The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 246 The Influence of the College Entrance Examination

Chapter 246 The Influence of the College Entrance Examination

"Don't worry, Third Master, like this, you can ask for any conditions, as long as I can afford it, I will definitely satisfy you."

Xu Damao was afraid that the review materials given by Yan Bugui would be watered down. After all, he would definitely do so. He felt that it would be better for the two tigers to review with Yan Jiekuang.

"No, no, definitely not, just review the materials, if your family needs me, I will get it for you, if you don't want it, just forget it."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Yan Bugui directly refused. Although he was envious of Xu Damao's offer, he still knew which was more important.

"Need, need, as long as there are review materials, the third master will go get them."

Seeing that Yan Bugui disagreed, Wang Dani had no choice but to retreat, anyway, something is better than nothing.Besides, they didn't know any other teachers except Yan Bugui, so they just wanted to find others, but they didn't know where to find them.

"Okay, wait, I'll go find Xie Kuang and get it for you." Yan Bugui turned to look for Yan Jiekuang after he finished speaking, but when he thought of something, he turned back and asked, "Da Mao, just now you said that you wanted to invite me to go." Rubbing the restaurant, is this true?"

"I said, Third Master, go and get it quickly. Why don't we just go when we get back? I, Xu Damao, don't count when I say something."

"Third Master, don't believe Xu Damao, this old boy is full of lies, and what he promised you will definitely not count in the future."

At this time, Shazhu and Qin Huairu walked into the yard, because they didn't have a bicycle at home, so every time they came back from get off work, they would be a little later than others.As soon as he entered the hospital, he heard what Xu Damao said, and Sha Zhu couldn't hold back his "puchi" laugh and said.

"Silly Zhu, stay away from me, you are everywhere. Do you know what we are talking about? Just interrupt, you have no quality at all." Xu Damao looked at Silly Zhu and said with disgust.

"Hey, don't you just show movies, pretend to be a cultural person with me, and have quality, do you have quality? Take it out and let me see, I have never seen what quality looks like when I grow up so old .”

" are illiterate, I don't have the same knowledge as you."

"Okay, silly Zhu, I'm talking about the college entrance examination with Xu Damao here, it has nothing to do with you, hurry up and take Qin Huairu home." Yan Bugui stepped forward to rescue Xu Damao, after all, Xu Damao will invite him later Eat, don't let silly Zhu mess up this matter.

"College entrance exam, what college entrance examination?" Silly Zhu looked confused, he dealt with vegetables and meat every day, and he didn't care about any policies issued by the country as long as it didn't affect him. Although the big leaders mentioned something to him, he didn't go Take it to heart, and forget it later.

Helpless, Yan Bugui explained to Sha Zhu again that the country was going to resume the college entrance examination, and wanted to send him away quickly so that he could go to dinner with Xu Damao.

"Okay, now that you know it, hurry up and go back with Qin Huairu."

Qin Huairu's eyes lit up after hearing Yan Bugui's words. It's a good thing that the college entrance examination will be resumed. All three children in their family meet the requirements for applying for the exam. Let Sophora take the stick and Xiaodang to review. When the three children go to the college entrance examination together, they can pass one of them.

"Wait for the third master." Seeing that Yan Bugui was about to leave, Qin Huairu hurriedly said.

"What? You still have something to do? Yan Bugui turned around and asked.

"You are going to get Xu Damao's high school review materials, and get me a copy too." Qin Huairu knew at a guess that Xu Damao came to Yan Bugui for this purpose, otherwise it would be impossible for the couple to go out together.

"No, our family only has two copies, and we have to keep one for Xu Damao. If your family needs it, go out and buy it."

Yan Bugui reminded aloud that the resumption of the college entrance examination has just been reported, and now if you buy review materials, you can still buy them, but it will be hard to say after you can.

After all, the college entrance examination has been suspended for more than ten years, and there must be many people who suddenly resume applying for the exam. As long as they apply for the exam, they need to review the materials.

But there are only so many review materials, even if you work overtime, the printing time will definitely not be enough, so you can only do it quickly.

Qin Huairu didn't care when Yan Bugui said that their house was gone, but it was a pity that she had to spend money to buy it. She thought Yan Bugui gave Xu Damao's review materials for free.

Xu Damao looked at the backs of Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu and curled his lips. He thought that those who come from the countryside are those who come from the countryside, and they are not on the table at all. You think the review materials for high school are your Chinese cabbage, so you can buy them if you want.

Seeing that Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu had left, Yan Bugui went back to Yan Jiekuang's house and brought out a set of review materials.

"Xu Damao, take this set of materials back and let Duhu and the others copy a copy, and bring it back to me after copying, I still have use for it."

Yan Bugui thought of a way to make money. Anyway, he was idle at home, so why not copy the materials and sell them for money. These materials will become less and less in the future, and people will definitely buy the handwritten ones.

"Okay, third master, I know, let's go to dinner. Yes, you can come together."

Xu Damao happily took the review materials, and didn't take Yan Bugui's words seriously.Instead, he looked at Yan Jiecheng at the side, thinking that he had to hire someone anyway, so if he hired one more person, it wouldn't cost him much money, and he could earn an extra favor.

"Forget it, you go, I have to go home to take care of the baby." Yan Jiecheng said helplessly, Yu Li gave birth to another boy in July this year, and it has been more than two months now, named Yan Zihao, the little guy is making a fuss Yes, you can't live without people around you.

"Okay, let's go then, my buddy will invite you when your child is older."

Xu Damao was so envious that Yan Jiecheng's family gave birth to another boy, but he couldn't help himself because of envy, so he could only put his hopes on Duhu and the others.Although I can't hug my son, I can hug my grandson.

Seeing Yan Bugui follow Xu Damao away, Yan Jiecheng turned and entered the house.

"Dad, you're back, come quickly and see that Zihao peed his pants again."

Seeing that Yan Jiecheng came back, Ziwan quickly called him over. This little brother is not cute at all, not to mention ugly, he sleeps and urinates all day long, and when he is awake, he says "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" She didn't understand it either, it didn't make sense at all.

"Go outside and get a pair of clean pants for your brother." Yan Jiecheng walked over to touch it and really peed, so he said to Xiao Ziwan.

"Dad, when do you think my little brother will grow up to my age?" Kid Wan handed the trousers to Yan Jiecheng and asked, not forgetting to draw his own height with his hands.

"When he reaches your age, he will be as big as you."

Kid Wan made some calculations and said, "That's another 13 years."

"Why do you have nothing to do with this? Go to the kitchen and bring the dishes." Yu Li went into the room and put the steamed buns on the table and shouted at Xiao Ziwan.

(End of this chapter)

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