As soon as she entered the hospital, Yu Li heard someone say that her family had bought a TV, and she was stunned, thinking that the person had made a mistake. When she left, she didn't leave money for Yan Jiecheng. Where did he get the money to buy the TV?

After opening the door and walking into the living room, I realized that her house really has one.So with a puzzled face, he called out Yan Jiecheng who was cooking in the kitchen, pointed at the TV and started asking.

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's answer, I realized that the TV at home was second-hand, and the money had not yet been paid.

The two of them were talking, and the little boy Wan and Ziyang over there didn't care how the TV got here, they had already started to move it.

"Hey, what are you two doing?" Yan Jiecheng watched the two children moving the TV, and hurried over to stop it.

"Dad, help me move the TV to our house."

"What are you thinking about? I'm going to stay. I haven't watched it yet." Yu Li pulled Zi Wan away, then turned on the TV and started watching.

Kid Wan looked at Yan Jiecheng pitifully: "Father, you don't care about my mother, your house has a radio, and our house has nothing."

Yan Jiecheng patted Zi Wan's head: "Why don't Dad move the books in the study to your room."


"Ah what, that's the deal. Didn't you say that you have nothing in the house? Let your dad share half of the books in the study with you, don't say that mom doesn't take care of you." Yu Li made a final decision said with a smile.

"Forget it then, we don't want it anymore." Xiao Ziyang heard that his mother and father wanted to give them the books in the study room, and pulled Xiao Ziwan to leave with a face of fear. He had to read books at school and after school. Who can bear this, especially with so many books.

"Hmph, hum, I regret it now. It's late. I'll ask your dad to deliver the book to you two after dinner. You can't do without." Yu Li laughed looking at the two of them.

Yan Jiecheng didn't care when he saw this scene, he turned his head and went into the kitchen to continue cooking.

After dinner, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li took the money and handed it over to Yan Jiefang. The 300 yuan TV fee and 330% handling fee agreed at the beginning were [-] yuan in total.

(End of this chapter)

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