The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 233 2 Uncle Gai Linjian

Chapter 233 Second Uncle Gai Linjian
Everyone saw that the second uncle came out to speak for Yan Bugui, and this matter could not be faked, as long as you went to the front yard to inquire, you would know, so they went home one after another without talking about it.

"Dad, don't leave yet, I haven't arranged where I live yet." Seeing that the second uncle was about to leave, Liu Guangtian quickly grabbed him and said.

"This...Guangfu, why don't you move back first and let your brother live in the house."

The second uncle has no choice but to persuade Liu Guangfu. After all, his grandson is still at home. If they don't arrange the residence of Guangtian and his wife, the child will definitely be taken away by them.

"Live wherever you like, I will definitely not give up the house." After Liu Guangfu finished speaking, he went back to the room and closed the door, no matter what the second uncle called him, he would not open the door.

Seeing that the second uncle didn't work, Yu Haitang took the luggage and walked back.

"Haitang, what are you doing?"

"Since your father has no place here, I'll go find my sister." Yu Haitang walked towards the front yard while talking.

"Let the child go here first, and your mother and I will watch over it for you." Seeing that Yu Haitang had left, the second uncle was afraid that Liu Guangtian would take the child away, so he went back to the room and locked the door from the inside, leaving only Liu Guangtian alone. Stay in the yard.

"Old Liu, can this work?"

"It doesn't matter if he can do it or not, just hide for a few days."

"By the way, Lao Liu, what do you think about our family building a temporary building in the courtyard? I see that many people in other courtyards have built it."

The second uncle's eyes lit up. He didn't think it was because Xu Damao would definitely stop him, but now Xu Damao's family has been arrested and Wang Dani is left alone in the family. Now is the right time for Gai.

When Xu Damao is released, his own house will be built, even if he wants to stop it, it will be too late.I didn't believe that the house was built, but Xu Damao dared to demolish it for him.

So the second uncle nodded and said: "This method is fine, let's do it this way, I will go find someone to buy materials in the afternoon."

The second aunt saw that the second uncle agreed with Gai Linjian and said with a smile: "Then I'll go and tell Guangtian quickly."

"Don't say it outside, call Guangtian in." The second uncle was afraid that others would find out and cause trouble, and planned to cover it without telling anyone, so he told the second aunt.

"Okay, I see." The second aunt went out and called Liu Guangtian in, and told him the good news.

"Then where do we live these days?"

The second uncle also has a headache. This is indeed a problem. Even if it is built, it cannot be completed in a day or two. During this time, they have to find a place to live, but Guangfu does not agree to give up the house. What should I do? That's good.

"By the way, didn't your wife go to find Yu Li? No, the two of you will stay at their house for a few days, and then move back when the house is built. They have a lot of houses in our courtyard, so there must be a place for you to live in. "

"Then I'll go over and have a look, and the child will let you go first."

"Don't worry, your father and I will definitely take good care of the child." The second aunt smiled when Liu Guangtian said to keep the child.

Liu Guangtian went out of the house and went straight to the front yard.


Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li were talking about the house with Yu Haitang when Liu Guangtian opened the door and walked in.

Yan Jiecheng glanced at Liu Guangtian, motioned for him to sit down, and then said:
"Guangtian, it's not that our family doesn't lend a house to you two, but our family doesn't have any extra. Heizi lives in that house now, hey, we can't drive him out."

"It's not brother-in-law. We'll only stay for a few days. If you don't want to stay for a long time, you can think of a way."

Yan Jiecheng looked at Yu Haitang puzzled, that's not what she said just now, it seemed that their family planned to live forever, so Yan Jiecheng refused without thinking.

Yu Haitang didn't understand what kind of medicine Liu Guangtian sold in the gourd, so she turned to look at him.

"This... my dad plans to build a house in the backyard, but you must not tell about it. We will move in after the house is built." Liu Guangtian couldn't hide it, so he said everything come out.

It turned out to be like this. It had been more than a month since the earthquake. Yan Jiecheng saw that the second uncle hadn’t moved, and thought he would not build it. Unexpectedly, the second uncle was waiting for the right time. Xu Damao was about to build a house just after he was arrested. I don't know if Xu Damao will make trouble after he comes out.

"How about brother-in-law, can you tell me if it's okay?" Liu Guangtian asked anxiously seeing that Yan Jiecheng was silent.

"It's a place to stay just for a few days, but you two have to tell my dad, I think it's okay to give some money."

Yu Haitang was a little hesitant, Yan Jiecheng said just now that there was no place to live, why now there is a place for them to live in.

"Don't think too much about it, it's not our house, it's Jiekuang's. He's still in the country now, and he won't be able to come back for a while. It's definitely not possible to stay for a long time, but it's okay to stay for a few days. The key is here My dad, if you two are willing to spend some money, you can do it, what do you think?"

"I think it's okay, brother-in-law, you can take us there now." Yu Haitang said without asking Liu Guangtian's opinion.

"Okay, then I'll take you two there." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng stood up and brought Yu Haitang and Liu Guangtian to Yan Pugui's house.

When Yan Bugui heard their intentions, he lowered his head and thought for a while. The house is still on the shelf. It's okay to let them live in it, but they have to pay, so he said, "Fifty cents a day."

"I said Uncle Yan, you want too much." Liu Guangtian was a little dissatisfied with Yan Pugui's lion mouth.

Yan Jiecheng didn't expect that Yan Pugui would ask for so much, so he called him a good guy.

Yan Bugui smiled and explained: "Guangtian, you can't count it like this. You guys are renting for a short period of time. You can't live there for a few days. Fifty cents is too much."

"This..." Liu Guangtian could not make up his mind and turned to look at Yu Haitang who was at the side.

"Okay, fifty cents is fifty cents, you can bring the key here."

Yu Haitang couldn't help it, they couldn't find it in other places now, although fifty cents a day was a lot, but after thinking about it, they couldn't live there for a few days, and it was only a few yuan at most, so they agreed.

Yan Bugui smiled and took out the wish and handed it to Yu Haitang. "Hai Tang, I figured it out, it's still your grandeur."

Yu Haitang didn't even think about Yan Pugui's compliment, took the key and came out to open the porter's door, and started to carry luggage inside.

Although Yan Jiekuang has been away for several years, the house has been tidied up by the third mother, but it has not been lived in for a long time, and it feels a bit cold.

At night, Xu Damao and Shazhu were not released, so Qin Huairu and Wang Dani were in a hurry.

I also found Yan Bugui in the front yard, and wanted him to go to the police station to ask what was going on.

In the morning when Silly Zhu was fighting with Xu Damao, they went to the vegetable market with a group of women to buy vegetables. They didn't know about it until they came back. They thought it wasn't a big deal, but they didn't come back after dinner. Just started to worry.

 I'm sorry for falling asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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