The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 226 Preparations Before the Earthquake

Chapter 226 Preparations Before the Earthquake
When talking about the house, Qin Huairu had a toothache, and An said that their family deserved a lot of houses.

The room of the old lady in the backyard and the room of He Yushui should belong to their family.

But for some reason, they ended up going to other people's homes. The old lady's room was bought by Yan Jiecheng, and He Yushui's room was bought by the second uncle.

None of their houses were lost.But now it is still the original one, and there is the silly column.

With an area of ​​more than ten square meters, there lived an old lady, two daughters, and a young man.

It's a little out of place, but it works.

It used to be close, and there were some who sold it secretly, but since the educated youth returned to the city, the housing has become more and more tight. No one’s house is enough to live in, and no one sells it out.

Even if she wants to buy it now, she can't buy it, unless she spends a lot of money, but she thinks it's too expensive and not worth it, so it's better to wait until the stick finds a job and divides the house.

But what to do now, Qin Huairu thought for a while, and then looked at the room they lived in now.

Shazhu's house is more than 50 square meters. If it is divided into two rooms, then the problem will be solved. They live in one room and give Bang Geng another room.

Otherwise, we can only let Bang Geng live with the uncle. Anyway, there is nothing embarrassing about them two big men.

When Sha Zhu came back at night, Qin Huairu discussed the house with him.

But Sha Zhu disagreed, he was used to living in this house, and besides, the two rooms were not soundproof, so they were next door to each other, and at night he and Qin Huairu made some noise, didn't they all listen to it? What has become of this.

In the end, I had to go to the old man, change the living room of the old man's house, put a bed in it, and let the stick block the old man's house.

Although the uncle wanted to refuse, he couldn't stand the persuasion of Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu. He also pointed at them to give him a pension and finally agreed.

Although the place to live has been settled, Bang Geng doesn't have a job. He hangs out with a group of young people on the street all day long, and asks his family for money every now and then.

In the end, Qin Huairu had no choice but to discuss with Shazhu, and asked Shazhu to bring a stick to the wedding banquet.

"Yo, isn't this our Brother Ji, you can shave your bald head. I heard that you are learning to cook with Sha Zhu now. How are you learning? When you have time, make some dishes for Brother to try. " Erhu rode his bicycle back to the compound after get off work, saw the stick coming out of the courtyard, so he couldn't help but said mockingly.

Erhu and his brother are showing movies in the cinema now, this job is the most respectable among them young people, and every time they have a classmate reunion, they have to be complimented.

A lot of beautiful little girls are sticking to him, which makes a class of sticklers very jealous, and often satirizes him, saying that the job of showing movies is a job of serving people.

This time it was finally his time to be sarcastic, and he would definitely not let go of such a rare opportunity.

Sticking his head down, he didn't pay attention to the two tigers, but went straight over.

"Don't go, tell me, you cook is also a job of serving people, why do you still do it, don't do it if you have the ability." Erhu continued to mock at the back of the stick.

Seeing that the stick had gone far away, he cursed in a low voice before entering the yard.


I'm off work today.

Yan Jiecheng returned to the courtyard with a large bundle of plastic sheets on the back of his bicycle.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he saw Yan Bugui watering the flowers around the pavilion.

Yan Bugui has been retired for more than a year, but he can't stay idle, not only fishing, playing chess, but also raising flowers.

On both sides of the aisle in the front yard, and around the gazebo, he filled them all.

Sometimes he even took it out to sell, but the people who sold it were all acquaintances, so he didn't dare to go to the ghost market.

Although the family is not short of money, I don't care about Yan Jiecheng. It's good to have multiple hobbies, as long as you don't do it.

"Xie Cheng, why did you buy such a plastic sheet? Is your house leaking?"

"No, I plan to cover the gazebo. There is a lot of rain in summer, and it might rain someday."

"That's right, don't you need help, I'll call Jiefang over for you."

"Call me over, if there are more people, work faster."

Although Yan Jiecheng didn't know when the earthquake struck, but when he was watching TV dramas, people were wearing short shirts on the day of the earthquake, so it should be summer.

So he started to prepare in advance, not only the plastic sheet he brought back today, but also some food to his home every day in the future.

As soon as Yan Jiefang heard that he was helping Yan Jiecheng, he ran over without saying a word.

There's no way he can point to Yan Jiecheng to make money now, he and Liu Guangtian's big business of repairing electrical appliances would not be possible without Yan Jiecheng's full support.

Just pointing at him to repair small things like flashlights and radios, and he only earned a few dollars that month.

The money he earns from repairing a TV is worth as much as he repairs dozens of radios.

Now not only TV sets, but also washing machines and refrigerators can occasionally be run into.

The two of them have been doing this for several years, and now they have a bit of reputation. They come here to look for them when they stay on the street in Dashilan.

The little money they earn every month has caught up with their salaries. If Wu Juan and Yu Haitang were not afraid of knowing and disagreeing, they would have resigned and worked alone.

With the help of Yan Jiefang, the gazebo was cleaned up in a short while.Taking advantage of Yu Li's cooking time, he also reinforced the pavilion.

After finishing his work, Yan Jiecheng went to the sink to wash his hands, and when he entered the room, he saw Yu Li put the food on the table.

"Liberation, he has been busy for you for a long time, why don't you ask him to come over and have dinner together."

"Don't be polite to him, he's not an outsider, besides, they've already prepared their meals so close."

Yu Li was a little speechless: "You man, don't you often say that brothers have to settle accounts clearly."

"You can't settle everything, so it doesn't look too much. It's enough to settle the big accounts. If everything is settled, are you tired?" Yan Jiecheng gave her an angry look.

Isn't it just to help, there are many places to help him, if you care about it, then the two brothers simply don't do it.

"Okay, anyway, you are right to say anything." Yu Li said to Yan Jiecheng while filling the rice.

"Yes, I understand, Xie Yan has been married for more than a year, and this house is so empty in our house? Why don't we rent it out, so that we can still collect some rent every month."

"You thought of this so suddenly?" Yan Jiecheng was a little curious. It's been more than a year, and Yu Li didn't mention it before.

"Our colleague asked, their children went to the countryside before, and they rented out the house. This time when the educated youth returned to the city, their children had no place to live, so they could only share a room with them."

"Then take the house back."

"They want to, but they don't agree to it even after they gave the money, and they don't agree to refund the money. They just want to rent a room elsewhere."

"Then our family can't agree to it, don't live for a long time, it will be difficult to collect the house.

It's not worth it for such a little money, besides, our family is not short of this little money. "

"Then it's not a problem that the house is always so empty. After a long time, people will definitely say it."

"It will be used in a few days, you should hurry up and eat."

Yan Jiecheng thought about bringing Heizi back in a few days. Now that the management is relaxed, many unemployed people are starting to set up stalls on the street. Let Heizi follow Jiefang and Guangfu to repair electrical appliances for others. It can also be used. If he resigned and went to sea at the beginning, Yu Li would definitely not agree.

(End of this chapter)

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