Chapter 232
Yan Jiecheng was having a good time watching it, when he suddenly heard what the second uncle said, he was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and said:
"Second uncle, I think it's better not to go, you old man, don't hurt you when they have nothing to do."

The second uncle was speechless for a while, seeing that Yan Jiecheng was not going to go up to fight.So he turned his head to look at Liu Guangtian and Liu Guangfu, the two of them looked at it with great interest, and made gestures with their hands from time to time, and they almost shook their heads with a small flag and shouted.

Seeing the second uncle looking over, the two quickly expressed their attitude.

"Dad, don't look at me, I'm not going."

Seeing the second uncle looking over, Liu Guangfu quickly nodded and said, even the first uncle had been slapped, he didn't dare to go up, if he went up and got slapped, it wouldn't be a shame.

"I said, Dad, you, just stop and wait, don't take the identity of the second uncle too seriously, you didn't see that the third uncle didn't come over, if you don't want to see it, go back to the room, so as not to be upset .”

Liu Guangtian was also a little speechless, this old man likes to find troubles for nothing, just now Shazhu squeezed them, but now Shazhu is at a disadvantage, didn't he help him by fighting in the past, and I am not a fool, so I don't do this kind of hard work Unflattering thing.

The second uncle saw that his two sons didn't listen to him, so he had nothing to do with them, and said, "I don't care about this matter." Then he went back to the house angrily.

Seeing that the second uncle was angry, the second aunt followed her into the house with her grandson in her arms.

"Old Liu, don't be angry. It's understandable that Guangfu didn't go up to fight. After all, the silly Zhu didn't run on us just now."

"I'm here for this."

The second uncle slammed the tea mug on the table and said angrily, it doesn't matter whether you pull it or not, the important thing is that they dare not listen to you, which seriously affects your majesty as the head of the family.

"Not because of this, why are you angry?" The second aunt asked a little puzzled.

"I said you don't understand, you'd better just stay and go." The second uncle ignored the second aunt after finishing speaking, and drank tea on his own, completely disappointed in the second aunt's comprehension ability.

Besides, outside, since the second uncle left, no one raised the matter of fighting. A large group of people surrounded the fighting parties and pointed.

"I said this silly column is fine. One-on-three fights are going on and on. If it's on someone else's body, it's already on the ground."

"You don't know, this idiot can fight since he was a child. He and Xu Damao have been fighting since childhood, and Xu Damao suffers every time. Xu Damao just married Wang Dani and has three sons at home, otherwise he would have to be beaten."

"Hey, it looks like this idiot has practiced before."

"I don't know if I haven't practiced before. Anyway, I haven't seen him being beaten down in one-on-one."

While they were discussing while watching the fun, Yan Bugui led a few policemen over.

"Stop, stop for me, what are you doing, are you full and have nothing to do?" The police came over and yelled at them while pulling them away.

Everyone else stopped their hands obediently, only Bang Giao felt so angry that he kicked him when he was about to finish.It's just that Dug dodged and kicked the policeman.

The policeman was stunned at once. It was the first time he had seen such an arrogant person in so many years. He dared to attack the policeman in public. It took him a long time to react.

Originally, I wanted to criticize and educate them, but since they are looking for death, then let them be fulfilled. Assaulting the police is not a joke, and this precedent cannot be set.

Even if he didn't say that other policemen couldn't do it, so he took out the handcuffs and handcuffed the stick directly.

"Comrade policeman, BangJiao didn't do it on purpose, he didn't want to kick you, he wanted to kick Xu Dahu."

The old man was shocked when he saw the policeman kicked by the stick. It was nothing serious at first, but it was just a dispute between neighbors and he didn't take anything. This kind of thing has become more common now, and at most it's just criticism and education. pause.But the nature of the assault on the police is different. If things go wrong, they really have to stay in the police station for a while.

"You said it wasn't intentional, so who are you? If I'm not mistaken, you also participated in the fight just now, right?"

"No, no, I'm trying to fight."

The tone of the police today shocked the uncle. It seems that this matter can’t be resolved. If he had known, he would not have come to meddle. trip.

"Whether it's a fight or not is up to you. Bring them all to the police station." The leading policeman waved at his subordinates after speaking.

"What are you doing, why are you arresting me? We were just joking around just now."

Sha Zhu also panicked at this time, he was a person who had been in the police station, he knew it was not easy to be treated inside, especially the sticks beat the police, if he got in, he would definitely be dealt with.

Although he was fearless in the courtyard, but there was no one in the bureau, who was more powerful than him than he was arrogant.

"Comrade policeman, we are the one being beaten, so don't handcuff us." Xu Damao was scared when he saw that he was about to be handcuffed. Son, maybe they will be cleaned up together.

"Stop talking nonsense, if you have anything to say to the bureau, let's go." The leading policeman finished speaking and walked out first, and Shazhu and the others were followed by others.

The people in the courtyard didn't dare to stop them, and watched the police lead Sha Zhu and the others out of the courtyard.

When the police left, the big guys surrounded Yan Pugui.

"Third Master, I didn't see it. You can use this method. This is to punish the First Master and the others to death. You actually called the police."

"These three masters are worthy of being cultural people, and they don't take their own hands."

"Looks like you have to be careful in the future, don't offend the third master. If you mess with the silly Zhu, you will be beaten at most. If you offend the third master, maybe you will be sent in to let you eat free corn bread."

Yan Jiecheng saw Yan Bugui being squeezed out and quickly stood up and said, "What are you talking about, my dad is that kind of person, this uncle and Xu Damao have nothing against our family, my dad is crazy, it's okay to call the police to deal with them .”

"Didn't the third master lead the police in?"

"It wasn't me who reported to the police, it was the courtyard next door. The police came. As the third master in the courtyard, can I not guide you? If you don't believe me, go to the front yard and ask. When the police came just now, many people saw it." Yan Bugui said a little speechlessly, he was just leading the way for the police, but he didn't expect to be involved in himself.

"Okay, let's go, don't follow me, I believe what Lao Yan said is true." At this moment, the second uncle came out of the room and said, he thought of it when the police came just now, but he was afraid of getting into trouble So he didn't move, and kept observing the situation outside the house before he dared to come out when the police left.

(End of this chapter)

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