Chapter 261

When they left after eating, Yan Jiecheng asked Heizi to fill each person with a few rabbit heads for them to take back.


After a few days, people in the compound knew about Yan Jiecheng's opening of the restaurant, and no one knew who spread the news.

Yan Jiecheng didn't care about it, after all, it's not something shameful, anyway, everyone should know sooner or later.

It's okay for Yan Jiecheng to open a restaurant, but the uncle is a little dissatisfied, thinking that he is too troublesome.

In a few days, the second uncle's trading company was also registered. For this reason, the second uncle specially went to Yan Jiecheng's restaurant to book a box to celebrate. After returning, he was full of praise for Yan Jiecheng's restaurant.

This made everyone curious, could it be that Yan Jiecheng's restaurant really has delicacies from mountains and seas.

Sha Zhu scoffed at the second uncle's praise, he didn't think anyone could cook better than him, and in this area, if he was the second in terms of cooking skills, no one would dare to be the first.

"Silly dad, why don't you take us to Yan Jiecheng's restaurant for dinner?" Xiao Dang said to Silly Zhu.

Silly Zhu didn't go out to make banquets these days, and their family has been eating noodles for several days, and they are talking about birds in their mouths after eating noodles, and they feel like throwing up when they see noodles, so they have no appetite to eat.

"I mainly want to taste whether this dish is as delicious as they say." Xiao Dang added when he saw Shazhu's face pulled down.

"That's not okay, money is not spent like this. Besides, your brother doesn't marry a wife, and you don't need a dowry when you marry?" Before Silly Zhu could speak, Qin Huairu said with a straight face.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm talking for nothing. I figured it out. You can carry anything else in our house, but you can't withdraw money. You should be impatient when you ask for money." Xiao Dang picked up a bowl and ate noodles depressedly .

"I think the noodles are good. They are more nutritious than those miscellaneous ones. If I could eat this before, I would be so happy." Although the uncle said so, his movements were much slower. After eating a bowl of noodles for a long time No less.

"But our family has been eating it for four or five days, no matter how delicious it is, we can't eat it every day." Hearing what the old man said, Xiao Dang couldn't help complaining.

"Okay, let's not say a few words. It's not easy for your mother. Our family only earns so much money. If we eat well every day, we can't make it through." Jia Zhang put down the bowl and chopsticks and said to Xiaodang, she also She wants to eat good food and eat meat, but she prefers to save the money for Stickong's wedding.

Ordinarily, they earn a lot of money based on their family's conditions, so they don't eat so lightly. After all, Qin Huairu and Xiao Dang both have legitimate jobs, and Sha Zhu and Bang Geng can go out to cook banquets for others, and the uncle also has a pension .

But Qin Huairu did it on purpose, just to make Shazhu work faster, for fear that the food and drink would make him lazy to serve him.

At this time, the second uncle came from the front yard, still carrying a big bag in his hand, and stopped when passing by the first uncle, looking at the big bowl of noodles on the table, a smile appeared on his face.

"I said Lao Yi, your food is not good. It's not good at all. You must keep up with your nutrition when you are old, otherwise you will easily get sick."

"I know how my health is, so you don't need to worry about it." The elder replied without raising his head when he heard Liu Haizhong's words.

"Old Yi, I'm concerned about you. Don't be ignorant of others." Liu Haizhong was a little angry. Originally, he wanted to show off to Yi Zhonghai.

"No need, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and let's have dinner."

To say that Qin Huairu and her family are really weird, other people eat in their own house, but their family doesn't have to eat in the courtyard. People in this courtyard can see it as long as they pass by the middle courtyard, and they don't know. What did she think.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you." The second uncle threw down a sentence and walked towards the backyard without looking back, carrying the bag. Since he earned money, the second uncle didn't let the second aunt cook. He went to Yan Xiecheng's restaurant for a walk when it was time for dinner. , After eating, bring it back to the second aunt.

Xiao Dang looked enviously at the back of the second uncle leaving, and couldn't help but said again:

"Hey, you've heard that the second uncle's family is amazing now. I heard that they have started a business and even opened a company."

"Where did you hear this? Is it reliable? Don't listen to the wind or the rain here." Bang Geng has been staying at home without work for the past few days. He still doesn't know what happened outside. Even Yan Jiecheng It was Xiao Dang who told him to open a restaurant.

"Don't believe me, everyone said that it can be false. I heard that what kind of steel is sold, by the way, it is rebar, which is used for building houses." Xiao Dang said as if something happened.

"Puchi" let out a sticky laugh, and then said: "This is even more impossible. The second uncle is just an ordinary worker. How can he have such a great ability to get steel? Anyway, I don't believe it."

"Master, you have worked with the second uncle for so many years, is it true? The second uncle really has such a great ability?" Qin Huairu is also a little curious, she is a first-class worker in the factory and she doesn't know some things .

"It should be true. Your second uncle has an apprentice who is now the director of the third branch factory. If he walks around and asks for some indicators, it is not impossible." Originally, the uncle didn't want to talk about this, but the person who asked the question was Qin Huairu, even if he didn't mention Qin Huairu, he could find out from other places.

"Isn't this collusion between government and business? Let's report him." Bang Jian became excited when he heard the old man's words.

"Do you have evidence? This is not the past." The old man rolled his eyes angrily, thinking that this kid is not only bad but also stupid, and he just opens his mouth to say anything. Let's make enemies in bangs.

"Master, then you..." Qin Huairu thought that the second uncle and the seventh-level workers have this relationship. If the first uncle has a stronger relationship, then their family can be like the second uncle's family. This kind of business must be profitable. Lost.

"Don't think about it. We are in the same workshop. You still don't know what happened to my apprentices? None of them are perfect."

The old man was depressed when he mentioned this matter, he didn't understand that his skills were not worse than Liu Haizhong, how could he not be as lucky as Liu Haizhong.

He also didn't think about how he taught his apprentices, whether he could hide one hand or not teach the other hand, if he could become a talent, then there would be ghosts.

Don't say that apprentices rely on stealing teachers, the real ability is not something you can steal if you want, just like that fat apprentice of Shazhu, who has studied with Shazhu for more than ten years and still knows nothing. None of the dishes are fried.

This old man is really similar to Shazhu, he is very defensive against outsiders, and he has to keep a hand in everything.

(End of this chapter)

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