The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 240 The death of Mrs. Li

Chapter 240 The death of Mrs. Li

After eating, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li left the restaurant with packed leftovers. They pushed their bicycles and talked while walking towards the courtyard.

"Yes, I understand, did you buy the house?" Yu Li suddenly remembered that Yan Jiecheng went to buy a house today, and when he came back from get off work, he was preoccupied with his pregnancy, so he didn't have time to ask.

"I bought it, and it cost three thousand and ninety-nine in total. I'll give you the rest when I go back." Yan Jiecheng also included the benefit fee for Liu Guangtian. If she told Yu Li alone, she would definitely feel distressed, after all, one hundred The quick money is about Yan Jiecheng's monthly salary, while Yu Li's has to work for three months to earn 100 yuan.

"It's still early, why don't you take me there to have a look." Yu Li heard that Yan Jiecheng bought the house, and wanted to go and have a look when she became interested. After all, this is the first time their family has directly bought a single-family house. The house, although the house is a little damaged, it is temporarily uninhabitable.

Yan Jiecheng looked at his watch, it was already eight o'clock, and it would take two hours to go back and forth at this point, so he stopped him and said, "Forget it, let's go when you are free during the day. I couldn’t see it clearly after I went there. Besides, there’s nothing to see here, it’s just that the area is a bit bigger, and the house is no longer liveable, so it has to be demolished and rebuilt.”

Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Yu Li didn't object. After walking for a while, Yan Jiecheng asked Yu Li to get in the car and dragged her home.Seeing that the three children were still waiting in the house, she announced Yu Li's pregnancy in public.

In the next period of time, Yu Li became the protection object of the whole family, and the housework was taken over by the boy, Ziwan and Yan Jiecheng, and the cooking became Yan Jiecheng, and more than a month passed unknowingly.


Get off work this evening.

Yan Jiecheng first went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, then rode his bicycle back to the courtyard, and just after parking the car, Yan Bugui walked over.

"Xie Cheng, the old lady of the Li family in the backyard is going to die."

"Li Nuan's grandma is dying?" Yan Jiecheng asked in surprise, she just caught a cold, why is she dying.

"Who knows, that's what the doctor said anyway. Do you want to inform Xie Kuang and Li Nuan to come back?" Yan Bugui asked with some confusion.

"It must be notified, that's all right, I'll send a telegram to them both now." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng handed the dishes to Yan Bugui, asked him to help bring them to the house, and then rode a bicycle out of the courtyard. to the post office.

Although Li Nuan fell out with the old Li family because of Yan Jiekuang's marriage, but no matter what, she had to come back to take a look when she was about to die. Besides, she grew up with Mrs. Li since she was a child, and her relationship was deeper than her parents.

After Yan Jiecheng sent a telegram to Yan Jiekuang and the others, he returned to the courtyard and was stopped by the second uncle just as he wanted to enter the house.

"Xie Cheng, wait a minute."

"What's the matter, second uncle?"

"Come to the backyard, Mrs. Li wants to make a will."

Yan Jiecheng was a little puzzled, what did he ask him to do after making a will, and he was not from Lao Li's family.

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng was not moving, the second uncle hurriedly shouted: "Come with me quickly, you will know when you arrive."

Yan Jiecheng saw that the second uncle was very anxious, so he parked his bicycle and followed him to the backyard.

A large group of people gathered in front of Lao Li's house, not only from Lao Li's family, but also from every household in the compound.

"I don't agree. This is the house of our old Li's family. Why give it to their old Yan's house?" Li Yuanchao's daughter-in-law stood at the door and shouted loudly, and Li Yuanchao stood beside him with his head bowed and did not speak.

"Li's daughter-in-law, what you said is wrong. Mrs. Li means to give the house to Li Nuan, not to Lao Yan's family." The second uncle stood up and explained that he didn't want to care about this matter. Luo complained all over, but the uncle hadn't come back yet, and Yan Bugui was involved in this matter, so no one in the courtyard could talk to him except him.

"Li Nuan is no longer a member of our old Li's family. Our old Li's family is not dead yet, so she doesn't need to inherit the house."

The second uncle couldn't stand the Li family's daughter-in-law's nonsense, so he could only turn his head to look at Li Yuanchao, wanting him to come out and say something, after all, it was his mother's decision.

"Second uncle, you don't have to look at it. I have the final say on our family. Tell me what's going on."

Yan Jiecheng frowned. When Li Yuanchao lived in the courtyard before, he really didn't realize that he was so useless. If he was someone else, he would have slapped him with a big mouth.

"Second uncle, I don't think we can let the street come." Yan Jiecheng watched the second uncle being speechless by the Li family's wife, and directly stood up. It didn't matter to him whether the house was a house or not, but he couldn't get used to it. The woman was talking like she was spewing shit out of her mouth.

"Who are you, you can take care of our family's affairs." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Li's daughter-in-law directly turned towards him.

Yan Jiecheng didn't bother to talk to her, so he just asked Liu Guangfu to go to the street office to call Director Wang over.

"Xie Cheng, you don't need to bother Director Wang with this trivial matter, we can solve it in the courtyard." The second uncle pulled Liu Guangfu back and said to Yan Jiecheng. The location was withdrawn.

"How to deal with it?"

"This..." The second uncle looked at Li's daughter-in-law, and then turned to look at the neighbors in the compound. This is the first time he has encountered this matter of making a will. It was done by the elder before, and he didn't know what to do. How to do it, especially when you meet such a hob meat as Li's daughter-in-law.

"Let Director Wang come." Yan Jiecheng looked at the second uncle speechlessly. His head is so big that it is filled with paste inside. What can you say to such a shrew?

"Just scream, you think I'm afraid of you, I don't believe it, our old Li's house can become an outsider." Li's daughter-in-law is still clamoring, she doesn't think Director Wang is here They will take the house away from her. After all, their family still has a son, and it has nothing to do with their family since Li Nuan married long ago.

Yan Jiecheng waited aside without saying a word, and after a while Liu Guangfu came with Director Wang.

"Old Liu, you are repeating the matter." Director Wang said to the second uncle. He came here in a hurry and didn't ask clearly, so he knew it was a will.

The second uncle told the matter to Director Wang again in front of everyone.

"What's there to argue about? The person involved is not dead. Let me go in and ask." Director Wang said speechlessly. She thought Mrs. Li was dead. It's really a group of strange things to compete here.

Although Mrs. Li had a bad complexion and spoke fluently, Director Li could still hear her intermittently.

They want to give the house to their granddaughter, even though the granddaughter is already married.

(End of this chapter)

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