The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 216 Going to the Textile Factory

Chapter 216 Going to the Textile Factory
The old man's face darkened instantly when he heard Sha Zhu's words, and he never thought that Sha Zhu's reaction would be so great after just a little probing.

"Zhuzi, how can you talk to the uncle like that, why don't you hurry up and apologize to the uncle."

Qin Huairu saw that the old man's face had changed, so he quickly pulled Sha Zhu to ask him to apologize to the old man.

Others may not know, but she doesn't know, the family has made a lot of money for the old man's pension, not to mention the old man's monthly pension of 80 yuan, just wait until the old man is sent away. The house is theirs.

She has also calculated with Jia Zhang in private, if the old man's deposit is left to the stick, that stick will never worry about money in his life.

If others know about this, they won't rush to give the old man a pension.

After hearing Qin Huairu's words, Sha Zhu said with red eyes and a little excitement: "You still asked me to apologize to him, what did I say wrong? Isn't he just asking me to be the second uncle's cheap son by doing this?"

Hearing what Shazhu said about him, the old man wanted to throw his hands away and leave directly, but after thinking about it, if he just left like this, wouldn't all the investment in their family over the years be in vain.

So whether to leave or not to leave, just to stare blankly at Silly Zhu.

Xiaodang and Huaihua heard the quarrel coming from Shazhu's room in the room, and they wanted to come out to have a look, but they were stopped by Jia Zhang.

Qin Huairu looked at the uncle and silly Zhu, she didn't know who to persuade.Now that Shazhu is in a fit of anger, if she persuades him to bow his head, there will be trouble, and Shazhu will really turn against her.

So he winked at the old man, meaning to let the old man bow his head and admit his mistake first, and give Sha Zhu a step down, otherwise he would stay so stiff, and the matter of supporting the old man would be ruined.

Seeing Qin Huairu winking at him, the uncle bowed his head at Shazhu with a bitter face and said in a low voice:

"Zhuzi, this matter is due to the first uncle's lack of consideration. I apologize to you. I will take care of the second uncle's matter. I will definitely not leave you to cause trouble."

Silly Zhu saw that the old man was convinced and gave himself the steps, and he didn't want to get too stiff with the old man.So he said: "Master, don't blame me for speaking bluntly. Liu Haizhong is different from you. It's not like their family has no sons. We don't have to worry about the care of the elderly."

"My own father didn't let me take care of the elderly. If I rushed to support others, what would I do? You can also understand me."

"It's because I didn't think carefully, don't worry, I'll play chess when I'm too busy in the future, and I won't get involved in other things."

The uncle walked out of Shazhu's room a little lonely after he finished speaking. He had been in charge of affairs in the courtyard all his life, and when he was about to be beaten up by Shazhu, it was either his own birth or he couldn't do it, otherwise he dared to talk to himself like this Speaking, he had already slapped him with a big mouth.

But it is too late to regret it now, the price paid on their family is too great.

When the uncle left, Silly Zhu took out a bottle of wine and a plate of peanuts from the cabinet like a normal person. He had to celebrate his first victory against the uncle today.

I have to say that Shazhu's brain circuit is really strange, Qin Huairu was stunned watching it, didn't he get angry just now, why did the uncle drink wine as soon as he left, it was still late at night.

"Sister Qin, don't be dazed, sit down and have a drink with me." Silly Zhu greeted Qin Huairu while picking up the wine bottle and poured himself a glass.

Qin Huairu was dumbfounded by this coquettish operation. "Zhuzi, were you angry just now...?"

"Hey, you don't understand this, I'm just pretending, I can really compete with the uncle. The main thing is to order the uncle, let him know how much he is, so that he can be free Make trouble for us." Silly Zhu said to Qin Huairu while picking up a peanut and throwing it into his mouth.

"Ah! I really have you. I was taken aback by you just now." Qin Huairu angrily punched Shazhu. He really thought that he was going to turn against the uncle just now when he looked at Shazhu.

"Okay, don't mention the uncle, sit down and drink with me quickly." After speaking, Sha Zhu pulled Qin Huairu into his arms, and the two drank one by one.

Until he finished drinking a bottle of wine, Sha Zhu picked up Qin Huairu and threw him directly on the bed, and then a tiger pounced on him. Although he couldn't have a baby, he still had to be happy.


the next morning.

Yan Jiecheng got up early to wake up Yu Li to cook, then went out to contact the cart, and later followed Yu Li to their factory to bring Bra back.

When she came back, Yu Li had already put the food on the table, and the two children washed up and sat on the edge of the table.

"Dad, what did you do, it's early in the morning." Xiao Ziwan asked Yan Jiecheng while eating with chopsticks.

"Eat your meal, where do you talk so much?" Yu Li was afraid that the child would know before she could speak, so she picked up the chopsticks and hit Ziwan on the head to make her stop talking.

"You can't ask." The boy pouted dissatisfiedly.

"No, hurry up and eat, and go to school with your grandfather after dinner. Let me tell you two, if you don't do well in the final exam this semester, come back and see how I deal with you."

As soon as Xiao Ziwan heard about the exam, she kept her head down and ate without saying a word.

Xiao Ziyang stuck out his tongue, it wasn't that the two of them didn't study well, it was that his mother was too demanding, and what his mother said was that if he did well in the exam, he would be in the top three of the grade.Although his grandpa did not miss them to make up lessons when they were young, they skipped a grade when they were in school.

After dinner, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li rode bicycles out of the compound and went straight to the textile factory after sending the two children away.

The cart master can go by himself, there is no need for Yan Xiecheng to follow, anyway, the people who live in the textile factory know each other and are not afraid of them going the wrong way.

When I came to the textile factory, it was the peak period of official work, and all the people at the factory gate were lesbians.

"Yan Jiecheng, pay attention, where are your eyes looking?" Yu Li said slightly angrily as she looked at Yan Jiecheng who was looking around.

Yan Jiecheng was speechless: "I can't just stare at the ground. Others will think I'm picking up money when they see it."

"Then hurry up." After speaking, Yu Li took the lead and rang the bell all the way into the factory, and went straight to the finance department.

There are a total of 520 pieces of cloth with defects in the warehouse. Originally, if the cloth was good, the ex-factory price should be 600 yuan a piece, but after all, these cloths have some defects and are much cheaper. A piece of cloth costs [-] yuan, a total of [-] Yuan.

After opening the bill, Yu Li opened the bag she was carrying and handed the money to the cashier, then led Yan Jiecheng to the warehouse.

Yan Jiecheng looked at the pile of cloth in front of him, and was really shocked.

"Okay, you wait here for the cart, I have to go to work." After finishing speaking, Yu Li went directly to the workshop, leaving Yan Xiecheng alone in the warehouse.

 It's gone today, let's fight again tomorrow


(End of this chapter)

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