Chapter 249 Admission Notice

Back in the courtyard, Qin Huairu saw Sophora japonica's listless appearance, couldn't help pouted at Shazhu and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

"What else can I do, I didn't pass the exam." Sha Zhu shrugged his shoulders and replied.

Seeing the two of them muttering, Huaihua didn't make a sound, and went back to the room silently by herself.

Qin Huairu was a little disappointed to hear Shazhu say that Huaihua failed the exam. It seems that their family has no fate with college students.


After a while, the compound began to receive university admission letters one after another. The first one to receive it was Li Nuan, who was admitted by Beijing Normal University.

The second person to receive the university admission letter was Xu Dahu. He was admitted to Beijing Forestry University, which is also a good school, though not as good as Li Nuan's Beijing Normal University.

After that was Yan Jiekuang, who received an admission letter from Peking University.

There are two college students in one family. It would be a lie if the people in the compound said they were not jealous, but they would be able to get by on the surface, as long as they lived in the compound, they would all come to congratulate their family.

"Old Yan, are you happy now? There are only three college students in our college, and your family has two." The old man came over with a silly pillar and congratulated Old Yan's family.

"Old Yi is here, come and sit down quickly, I happen to have wrapped tea here, I'll make a pot for you later."

Yan Bugui grinned and said, there is no way, who made their family work so hard to produce two college students, and they are both good universities. You must know that the gold content of college students at this time is not comparable to that of future generations. More than 20 people were admitted, and he didn't expect that their family could get in two at once.

"I said third master, you can't do this, you just made a pot of tea and sent us away after two college students came out? Why don't you have to ask the big guy to have a meal. Do you think it makes sense, sir." Silly Before the pillar man even sat down, he began to find fault.

"Well, that's the reason. Old Yan, I'm not talking about you. You can't be stingy about this matter. Why don't you discuss it with Xu Damao, and the two of you pool money to treat everyone to a meal." The old man agreed after hearing what Silly Zhu said. Nodding his head, he said to Yan Bugui, anyway, he doesn't need to spend money, and he can get some credit if it is done.


While Yan Bugui was hesitating, Yan Jiecheng walked in with a letter.

"My lord, what's the point of having a treat with Xu Damao? How can Sha Zhu get some money?"

"I said Yan Jiecheng, what do you mean by that? If your family doesn't want to invite you, why do you just ask me? If there is a college student in our family, you don't need to bring it up. I have to set up a few tables in the courtyard for everyone. If you eat enough, if you can't eat one meal, then you have to start in three days at least, unlike you, you are all stingy."

Speaking of Shazhu, he still curled his lips and looked disgusted. He didn't know that Huaihua of their family had also been admitted to university, so he was very confident when he said this.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Sha Zhu with a smile on his face, and said to the people watching: "You can hear me clearly, Sha Zhu said just now that he would set up a few tables in the courtyard for everyone to eat enough, and at least Start in three days."

"Ah, ah, I said Yan Jiecheng, are you deaf? What I said just now is that we only set up a few tables if there are college students in our family. I want to invite everyone to dinner, but there are no college students in our family."

Yan Jiecheng slapped the letter on the table after listening to Shazhu. "Take a look, what is this."

"What?" Silly Zhu picked up the letter with a dazed expression and opened it to read.Ran was surprised and said, "Where did you come from?"

"Don't worry about where it came from, just say whether what you just said counts."

The uncle saw that Shazhu's expression was wrong, although he didn't know why, but it must have something to do with this letter, so he took the letter in Shazhu's hand and read it.

The uncle took the admission notice and read it several times. Didn't Qin Huairu say that Huaihua didn't pass the exam before, so why did the admission notice be mailed over.

"Master, what is that?" The big guy looked at the elder and asked curiously.

Silly Zhu's mood is very complicated. Originally it was a good thing for Huaihua to be admitted to university, but for no reason, he wanted to invite the people in the compound to eat for three days. He just wanted to have a good time. Shi Leng didn't know what else to say, but hated that there was no mouse hole on the ground for him to crawl into.

"Sizhu, you said in front of so many people that you would treat everyone to dinner for three days, you won't go back on your word, will you?"

Yan Jiecheng didn't want to talk to Sha Zhu at first, but he insisted on rushing over to get slapped in the face. If he didn't, others would think his family was easy to bully.


"Xiecheng, silly Zhu was just joking, don't take it seriously." Seeing that silly Zhu was speechless, the uncle could only speak up to defend him. Anyway, it's definitely not enough to pay for three days of food. It's not about how much it costs, but It's because their family doesn't have so many rations at all. You must know that there are more than a hundred people in the whole compound. Even if they only eat two meals a day, they will eat six meals in three days.

"Grandpa, what you said is wrong. Since Sha Zhu dared to speak, he must have the ability. How can I say that he is now the director of the canteen of our factory? This is very difficult for us, but for Sha Zhu That's just drizzle, just sprinkling water." Yan Jiecheng began to put a high hat on Shazhu, but he didn't believe that Shazhu could bear it.

"How can a man keep his mouth shut? Isn't it just to treat everyone to dinner for three days? I'll invite you." Silly Zhu was unable to get off the stage because of Yan's solution, so he could only pat his chest to assure him.

"You..." Seeing that Silly Zhu really wanted to invite the big guy to dinner, the uncle wanted to come out and stop him, but was stopped by Silly Zhu.

"Zhu Zi, good job, enough man."

"If you can't speak, just shut up. The pillar is a man, so you need to talk about it."

"Yes, yes, yes, blame me, I said the wrong thing."

Yan Jiecheng shook his head seeing everyone's praise of Shazhu. This group of people is nothing but fools, they will fall wherever the wind blows, and they will rush forward when they see benefits.

Silly Zhu left Yan Bugui's house in the midst of compliments. He enjoyed the feeling of being hugged very much, but as soon as he left the door, the uncle poured cold water on him.

"I said Zhuzi, why did you agree to treat me to dinner, and I will eat for three days. Where did you get so much food and vegetables? If you can find someone to gather together in one day, how can you gather together for so many days?"

"Grandpa, don't worry, I've already thought about it. If it doesn't work, I'll borrow some from the factory and return it when I have it." Silly Zhu said confidently, thinking that there are so many people in the rolling mill, and they can do without this little stuff. He can't come out, anyway, he is the director of the cafeteria now, and it's not easy to get something out of the world.

As long as you don't get caught on the spot, you'll be fine. Besides, even if something happens, Factory Manager Yang is there, and others can't do anything about him. .

(End of this chapter)

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