Chapter 239 Yu Li is Pregnant

"Okay, go back first after eating, I have something to do later." Yan Xiecheng thought that since the house was bought, he couldn't just ignore it, so he asked someone to knock down the house first, as for how to build it, he had to find someone to specialize in it. Design it, there is no rush anyway.

"What's the matter? Do you need my help?" Liu Guangtian thought about taking Yan Jiecheng's money, if he could help, he would definitely help, otherwise it would be unreasonable.

"Find someone to demolish the newly bought house."

"What are you looking for? You forgot, our house is under construction, and it will be almost done in a few days. If you are not in a hurry, just wait."

Yan Jiecheng patted his head, he really forgot about it:
"By the way, Guangtian, your family has some savings now, why don't you buy a house yourself?"

"Haitang said that the child is still young. If you buy it now, you don't need to wait until the child grows up. Anyway, it's good to live in Linjian." Liu Guangtian said nonchalantly, thinking that their family is not like Yan Jiecheng's earning money. With so much money, of course the money must be used wisely. Don’t worry about the house, as long as you have a place to live.

Hearing what Liu Guangtian said, Yan Jiecheng wasn't trying to persuade him, anyway, it was up to him whether he listened to what he said, as long as he didn't regret it in the future, the two of them left the hotel and went back to the courtyard directly.

Yan Jiecheng followed Liu Guangtian to the backyard, and saw that the second uncle's temporary house had been built with walls and was almost capped. The speed was quite fast. In just a few days, a house of more than ten square meters was built.

Talked to the master worker, and then gave the address to the leader. After they built the house, they went to help Yan Xiecheng tear down the house.

At this time, the second aunt came out with her eldest grandson in her arms, and said to Yan Jiecheng with a smile:

"Xie Cheng, what do you think of the earthquake shelter in our house?"

"Not bad, very good." Yan Jiecheng didn't know what the second aunt meant, but just replied casually.

"Then you go back and tell Lao Yan that your house will also build a room. Anyway, the space in the yard is not for nothing. Are you right?"

"Our house is not going to be built. We already have a gazebo in the front yard, so it's not suitable to build it again." Yan Jiecheng thought that the second aunt was afraid that the old man would come back and object to the earthquake shelter they built, and wanted to drag Yan Bugui Go into the water, so someone can help their family attract firepower.

There is no shortage of houses in my family, and no one lives in them if they are built.Besides, the messy building also affects the environment.

The second aunt was a little disappointed to see that Yan Jiecheng hadn't been fooled, and thought that the old Yan's family didn't know what was wrong this time, they didn't want the house that was given for free, which didn't look like their family's way of doing things at all.

In fact, Yan Bugui was not unimpressed when he saw that the second uncle's family built a house under the pretext of an earthquake shelter, but the situation in the front yard is different from that in the back yard.

Almost the entire front yard will soon become their family's. If it is built with an earthquake shelter, it will be harmful to their family, and of course he will not do such a disadvantageous thing.

Not only could he not do it, but he also stopped Wu Juan. Wu Juan originally wanted to build the earthquake shed after seeing the second uncle build it, but their family was too close to Yan Bugui, and the building would definitely have some impact on Yan Pugui's house. .

So he was reprimanded by Yan Bugui with a few words, and there was another conflict between the two families.This was what Yan Jiefang told him when he was at work, and he wanted him to help Yan Pugui with homework, and Yan Pugui agreed to build an earthquake shelter in the courtyard for his family.

Unexpectedly, Yan Xiecheng sided with Yan Pugui this time and beat him up again.

"Second aunt, you stay here, I have to go back and cook."

After speaking, Yan Jiecheng returned home from the backyard and checked the time. The boy and the others were almost coming back, so they started cooking.

"Dad, look who brought my dad." Kid Wan yelled towards the house when she saw Yan Jiecheng's bicycle parked in the yard before entering the house.

"Who is it?" Yan Jiecheng put the dishes in his hand on the table and pushed the door and walked out.

"Godfather, me."

"Hey, why are you here today when you have time? Your mother isn't urging you to study anymore." Yan Jiecheng laughed when he saw Xiao Ma Dun. Qin Jingru often took care of this kid because he didn't study well, and he wouldn't let him out to play after school. Lock him up at home all day.

"My parents don't have time to talk to me now."

"What's going on?" Yan Jiecheng asked a little puzzled.

"Let me tell you, let me tell you, my aunt Jingru is pregnant with a baby." Before little Ma Dun could speak, Zi Wan said it.

"Ah, your mother is pregnant again?" Yan Jiecheng was a little surprised. You must know that it has been more than ten years, and she became pregnant suddenly without any movement before.

"Yeah, now they both put their minds on my sister and don't care about me anymore."

"How do you know it's the little sister? What if it's the little brother's?" Yan Jiecheng was a little curious. Could it be that the two of them went to the hospital for an examination, but the current level of the hospital can't be tested.

"Dad, you and my mother will give me a little sister too. I want a little sister too." Xiao Ziyang looked at Yan Jiecheng with longing eyes. He also wanted to have another child in the family so that he would not be the youngest. that's it.Although there are several cousins, they were not born to the same parents after all.

"What little sister?" At this time, Yu Li came back from get off work, parked her bicycle and entered the house, just in time to hear them talking, so she opened her mouth and asked.

"Your precious son said that he wants you to give birth to a younger sister." Yan Jiecheng said casually.

I didn’t give birth before because the child was young, and they couldn’t take care of both of them at work, but now that the child is older, and they are only in their early thirties, it doesn’t matter if they have a child, so I haven’t taken any measures in the past year, just Yu Li is not pregnant.


"what happened?"

Yu Li walked up to Yan Jiecheng and said a few words.

"It's been two months? Let's go to the hospital to have a look. Don't miss the clinic in your factory. You'll be happy then." Yan Xiecheng pulled her out after hearing Yu Li's words, and didn't care about the boy Wan. a few of them.

"Dad, why are you taking my mother? Don't you want to eat?"

"Sister, let's eat, I'm hungry."

"Just know how to eat. You are a pig. Didn't you see your parents go out?" Xiao Ziwan shouted at Xiao Ziyang dissatisfied.

"Sister, the godmother is also pregnant with the baby, right? My father was like this when my mother was pregnant with my sister." Little Ma Dun said while dragging his chin with his hands.

"Ah! Really, that's great, I have a little brother." Xiao Ziwan was a little excited. After all, he and Xiao Ziyang were twins. Although she was an older sister, she didn't have the experience of being an older sister at all.

"Okay, let's eat. I don't think my parents will come back. Maybe they went to a restaurant to celebrate."

Kid Wan thought that it might be true, so she didn't stop her, and the three of them gathered around the table and started eating.

Over there, Yan Jiecheng brought Yu Li out of the hospital, and the clinic saw that Yu Li was indeed two months pregnant.

Thinking about making meals for four people at home, but one more little Ma Dun is definitely not enough.So he took Yu Li directly to Hongbinlou and ordered several dishes.

"You order so much, the two of us can't finish it." Yu Li pulled Yan Jiecheng and said with some distress. This was more than her salary for several days.

"It's okay. If you can't finish eating, pack it up and go home. You forgot that there are three children at home."

"Didn't you cook at home?"

"Then eat it tomorrow morning. Anyway, it won't be wasted. It saves me having to get up and cook for them in the morning." After ordering, Yan Xiecheng pulled Yu Li to find a secluded table and sat down.

(End of this chapter)

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