The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 247 Under the influence of the college entrance examination

Chapter 247 Under the influence of the college entrance examination

"By the way, Yu Li, just now my father said that our country is going to open the college entrance examination. You tell Haitang to go back and tell her parents, and ask Haitao if she will participate."

Yan Jiecheng thought that Yu Haitao, Yu Li's younger brother, also graduated from high school. Although he has a job now, it does not affect his participation in the college entrance examination.

If I can go to university, I will have a good development no matter whether I am in the factory or transferred to other places in the future.

"But Haitao is already at work?"

"What's wrong with going to work? The country doesn't stipulate that you can't take the college entrance examination when you go to work. Let him have time to review his high school knowledge and ask for a few days off on the day of the college entrance examination. It shouldn't be a big problem."

"Let's forget it. Even if you are admitted to university, you still have to go back to work in the factory after graduation, and you still have to delay it for several years."

Yu Li said nonchalantly, the main reason is that Yu Haitao's salary has risen after working for a few years, which is similar to that of college graduates. Anyway, they are all iron rice bowls, so it really doesn't make any difference whether they go to college or not.

"You can't keep looking at the past, you have to look back, and you don't think about why the country opened up the college entrance examination? It's not a shortage of talents. Believe it or not, if Haitao can go to university, he can be a cadre when he returns to the factory."

"Really?" Yu Li's eyes lit up when she heard the word cadre.

"I can still lie to you. Xu Damao in the backyard specially invited Dad to eat in a restaurant outside in order to exchange review materials for Dahu and the others. Do you think he is stupid?"

"Okay, after dinner, I'll go to Haitang and tell her to go back and tell Haitao. Forget it, I'll go back and forget about it with her carefree personality."

"Well, you can go back for a while. By the way, if Haitao needs to review the materials, ask him to buy them quickly. If he wants to buy them later, he may not be able to buy them." Yan Jiecheng was afraid that Yu Li would not take it seriously, and specifically instructed him.

"Why, are review materials so hard to buy?"

"Now that the news has just come out, few people who know about it can still buy it. If more people get the news in a few days, everyone will buy it. Whether they can buy it or not depends on luck."

After dinner, Yan Jiecheng coaxed the child, and Yu Li rode her bicycle back to her mother's house. She had to tell Yu Haitao the news quickly.


Silly Zhu family in the middle school.

After dinner, Bang Geng was watching a TV series, Qin Huairu turned off the TV directly.

"Mom, why are you turning off the TV? I'm watching very hard." Stick said dissatisfied.

"Wait and see, I have something important to say, all of you sit down here." Qin Huairu pointed to Xiaodang Huaihua as he spoke.

"Mom, why are you making such a big fight?" Xiao Dang glanced at Sha Zhu while talking, thinking that Qin Huairu had a conflict with Sha Zhu.

"Oh, I said Xiao Dang, you are fine, why do you see me, I have flowers growing on my face." Sha Zhu touched his face with his hands and found nothing, then asked Xiao Dang with a puzzled face.

"Okay, all of you sit down for me." Qin Huairu knocked on the table and said: "Our country is going to resume the college entrance examination. From tomorrow on, all of you should study hard at home for me, and strive to be admitted to university."

"I said, Mom, why don't I know who you heard it from? It can't be another gossip, you must have been deceived."

After listening to Qin Huairu, Xiaodang said with disbelief that she is also working in the education system. Although she is only a primary school teacher, how could there be no news about such a big thing as the resumption of the college entrance examination.

"Don't interrupt me, the newspapers are all published, could it be fake? Besides, your third grandpa in the front yard said this." Qin Huairu gave Xiang Xiaodang a dissatisfied look, and blamed her for interrupting speak for themselves.

"Even if it's true, I still have to go to work so I don't have time to study. Besides, I just graduated from junior high school, so I may not be able to pass the exam. You should pin your hopes on my brother and Huaihua."

Xiao Dang didn't want to take the college entrance examination. She graduated from junior high school and her grades were not good. She didn't get into high school, let alone university.

"Don't look at me, look at me and I won't go, you'd better let Huaihua go." Seeing Qin Huairu looking over, Bang Geng immediately expressed his opinion that his grades in school were not as good as Xiaodang's, and he failed every exam. Passed the exam, let alone passed the college entrance examination.

"Mom, don't worry, I will definitely study hard and try to give you a college entrance examination."

Huaihua patted her chest and assured her that she had the best academic performance in her family, and she had already studied in high school for one year, but later she wanted to start working early so she didn't. have an advantage over others.

"As expected, my daughter has ambition. In this way, as long as you can enter the university, the silly dad will reward you with a bicycle." Huaihua stood up to encourage him as soon as she finished talking about silly Zhu, and she didn't forget to take out a bicycle as temptation.

"Heh, silly dad is partial enough. You can give me the bike if you want. You won't hide your money from my mother." Xiao Dang said jealously, thinking that changing the surname is not the same, and the treatment is not the same. Much better than her and her brother.

"How do you say it? Silly dad treats everyone equally. If you can pass the exam, silly dad will buy it for you." Hearing the sourness in Xiaodang's mouth, Silly Zhu immediately changed his words.

"Let's forget it. I don't want Huaihua to study so well, and I won't pass the exam if I go there. I'd better be my primary school teacher honestly."

Xiao Dang sighed, she wanted to take the college entrance examination, but she was still a little self-aware, knowing that she would not be able to pass the exam, so she didn't waste this time.

"Since both of you don't want to take the college entrance examination, then you can't disturb your sister's study at home, and turn down the volume for me when watching TV, do you hear me?"

Qin Huairu saw that one of the three children wanted to take the college entrance examination, and there was nothing she could do about them, after all, she didn't understand anything about studies.

"Don't worry, mom, it won't affect Huaihua. I still count on her to be a leader after graduating from university to help me."

"Sister, I might not be able to pass the exam yet." Huai Hua said with a blushing face. Although she was confident, she hadn't taken the exam yet, and she didn't know if she would pass the exam.

"Sister is optimistic about you, you must be fine." Xiao Dang pulled Huaihua and flattered him non-stop. Anyway, there is nothing to lose by saying a few good words. If Huaihua is admitted to university, she can be regarded as having done it in advance. relation.


Yan Jiecheng took the coat that Li had taken off and hung it on the hanger, then opened his mouth and asked, "How did you tell Haitao?"

"Tell him, you don't need to buy the review materials. He has kept a lot of them at home." Yu Li replied after sitting down and taking a sip of water.

"By the way, Haitang is also a high school graduate, isn't she going to take the college entrance examination?" Yan Jiecheng asked curiously.

"Her, let's forget it. Her children are old enough to take the exam." Yu Li shook her head, thinking of Yu Haitang going to college at this age, she couldn't help shivering in her heart .

(End of this chapter)

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