The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 260 The Restlessness of the Great Era

Chapter 260 The Restlessness of the Great Era
When Yan Jiecheng walked into the private room of the local brand, Yan Bugui was chatting enthusiastically with Yu's father, seeing Yan Jiecheng coming in, he quickly waved to Yan Jiecheng to let him go.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Yan Jiecheng took a chair from the side and sat down and asked Yan Bugui.

"Xie Cheng, you can't do business well. Look, it's such a waste to put a table in such a big room. If you let me take care of it, you can put at least three more tables." He said that his heart hurts when he thought of his eldest son being such a prodigal.

The entire building of Yan Jiecheng's restaurant covers an area of ​​250 square meters, and the three floors add up to a total of 750 square meters, not including the one on the roof.

On the third floor, there are only three boxes, each box is about [-] square meters, and there is an office of [-] square meters, and the rest is the corridor.

There is only one large round table in each box, and there is still a lot of space, so some chairs and sofas are placed next to the wall. There are also two projectors in the restaurant, and movies can be shown if guests need it.

"I said Dad, you, let's just be an honest vegetable shop. Don't get involved in the restaurant business. I'm a private room. Do you understand the meaning of a private room? If you want to be lively, go to the lobby on the first floor. Where are you?" There are many people at the table, maybe you can meet someone you know."

Hearing Yan Bugui's words, Yan Jiecheng was also speechless. No matter what the old man did, the first thing he thought of was to save money, but there are some things that cannot be saved.

Just like this hotel, there are already enough free seats in the lobby. Even if the second and third floors are changed to free seats, there will not be so many people coming, so why not make them private rooms.

"Hey, you kid, come on, I won't talk too much, you can do whatever you like." After speaking, Yan Pugui angrily picked up a rabbit's head and started to eat it.

"Brother-in-law, how much did you spend to open this restaurant? Tell me, to satisfy my curiosity." Yu Haitang waited for Yan Pugui to finish speaking and asked, she wanted to know where Yan Jiecheng got so much money, so It would cost tens of thousands of dollars to build a big hotel, but now it costs more than [-] yuan to buy this piece of land.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Liu Guangtian, and Liu Guangtian shook his head at Yan Jiecheng, meaning that he didn't tell Yu Haitang that Yan Jiecheng bought the land.

Only then did Yan Xiecheng feel relieved, mainly because there were too many people here, and he was afraid that if the truth was revealed, it would spread.

"It didn't cost much. This building is rented, and I didn't open this restaurant alone. My classmates also took a lot of shares."

"How much is the annual rent for this building? If it's not expensive, we'll open a restaurant when we earn money."

"I've said you don't want to rent it now, let's talk about it after you earn money." Yan Jiecheng was so annoyed with Haitang now that this bitch kept asking her a question.

"Don't talk about it, I won't ask. When our family earns money, I will buy a house directly so that I don't have to pay rent." Yu Haitang thought about earning money with the second uncle, and then started shopping.

"Brother, this rabbit head in your house is good. I can't even eat enough. Can you pack some for me later?" Yan Jieya said to Yan Jiecheng while eating the last rabbit head.

"Okay, I'll ask Heizi to pack some more for you later, and take them with you when you leave." Yan Jiecheng walked over and touched the head of the little niece in Yan Jiedi's arms, the little guy was still asleep.

"Xie Cheng, go to Ma Lei and the others, they are still waiting to have a drink with you." Seeing that Yan Jiecheng had stayed here for a long time and had no intention of leaving, Yu Li hurriedly reminded her.

"Yes, Xiecheng, we are all on our own, so you don't need to accompany us, if you have something to do, hurry up and get busy." Father Yu said to Yan Jiecheng aloud.

"That's fine, Dad, Mom, eat more, and I'll go first."

Saying that, Yan Jiecheng got up and walked out of the room, went to the herringbone room, opened the door and walked in.

"I said Xie Cheng, you are busy enough, I thought you forgot our brothers." Seeing Yan Xiecheng coming, Ding Sen quickly stood up and walked over to hug him.

The two of them hadn't seen each other for more than ten years. Before Ding Sen asked to be transferred to the branch factory because of the house, he was transferred back this year, and he was assigned to the house he had been thinking about. When he came back, he brought a beautiful wife with him. There is an eight-year-old son.

"If you forget, no one can forget you. It's not that you had to go to the branch factory, and you couldn't stop it. Did you know that there was a beautiful girl waiting for you?" Yan Jiecheng glanced at Ding Sen's wife Said jokingly.

"Fuck you, you don't have any righteous behavior at all. It's okay. I'll punish you a few more drinks later." Ding Sen beat Yan Jiecheng with his hand before moving aside to let Yan Jiecheng sit down.

"Yan Jiecheng, look at how cute our family Ma Qian is, and she was born on the same day as your family's Zi Hao, why don't our two families make a baby kiss."

"Okay, Qin Jingru, I think it's better to forget it, and we'll talk about it later, let's see fate." Yan Jiecheng looked at their chubby girl, thinking that this child was comparable to the little Ma Dun back then in terms of weight, It's decided that Baby Kissing their kid, Hao, will not be wronged to death.

"Let's not talk about that, I understand that, I think your restaurant is doing well, can you give me some advice so that your siblings have something to do."

Ma Lei hugged the chubby girl in his arms and turned to Yan Jiecheng and said, although their family had found a job for Qin Jingru on the street before, but that job was just passing the time, and they couldn't earn much money this month.And now there are two children in their family, and his father has also retired. The whole family is pointing to him to earn some money, and the pressure immediately comes up.

"Lei Zi is right, Xie Cheng, you have to help the brothers think of a way, can't you eat meat here and see the brothers don't even have soup?" Ding Sen also agreed very much.

His daughter-in-law works as a temporary worker in the branch factory, and the problem of returning to Beijing with him to work this time has not been resolved. She just took this opportunity to ask Yan Jiecheng for advice and see if there is any suitable business. I look down on the self-employed a bit, but the self-employed really make money.

"It's really hard to say, it mainly depends on what you want to do and what you can do. Just like my dad, don't look at him selling vegetables every day, but he earns a lot. It's hard to say how much money he has a day. .”

Yan Xiecheng thought that Qin Jingru also came from the countryside, so this job is quite suitable for her, and their house is not close to Yan Jiecheng's compound, even selling vegetables will not affect Yan Pugui.

"It's not bad. I think it can be done. It's not expensive to rent a small shop. I'll go back to my mother's house tomorrow to discuss with my brother and ask him to bring me the vegetables every day. I'll sell them directly in the city." Qin Jingru was full of heart Said happily.

"It's best to buy a small store. It doesn't need a lot of space. It's enough to have a square meter of more than ten or twenty square meters. Otherwise, when the rent increases in the future, you will have no time to regret it." Yan Jiecheng persuaded.

Although buying a storefront is much more expensive than before, it is still acceptable compared with the future. It costs about 1000 yuan to buy a [-]-square-meter house facing the street, and it is only a few dozen yuan per square meter. At least it has to be doubled ten times to become a few hundred dollars per level.

"What about our house?"

"Didn't you say that your younger siblings are good at cooking? If not, you can open a small restaurant. If you don't have money to invest, you can start a breakfast stand. Anyway, you can make money no matter what you do now." Yan Xiecheng analyzed them one by one. .

(End of this chapter)

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