The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 212 The first time late

Chapter 212 Late for the First Time (Fourth Update for Subscription)
Yan Jiefang happily took the money and counted it, it was just right, and then put it directly into his pocket.

Fearing that Wu Juan would find out when she was sleeping at night, she told Yan Jiecheng, and went straight out of the hospital to the family building to find Liu Guangtian for money.

Yan Jiecheng shook his head and turned back home. The living room was already occupied by a group of children from the courtyard, and they all gathered together to watch TV at his house, especially the children in the front and middle courtyards.

Although Xu Damao also bought a TV in the backyard and moved the TV to the yard, but Xu Damao's TV is too small, knowing that Yan Xiecheng's family has a big TV, so they all came to his house.

Only the adults stayed in the backyard, but this does not include the second uncle. He and Xu Damao both had festivals. Although they were very greedy, they couldn't let it go.

This Sunday, Shazhu went to cook for others early in the morning and came back after dark. As soon as he entered the hospital, he heard the sound of Yan Xiecheng's TV and the laughter of a group of children.

So he didn't intend to go home, but turned around and opened the door to enter Yan Jiecheng's house.

Looking at the big TV on the cabinet, and a group of children in front of the TV, including his Xiaodang and Sophora japonica.

Yan Jiecheng looked at the silly Zhu who pushed the door and walked in, staring at the TV with a curious face, knowing that he was greedy.So he pointed to the TV and asked:
"How about silly Zhu, is this TV okay?"

"Well, yes, it's a toy." Silly Zhu nodded with enthusiasm.

Yan Jiecheng saw that Sha Zhu only nodded and didn't say what he wanted to buy, so he seduced: "Why, you don't plan to make one?"

"Hey, let's not talk about it, this can be researched. By the way, how much is this TV in your house?"

"Don't even think about the ones like ours, you can buy smaller ones."

"Why?" Silly Zhu was a little puzzled, how did Yan Xiecheng's family get this one if he couldn't buy it.

"The one my family bought is second-hand, and the new one is a special supply. You need a special receipt to buy it. Can you get it?" Yan Xiecheng said with a smile. He also came down, and he will not be able to take over until [-].

"Hey, let's forget it, you see, I'm going back."

After talking about Sha Zhu, he turned around and was about to go out. At this moment, Xiao Dang stood up and ran over to hold Sha Zhu, and whispered to him that Xu Damao also bought one in the backyard.She did this because she wanted Shazhu to buy it too. Although she could go to someone else's house to watch it, it was not as good as buying it at her own house. When the time came, she would watch that channel if she wanted to.

"Ah, the grandson also bought it? Didn't you say you want a special receipt?" Silly Zhu stopped and turned his head to look at Yan Jiecheng and asked.

Yan Xiecheng was speechless, this idiot only listens to half of what people say: "Didn't you hear what I said just now? You can buy small-sized ones with industrial rolls. Xu Damao bought nine-inch ones."

"Oh, so that's what happened."

"Why, do you want to buy it?" Yan Jiecheng stared at Sha Zhu, wondering if his small coffers would be able to do so. You must know that Sha Zhu bought a TV set in the TV series in [-], but this time it was several years earlier. If he doesn't have enough money, he can only borrow it from the uncle, and he will definitely not get a penny from Qin Huairu.

"I have this idea, so I can't let Xu Damao compete." It's okay if only Yan Jiecheng buys it alone, and Xu Damao will definitely not succeed. The two of them have been competing for a lifetime, and they cannot lose to him in this matter what.

"Your Qin Huairu can let you buy it? Don't you two fight over it." Yan Xiecheng looked at Shazhu suspiciously, and he was also happy to see that Shazhu also bought a TV, so the people in the courtyard You don't have to come to their house to watch TV.
"That's not possible, just wait, I'll bring the TV back tomorrow." Saying that, Shazhu left Yan Xiecheng's house, planning to go back and discuss with Qin Huairu.Xiao Dang and Huaihua also followed behind.

"Why, you two don't watch it?" Silly Zhu looked at the two girls and asked.

"Silly Dad, does our family really want to buy a TV? I don't think my mother will agree." Huaihua said in frustration while taking the satchel from Sha Zhu's body.

"Why, you two want a TV?"

"Of course, this is a TV. Our family will have one of these. I will bring my classmates to my house in the future. How face-saving will I be?" Xiao Dang said while pulling the silly pillar until it shook.

"Okay, then let's buy it at home."

"But silly dad, where did you get the money? If you point it at my mother, I don't think you will even think about it." Xiao Dang said a little disappointed, she knew that her mother would definitely not pay,

"Hey, don't worry about it, Shanren has his own tricks, just wait and see, this silly dad will definitely not let you two cry for nothing."

Hearing Xiao Dang's words, Silly Zhu thought about it for a while, it's better not to tell Qin Huairu about this, and talk about it after buying it, if you don't have enough money, ask the old man to borrow some money, anyway, the old man can't spend all the money he keeps .Besides, it's not like he didn't repay the money he borrowed, and even the old man can watch the TV.


The children watched TV in Yan Jiecheng's house until ten o'clock, and this was because there were no programs on the TV.

That's right, TV broadcasts in this era also have a time limit, and basically they will stop broadcasting at ten o'clock.It is different from the future generations, which are continuous 24 hours a day.

That's because there are advertising fees, but they don't exist now. Every TV station is losing money and has to be heavily subsidized by the state or local governments every year.

After Xiao Ziwan and Xiao Ziyang took Ziqing and Xiao Ziming out of the door reluctantly, Yan Xiecheng closed the door before sleeping with Yu Li.

It was almost eight o'clock when I woke up the next morning, and I didn't have time to make breakfast.Ask Yu Li to give the two children one yuan and food stamps, and let them go to the street to buy fried dough sticks.

"By the way, Yu Li, remember to go to the factory and ask about the batch of cloth." Yan Xiecheng instructed Yu Li while tidying up his own hygiene, lest she forget.

"Understood, I won't tell you anymore, Xie Di is still waiting for me at the door." After speaking, Yu Li picked up her satchel and went out without looking back.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Yu Li's back and sighed. It seems that he can't watch TV so late in the future. He was used to going to bed early, but he is really not used to going to bed so late. He almost made him late.

Yan Jiefang didn't know how to call this bastard when he was leaving. Yan Jiecheng finished complaining, went out and rode his bicycle straight to the factory.

When I went to the office door and looked at my watch, I was 10 minutes late.

"Team leader, were you tired last night? It seems that you need to exercise more. Your body just can't bear it when you get older. You have never been late before."

Seeing Yan Jiecheng push the door and walk in, Xiao Hu at the door couldn't help jokingly said.

"Stay there, be careful I'll put on small shoes for you." Yan Jiecheng blushed and walked to the seat and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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