The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 248 Some people are happy and some are worried after the college entrance examination

Chapter 248 Some people are happy and some are worried after the college entrance examination

Yan Jiecheng thought about it, too, just because of Yu Haitang's arrogance, maybe he went to college, and then saw a little boy kicked Liu Guangtian, thinking of this, he didn't try to persuade him anymore.

It is now the end of September, and there are still more than two months before the college entrance examination.

He was not worried about Yan Jiekuang and Li Nuan at all. After all, he told them a year in advance and gave them a lot of review materials, especially a "Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Self-study Series". The two just took a piece of tofu and killed themselves.


In the blink of an eye, more than two months have passed.

This day, Yan Jiecheng took a day off to send Yan Jiekuang and Li Nuan to take the college entrance examination, along with Xu Damao and Sha Zhu.

"Xu Damao, I don't like to talk to you, you're so stingy, you won't even borrow a book."

Seeing Xu Damao's silly pillar made his teeth itch with hatred. Before that, he and Qin Huairu went to buy review materials for Huaihua and searched several bookstores, but they were all robbed.

And Xu Damao's family took Yan Bugui's set, and they wanted to lend it to Sophora Huaihua after Dahu and the others finished watching it.

But Xu Damao refused without thinking, and even made a mockery of him.

In the end, I bought a set of manuscripts from Yan Bugui, which cost a lot of money.

Xu Damao didn't care about Shazhu's cynicism. He asked Yan Bugui to go to a restaurant because he was bleeding heavily to borrow review materials from Yan Bugui, but Shazhu wanted to get it for free. He definitely wouldn't agree. not stupid.

Seeing Sophora japonica's small appearance and long-term appearance, it is quite a sign. If she agreed to be his daughter-in-law, maybe he would have borrowed her in the first place, but he didn't dare to say this in front of Shazhu.

If Sha Zhu knew his idea of ​​playing Sophora japonica, he would definitely destroy him without saying a word.

"Silly Dad, please stop saying a few words. Looking at the road, my butt hurts so much." Huai Hua hugged Silly Zhu with one hand and covered her butt with the other, and couldn't help complaining.

In order to send Sophora japonica to take the exam today, Sha Zhu specially spent fifty cents to borrow Yan Bugui's bicycle.But he hadn't ridden much before, and suddenly he rode once and took someone with him, and he rode into the ditch from time to time, bumping the Sophora japonica sitting behind him enough.

Along the way, Silly Zhu was chattering non-stop, but Xu Damao and Yan Jiecheng didn't pay much attention to him.

"Okay, okay, okay, it's the silly dad's fault, it's okay if I don't talk." Hearing Huaihua's words, Shazhu closed his mouth and rode his bicycle with his head depressed.

When he arrived at the examination room, Yan Jiecheng parked his bicycle and told Yan Jiekuang and Li Nuan to calm down and not feel pressured to perform normally.

And Sha Zhu and Xu Damao on the side said the same thing.

The college entrance examination lasted for three consecutive days before it ended. After Yan Jiekuang and Li Nuan walked out of the examination room, Yan Jiecheng asked them how they were doing.

"Brother, I have to thank you very much. It's really good that you helped me find those review materials. Basically, there are gaps in the materials for all the exam questions."

After leaving the examination room, Yan Jiekuang threw away his bag, and then he let go of his tense heart, and said happily to Yan Jiecheng.

"So you did well in the exam this time?"

"Well, anyway, all the questions on the test paper have been written. As for the score of the test, we will not know until the teachers have finished marking the papers and announced the results."

"That's good, let's go back. Dad went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of vegetables when we came today, and said that we will celebrate for you two tonight." Yan Jiecheng rode on his bicycle and said to Yao Jiekuang with a smile.

"Hey, hey, why is Dad so generous this time? It shouldn't be." Yan Jiekuang rubbed his head and smiled innocently.

"Happy, why can't he be happy that our family is going to have two college students? It's nothing to spend a little money on being happy."

"Xie Cheng, Jie Kuang, you two wait."

As soon as Yan Jiecheng got on his bicycle and was about to leave, Xu Damao stopped him. He turned around and asked in confusion, "What's the matter, what else is there?"

"It's not like Dumb and the others have finished their exams. I was thinking how about our two families celebrating together."

Xu Damao also heard from Duhu that he did well in the exam, thanks to the review materials that Lao Yan's family borrowed from their family, so he thought about treating their family to another meal. After all, the last time he invited Yan Bugui was the New Year's dinner last year.

This time, Yan Bugui didn't count money with him for borrowing the review materials. The most important thing was that he wanted to show off. After all, their family might produce a college student this time. I feel sick all over.

"Let's forget it. My dad has already bought all the food. If you are willing to wait for the scores to come out, it will not be too late to invite you."

Yan Jiecheng thought about it for a while and decided to forget it. If the three of them, Duhu, didn't pass the exam, they would definitely make trouble later on. Although Yan Jiecheng was not afraid of him, it was better to do less than to do more, so as to save himself trouble.

"That's fine, you can't refuse when the score comes out."

"Don't worry, it's only a fool who refuses to eat for free." Yan Jiecheng rode his bicycle and took the lead towards the courtyard.

Xu Damao looked at Yan Jiecheng's back, turned his head and said to Sha Zhu who was beside him, "Si Zhu, I invite you and Huaihua to dinner, how about we two celebrate?"


Silly Zhu was sulking when he heard Huaihua finish the exam, so Xu Damao came to him, and he was just looking for scolding.

"Hey, silly Zhu, what are you talking about? I treat you to dinner with good intentions, but you dare to scold me."

Xu Damao looked at Shazhu in disbelief, thinking that Huaihua did not do well in the exam, so forget it.

Originally, he thought that Huaihua would be able to enter the university, but when the time came, he would let Huaihua be his daughter-in-law and abduct the college students from Shazhu's family to their home. It was exciting to think about it.

If he didn't pass the exam, that's another story. Although he is good-looking, he is not good enough for their children.

"What's wrong with scolding you? Believe it or not, you're talking too much and I'll just slap you." Silly Zhu was thinking about how to vent his anger when Xu Damao came to him.

"You... I don't have the same knowledge as you." Xu Damao was also afraid when he saw that Shazhu wanted to hit someone, the main reason was that he didn't want to be dragged to dig sand again, such a thing once is enough, call Dahu and the others He got on his bicycle and ran away without a trace.

"Bah, I'm so stupid." Silly Zhu spat fiercely at the place where Xu Damao was just now.

"Silly dad, let's go back."

Huai Hua said listlessly that if she had obtained the review materials earlier, she might have passed the exam, but it had been more than a month since Qin Huairu and Sha Zhu bought them for her, and she had no time to read them at all.

So my heart was full of resentment towards Qin Huairu and Shazhu, and I blamed them for not being willing to spend money. Seeing Xu Damao, he got the information for Dahu and the others as soon as he got the news.Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu got the news on the same day as Xu Damao, but they were more than a month late in reviewing the materials.

(End of this chapter)

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