The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 217 Entering the Ghost City for the Last Time

Chapter 217 Entering the Ghost Market for the Last Time
Yan Jiecheng looked at the whole warehouse by himself and couldn't help being a little excited, but he still endured it.

Even if you steal some cloth and put it in the space, others won't be able to find it, but here you are alone, and you will definitely have to find yourself. Even if there is no evidence, some things don't need evidence now, just doubting you is enough.

He didn't dare to make fun of his own life, so let's stay honest.

After a while, the three scooters that Yan Xiecheng was looking for rode over.

"I'm sorry, there are too many people and we can't squeeze in." The master who took the lead was talking to Yan Jiecheng.

"It's okay, I just arrived too, let's hurry up and load things into the car, these are all." Yan Xiecheng pointed to a pile of cloth and said to several people.

After loading the car and covering it with the straw curtains he brought, Yan Xiecheng went to the small room next to him and talked to the worker in charge of the warehouse, then rode on the back of his bicycle and brought three carts to Zuojiazhuang.

When he got to a deserted place on the way, Yan Jiecheng asked them to stop, unloaded the cloth to the side of the road and sent them away after paying the money.

The few people were quite happy, and the work was only half done, but the money was not missing from them.

Yan Jiecheng saw the people walking away, and put the cloth on the ground into the space, leaving only two pieces of cloth on the rear frame.

Continue to go to Zuojiazhuang by bicycle, and it is almost noon when we arrive at Zuojiazhuang.

Uncle Biao didn't expect that Yan Jiecheng would come over at noon, and he was a little surprised, so he quickly opened the door and let Yan Jiecheng treat him in.

"Xie Cheng, what's the matter with you here?"

"Oh, I got a batch of cloth with some defects, and I came here to ask if you want it."

As he spoke, Yan Jiecheng took off the cloth from the rear seat and handed it to his cousin.

"Our family can't use up so much." The uncle took the two pieces of cloth that Yan Jiecheng handed over and said in a daze.

"It's not all for your family, let's go into the house and talk about it." After speaking, Yan Xiecheng dragged his cousin into the house.

In fact, not all of these cloths were given to their village. Yan Xiecheng came here mainly to see how much his village wanted, and the remaining cloth plus two yuan was taken to the ghost market for a short while.

After entering the house, Yan Jiecheng told his cousin the purpose of his visit, and then asked him to take the cloth to the old captain and ask how much the village could ask for.

After more than half an hour, the uncle came back with a happy face.

"How about cousin, how much do you want in the village?"

"The village needs seventy bolts of cloth. The old captain said to exchange jujubes for you with watermelons, but they are small, and the big ones have to be handed in as tasks. We dare not keep them privately."

"It's okay, let's just keep it small. I'll send it to you at night, and you just ask the old captain to prepare the things."

After clarifying the matter, Yan Jiecheng didn't plan to stay here any longer, he had to go back quickly and deal with the rest of the cloth, otherwise he couldn't get the money back at night and couldn't explain to Yu Li.

So I said a few words to my cousin, shied away from keeping him for lunch, got on my bicycle, left the yard and headed straight for the city.

Back in the city, I found a small restaurant to fill my stomach, and then rode a bicycle to Chaoyangmen.

He definitely can't sell so much cloth by himself, or when will he sell it.

So Yan Jiecheng wanted to find a few dealers who specialize in distributing supplies and dispose of this batch of cloth to them.

Although he can earn more if he sells it himself, he still has to go to work, and he doesn't have the time. Although he earns less if he sells it to the dealer, the payment is quick and safe.

When I came to the ghost city, I found a place where no one was around to put away the bicycle. It was still dark and there were not many people in the black ghost city.

Yan Jiecheng walked around and saw an acquaintance who often sold tickets to him. That person was a dealer in the ghost market who specialized in bills, and occasionally also dumped some supplies.

Because Chang Hei knows everyone calls him Heizi, anyway, no one here dares to use his real name, and no one wants to be reported for a bad thing.

Yan Jiecheng walked over and patted him on the shoulder. "Heizi, why did you come out so early today?"

Heizi was startled by Yan Jiecheng's actions. He turned his head and saw that it was Yan Jiecheng who was relieved, and said angrily, "Boss, you will scare people to death like this."

Yan Jiecheng often buys tickets with him here, and they are quite familiar, but he doesn't know what Yan Jiecheng's name is, and he can't ask, so he calls Yan Jiecheng the boss.

"Hehe, just kidding."

"You'd better stop joking. My calves are still trembling. Tell me, it's easy for me to earn some money." Heizi rolled his eyes at Yan Jiecheng while talking.

"Stop complaining, do you want to accept a big business order?" Yan Jiecheng whispered in Heizi's ear.

"What big business?" Heizi was a little dazed. Yan Jiecheng used to buy some tickets with him, and the most expensive one was more than ten yuan. .

"Four hundred bolts of cloth."

"How much?" Heizi opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief, even the tone of his speech became louder unconsciously.

"Keep your voice down." Yan Jiecheng watched the people next to him look at them, quickly covered Heizi's mouth, and dragged him to a secluded place.

"Slow down, slow down, I said boss, don't joke with me, I have a bad heart, don't scare me."

"I'm not joking with you. This batch of cloth is a bit flawed. Of course, it must be cheaper than other supply and marketing cooperatives, and there is no ticket."

"Flaws, doesn't that affect the making of clothes?"

"There is still some impact, but not too much. The corners are a little loose. When making clothes, you have to sew a few more stitches with needle and thread."

"That's okay, how much is a horse?" Heizi is most concerned about the price, even if it is defective, it is expensive, but it is not easy to sell.

Yan Jiecheng gestured at Heizi.

"Seven yuan, the price is reasonable. But I don't have that much money now, why don't you wait for me for a while, and I'll find someone to borrow it?"

"Okay, but you can only come by yourself. Later, we will do business in the broken house on the east side." Yan Xiecheng was mainly afraid that many people who came would be recognized. Although he wore a black scarf on his face, his figure It's still easy to remember. If someone in the factory might recognize it, it's better to be careful.

After Heizi left, Yan Jiecheng came to the broken house ahead of time to look at the terrain.

After a while, he will trade with Heizi outside the house, and when the money is in hand, he will release the things from the space and put them directly in the room.Leave a piece of cloth outside, and let Heizi see the goods later.

Ready, Yan Jiecheng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one for himself.

The reason why he dumped this batch of cloth was to make a quick buck.In two more years, it will be in [-], and he will definitely go to sea by then. This is not possible without money. Although the couple earn a lot every month, they still spend a lot of money. Up to now, they have not yet saved money. many.

(End of this chapter)

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