Chapter 225 Year [-]
Yan Jiecheng pushed his bicycle out of the courtyard. As soon as he got on the bicycle, he saw the stick walking towards him.

"Uncle Xie Cheng, get out."

"Yeah, stick, haven't the work arranged by the street office come down yet?"

"No, there are too many educated youths coming back now, and I don't know how long the queue will be."

"I'll give you a trick. For this matter, you have to find someone to be your grandfather. Given the relationship between the uncle and the street, it's not easy to arrange a job for you. All right, I have something to do and I'll leave first .”

After Yan Jiecheng finished speaking, he rode a bicycle and disappeared at the gate of the courtyard.

Bang Geng looked at Yan Jiecheng's back, thought for a while, really, how long will it take to do this, anyone who is not related now, hurry up and find a relationship.

His stupid father and godfather are the only ones in their family who are capable. His mother is an ordinary first-class worker and doesn't know any leaders.

I heard from his mother that Shazhu knew someone, and they had a good relationship.

But a few days ago, Shazhu used his connections to help Xiaodang find a job as a teacher, and he hadn't come back at that time.

Now it is safer to find a big man. After all, the big man has helped the street manage the compound for more than 20 years, so he still has some face.

Thinking of this, he didn't intend to wait any longer, so he hurried back to the middle court to find the uncle, and settled the work first.

The educated youths who went to the countryside with him at the beginning of their hospital, except for him, now have jobs, and he can't do it if he doesn't worry.


Yan Jiecheng bid farewell to the stick, and came to the post office to post the package to Yan Jiekuang.

The package contained some high school review materials. When they returned to the city this time, their group of educated youths, except Yan Jiekuang and Li Nuan, all returned.

It's not that they don't want to come back, but they are afraid, but the two have been secretly married since [-], and now their children are over one year old.

When the old Li family found out, they lost their temper a lot, which meant they were far away, otherwise they would have to go there and beat Yan Jiekuang.

Up to now, the two of them who were scared did not dare to come back.

Yan Jiecheng knew that there was still a year to go before the college entrance examination, so he found a lot of materials and sent them to the two.

If the two of them can be admitted to university, it is estimated that Lao Li's family will be able to calm down.

After all, the country is short of talents now, college graduates are cadres, and Li Nuan is not the only daughter in their family, so they have to think about their son.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

Back in the courtyard, Yan Xiecheng had just parked the car when Ziwan came out.

"I sent something to your uncle."

"Ah, why didn't you tell me when you sent something to my uncle. I also want to send some toys to my little sister." Xiao Ziwan said regretfully.

Yan Jiecheng smiled: "Little Yun is just over one year old, and he can't even walk steadily. She can't play with your toys, so you can play with them by yourself."

"Dad, I'll discuss something with you." Kid Wan said in a low voice to Yan Xiecheng in a mysterious way.

"What's the matter?" Yan Jiecheng asked curiously, wondering what this ghost girl was up to.

"Can you tell my mother to give me her bicycle."

"You'd better tell your mother yourself, I don't care about that. Besides, your mother gave you the car, how can she go to work?"

"You are buying a new one for my mother, our family is not short of money."

This is true, these two bicycles have been ridden for more than ten years, and it is time to change them.

"Okay, when I buy a new one tomorrow, I'll give you the two old ones. I'm satisfied now."

When Ziwan heard Yan Jiecheng's reply, she excitedly touched the host Yan Jiecheng's waist: "Dad, I just know that you are the best to me in our family."

"Cough, cough, don't let your mother hear this. If she hears, you will be in bad luck."

"Why can't I hear you? What the hell are you two doing?" At this moment, Yu Li came out of the room and asked Yan Jiecheng curiously.

"Let's talk about Fatty again. My Aunt Jingru bought him a bicycle, and he rode it to school today."

"Oh, you want me to buy you a bicycle too, don't you? I said you two have been muttering at the door for a long time and won't come in." Yu Li had the original expression.

"No, you don't need to buy a new one, just give me the old one."

"What do I use for you? You want my mother to walk to work." Yu Li gave Ziwan an angry look.

"Dad said to buy you a new one."

"It sounds good, but I don't pay for it." Yu Li said a little speechlessly.

"Mom, there is no such thing as you. My dad didn't earn your money. Besides, I did it for your own good. I have ridden this bike for more than ten years. How can a new bike be comfortable to ride? Are you right?" Xiao Ziwan shook Yu Li's arm vigorously and said.

"Okay, okay, don't shake it, I will give it to you, but there is one condition, this year's final exam must be in the top three."


"It's fine if you don't agree." After saying that, Yu Li was about to go back to the house.

Kid Wan hurriedly stopped her: "Why are you in a hurry, I didn't say I disagree."

"That's what you said. If the two of you fail to pass the test, I will have to take this bicycle back."

Yan Jiecheng saw Ziwan looking at him, and shrugged his shoulders to express his helplessness.

"Okay, let's go in and eat." Yu Li took the lead into the house after speaking.

"Father, you are too afraid of my mother. You still call my second uncle. I think you are as good as him." Kid Wan looked at Yan Jiecheng with disdain, and then followed into the room.

Yan Jiecheng was a little speechless, this brat had to clean up.


Silly Zhu family in the middle school.

After listening to Yan Jiecheng's words at the gate of the courtyard just now, Bang Gan went to find the uncle when he entered the middle courtyard.

The uncle took a stick to the street office to find Director Wang.

But Director Ren Wang can't do anything about it. She can't make it out after all the work indicators have been allocated.

On the contrary, the job of sweeping the streets can be given to him, just because of the face of the uncle, there is no shortage of people sweeping the streets, but after knowing the uncle for so many years, I can't help but give face, so I plan to force one to enter .

But Bang Geng didn't appreciate it, when he heard that it was a job of sweeping the streets, his face immediately pulled down, and he left the office without saying a word, and he didn't say wait for the uncle.

"Bang, why don't you do it first, and when mom retires, you will take over from mom." Qin Huairu persuaded from the side.

She wanted Shazhu to talk to the big boss, but it was just arranged for their family, so it would not be appropriate to go there again.

"Whoever wants to go will go, anyway, I won't go." Bang Geng lay on the bed and covered his head with a quilt, so he didn't go sweeping the street. If his former classmates saw this, it would be embarrassing.

"Why don't you let Bang Geng stay at home for a while, and wait until you have a good job? Anyway, our family can't afford it." Jia Zhang saw that Bang Geng didn't want to go, and she also felt that sweeping the streets was not good, so she turned to Qin Huai Ru said.

"Okay, anyway, I can't help it." Qin Huairu was also a little helpless, he knew that he wouldn't let Shazhu use his relationship with Xiaodang, but Xiaodang's teacher certificate has come down, and it's too late to regret it now.

"Huairu, you can let go of the work, but this house needs to be held tight. The stick is 23, and it's not a problem to squeeze with us all the time, especially when we go to the toilet at night." Mrs. Zhang said a little depressed.

I used to put the urinal in the house at night, as long as it’s not a big one, it can be solved in the house, but since the stick came back, no matter whether it’s a big one or a small one, I have to go outside, it’s okay in summer, it’s going to be winter That's not freezing to death, especially at her age.

(End of this chapter)

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