The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 222 Arrangement of work for Liu Guangfu

Chapter 222 Arrangement of work for Liu Guangfu
When he came to the backyard and looked at the door of the house he had been away for a long time, Liu Guangfu hesitated and didn't know which foot to step in.

The second aunt saw Liu Guangfu standing outside through the window in the house, got up and rushed out, hugged Liu Guangfu while crying happily, and patted his back vigorously with both hands.

Liu Guangfu was stunned and didn't know what to do. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. The last time he saw it was when his brother came back from the third line for the New Year.

"Okay, hurry up and go into the house, and let others see whether you are ashamed or not."

At this time, the second uncle came back from the middle courtyard, and scolded the second aunt and Liu Guangfu with a straight face.He was used to being cruel to Guangfu Guangtian before, although he had agreed with the second aunt that he would change his temper, but he was still not used to it for a while.

Liu Guangfu trembled when he heard the second uncle's voice. Although he hadn't seen him for a year, the majesty of the second uncle has always been imprinted in his mind.

"All right, Guangfu, let's go into the house. Your dad and I have bought the vegetables ahead of time knowing that you are coming back today. You can eat more later." After speaking, the second aunt led Liu Guangfu into the house and let him He sat down at the dinner table and poured him another glass of water.

Liu Guangfu took the glass and looked at the house while drinking water. After more than a year, the house still didn't seem to have changed at all, not at all. The TV on the cabinet was not there when he left.

"Mom, this... Is the TV from our family?" Liu Guangfu pointed at the TV and asked the second aunt in surprise. , Even on the street, he has never heard of anyone buying this thing.

"Of course it belongs to our family. You don't know. Now there are five TV sets in our hospital. This is the fourth one in our house. Your dad and I bought one after seeing that everyone else bought it. If you like to watch it, Move to your room after dinner."

The second aunt laughed when she mentioned this. In order to win over Liu Guangfu, the couple spent a lot of money, not only buying him a house, but also planning to give him the newly bought TV.

Although the second uncle wanted to stop it, he endured it when he thought that Liu Guangfu had just returned and now it was time for their father and son to improve their relationship.

"By the way, mom, where do I live at night? Is it still the original hut?" Liu Guangfu got up and went to the hut to see if there was any change in the place where he lived a year ago.

The second aunt quickly grabbed him.

"I can't live in the hut anymore. Our family bought the room next to Lao Li's house a few days ago, and you will live in that house from now on."

"Ah... this..."

Liu Guangfu was a little flattered, the treatment was so good that he was a little uncomfortable.He has just come back, his parents own the TV and the house, and the work that was mentioned in the letter before, all of which made him feel like he was dreaming, so he couldn't help but look at the second aunt a few more times.

"Don't be dazed. Sit down and eat quickly. I'll take you there to have a look when you're full. If there's anything you need, I'll buy it for you." He picks up vegetables.

Liu Guangfu sat on the train for two days, and he didn't eat well on the train. Seeing so many dishes, his stomach couldn't help but growl, and he couldn't help but vomit when he picked up the chopsticks.

The second aunt was watching from the side. Although the second uncle wanted to reprimand him, he was immediately stopped by the second aunt.

More than half of the dishes on the table went into Liu Guangfu's stomach, and the second uncle and the second aunt didn't eat much.

After eating, Liu Guangfu couldn't help hiccupping. It was the first time in a year that he ate so comfortably.

"Okay, you're full too, let me tell you about work." The second uncle said to Liu Guangfu with a serious face.

Liu Guangfu was taken aback for a moment, thinking that there was something wrong with his work. "Dad, why don't you take over your shift? Why, the factory doesn't agree?"

The second uncle was a little dissatisfied with Liu Guangfu interrupting him, but he just came back, so he couldn't say anything.So I just went on to say:

"How can I say that your father and I have worked in the factory for more than 20 years, and Director Li is still my old superior, so how could he disagree.

I feel that the position of blacksmith is too tiring and not suitable for you.There is an electrician position in the factory, I will pay you some money to change it for you, anyway, you are a novice when you go, and you have to learn everything from scratch. "

Liu Guangfu didn't expect that such a good thing was waiting for him. Although he had never been in the factory, he knew from the old Yan's brothers in the yard that this job must be easier than that of a blacksmith.

Moreover, his brother and Yan Jiecheng were still brothers-in-law, and the two of them were somewhat related. Even if Yan Jiecheng didn't take care of him, it was impossible for him to trip him up.

"I originally wanted you to learn how to play movies, but your father had a feud with Xu Damao, and Xu Damao is the only movie projectionist in the rolling mill. If you go, he won't teach you." The second aunt still didn't forget to watch He glanced at the second uncle and blamed him for the trouble he caused the family.

"Why are you talking about this? I think electricians are good. The job is easy and the salary is not bad. Besides, Xu Damao didn't provoke me first, and you agreed with me to take revenge on him. Seeing me come down, you are talking sarcastic again here .” The second uncle said with some dissatisfaction.

Seeing that his parents were about to quarrel again, Liu Guangfu quickly stood up and persuaded him, "Stop arguing, Mom, and take me to see our newly bought house."

Although Liu Guangfu is a pity, there is nothing to do about it. Their family has been with Xu Damao for several years, and he was also involved in this matter at the beginning.

The second aunt also knew that this would not work, she was just a little bit greedy for the souvenirs that Xu Damao brought back every time he went to the commune to show movies, which could not be bought even if he had money.

So he got up and took Liu Guangfu to the newly bought house. This house is the eastmost one among the five upside-down houses. It is the closest to their house. Open the door and walk two steps.

The size of the house was about the same as that of Yan Jiefang's, about twenty square meters. There was a double bed, a wardrobe, a desk, and several chairs, all of which were newly bought.

The second aunt walked over, opened the closet, took out a new quilt, put it on the bed, and took out a new set of clothes, all of which were prepared for Guangfu in advance.

"Guangfu, you get up early tomorrow morning, and go directly to the factory with Yan Xiecheng in the front yard to complete the entry procedures."

"Understood, Mom." Liu Guangfu responded, looking around the room.

"I'm tired after riding in the car for two days. Why don't you go to bed first, and we'll talk about it tomorrow if you have anything to do."

"Yeah, by the way, Mom, let's move the TV here too. I haven't seen this since I've grown up." Liu Guangfu wanted to take the TV here as soon as his parents were easy to talk, or wait for the two of them to talk together in the future. Kouzi repented, and it was too late for him to regret.

(End of this chapter)

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