The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 221 Liu Guangfu Zhang is here

Chapter 221 Liu Guangfu is Back
A few months have passed since the last time my uncle invited them to dinner, and now it is October of [-].

The second uncle also reached the age of retirement, so he wrote a letter to Liu Guangfu who was far away in the northeast, asking him to come back to take over.

For this matter, I even asked the factory to issue a certificate, otherwise the commune would not let people go, who knows if what he said is true or not.

Although Liu Guangfu said that going to the countryside to become an educated youth was voluntary, he regretted it when he arrived. This is not a place for people to stay. Although he also works at home, it is completely different compared with this.

He wanted to be a teacher like Yan Jiekuang, but he didn't have enough knowledge in his head.

I can only follow Banggen and Erhu to work in the field. I am exhausted every day, and I can’t earn a few centimeters. At first, the three of them can support each other, but after a long time, Banggen and Erhu see Liu Guangfu can’t help them much. , directly kicked him away.

Although they are not as good as Liu Guangfu in their work, they can't stand the support of their family members and send money to them every month, so they live a good life.

In the end, only Guangfu was left alone. He wanted money but no money and no one, so he could only work hard by himself.

After receiving the letter from the second uncle, the whole person was so excited that he took the letter and went directly to Bang Geng and Er Hu, and slapped the letter in front of the two of them. Liu Guangfu was the first one to go back in the group.

With red eyes, he was about to snatch the letter and tear it up. Liu Guangfu would definitely not let him succeed. He kicked the stick to the ground and beat him violently when he went up. help.

After spitting, he spit on the stick's face, picked up the letter and happily went to the village branch, and asked the village to issue a letter of introduction for him. Otherwise, without the letter of introduction, he would not even be able to make a train. It is more than 2000 kilometers away from Beijing. He was exhausted and he couldn't go back.

After opening the letter of introduction, he packed his things and said goodbye to Yan Jiekuang before leaving. What he regretted the most was that he didn't stay firmly by Yan Jiekuang's side when he first came, but chose to be with Banggen and Erhu.

These two people are not human, they are too useless, seeing that he has no use value, they don't even pay attention to him, no outsider treats him well.

When he was in trouble, Brother Qiang, who still had a conflict with the stick on the train, offered him a helping hand.

Anyway, he was leaving, and he could have a job when he returned to Beijing, so he left all his things, half to Brother Qiang and half to Yan Jiekuang, thanking Yan Jiekuang for taking care of him on the train.

Liu Guangfu waved at Brother Qiang and Yan Jiekuang who came to see him off, and stepped into the carriage, feeling a little emotional in his heart. After all, he had lived here for a year, and he felt a little bit reluctant to leave suddenly, but let him stay. When he comes down, he will definitely not do it. Compared with here, life in Beijing is like being in heaven.


Yan Jie came home from work this day by bicycle as usual, and when he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he saw a tall, dark man walking into the courtyard with a small bag on his back.

Yan Jiecheng didn't recognize him and went to look at the man again.

"Brother Cheng, I, Guangfu, don't you know me?" Liu Guangfu said aloud as he watched Yan Jiecheng look him up and down.

"Hey, you've changed so much in a year, I almost didn't recognize it."

Yan Jiecheng was a little surprised. Those who didn't know thought that Liu Guangfu had gone to the black coal mine. Not only did his skin turn black, but his clothes also smelled like they hadn't been washed for several days.

Liu Guangfu was also a little embarrassed. He is a big man who has to work in the fields every day, so he has no time to tidy up. This suit is the cleanest among all his clothes.

"Don't be dazed, go back quickly, the second uncle is still waiting for you at home, you don't know, the second aunt bought the meat two days ago in order to clean up the wind and dust for you, that is, the temperature is low now, so put it in Summer already stinks."

Yan Jiecheng didn't lie, the second aunt really prepared a table of dishes for Liu Guangfu.

Today is different from the past. In the past, the two elders thought that the eldest was filial, but in the past few years, they have gradually discovered that since they got married, Liu Guangqi is not willing to associate with the family unless there is something to do.

In the past, I could use the inconvenience of being far away as an excuse, but after I transferred back, the distance was only about a hundred kilometers away. Let alone other times, it is unreasonable not to come back to visit them during the Chinese New Year.

The second aunt saw that the eldest could not be counted on, and the second child also separated from the family, leaving only the youngest son, so she couldn't treat Guangfu like before.

If Guangfu also broke ties with his family, then they would really have no one to take care of them in the future.

Since the first uncle had a talk with the second uncle last time, the second uncle also thought about it, whether the older son is not the older son, the most important thing is to provide for the elderly.

So I also planned to turn over a new leaf and start a new life, and spent a lot of money to buy a house in the backyard for Guangfu to marry.

Now there are only three families left in the backyard, Xu Damao's family, the second uncle's family and Lao Li's family.

Originally, the second uncle wanted to buy Lao Li's house as well, so he didn't have to worry about Xu Damao building a wall in the courtyard in the future, it happened to be half of their family in the backyard.

The second uncle had a good idea, but Mrs. Li would not sell the house. If she wanted the house, she would give it to her granddaughter Li Nuan.If this is sold, her granddaughter will have no place to live when she comes back.

No way, the second uncle can only suspend this idea and talk about it later, anyway, as long as there is a third household in the backyard, he will not let Xu Damao build a wall in the yard.

Yan Jiecheng followed Liu Guangfu into the hospital on his bicycle.

When the people in the courtyard saw the stranger coming, they all surrounded him.

"Don't look, this is Guangfu." Yan Jiecheng introduced to everyone.

"Hiss... This blessing has changed too much. When it left, it was still white and clean. It's only been a year since it was created."

"Who says it's not, or it's better to be in the city, who wants to go to the countryside if there's nothing to do. It's just that Guangfu was stupid at the beginning. He didn't need to go, so he had to run over to sign up."

Hearing this, Liu Guangfu on the side was a little embarrassed. He didn't think so much at the beginning, he was a little young and energetic, and thought it was nothing more than that. Only then did he realize that this horse riding man was not at all what he thought.Rice, white noodles, and pork have nothing to do with him. If you want to eat, you have to work, or you have to work to your death.

Yan Jiecheng saw that everyone had no intention of leaving, so he persuaded: "Okay, let's go, everyone, Guangfu is still waiting to go home, if there is anything else, we can talk about it another day."

Liu Guangfu glanced at Yan Jiecheng gratefully: "By the way, Brother Cheng, I still have the letter that Xie Kuang asked me to bring back to you." As he spoke, Liu Guangfu opened the bag and took out a small package, handed it to Yan Jiecheng, and then walked across the crowd and returned directly. home.

(End of this chapter)

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