Chapter 262

"It seems that our family has no hope of getting rich." Xiao Dang said with some disappointment.Originally, the condition of their family in the compound was good, but it has completely changed since the reform and opening up.

Now everyone has started a business, not to mention Yan Jiecheng's restaurant, Yan Pugui's vegetable shop, the second uncle's trading company, and even Yan Jiefang's electrical repair shop.

The entire compound has not changed at all, they still go to work and get a dead salary, and the days are getting worse day by day, even her stupid dad is taking less and less work, and the money he earns is not enough to go to the restaurant for another meal .

"Mom, how much money does our family have?"

"Why are you asking this? The money I gave you last time has been spent?" Qin Huairu looked at the stick and didn't understand what he meant, thinking he wanted pocket money.

"I want to go to sea, I want to do business, I want to open a restaurant." Stick said firmly.

"No, I don't agree. The money our family saved so hard is still reserved for you to marry and marry a daughter-in-law. What if you lose money?" Qin Huairu immediately objected when he heard what the stick said.

Silly Zhu agrees with BangGou that he wants to open a restaurant. After all, working for his own family is better than working for outsiders, but he doesn’t count if the family’s money is not in his hands.

"Now I want a job or a job or a partner. How can I get married? Who will I marry? No matter what you say, I've booked this restaurant. If you don't give me the money, I'll borrow money from usury." Throwing on the table and not eating anymore, he had had enough of such a day, and he didn't want to live another day.

"Don't be impulsive, this business is not so easy to do. What your mother said is also reasonable. What if you have to lose it?" It's not good for him whether he wins or earns.

"How can it be possible to lose money? We don't need a chef to open a restaurant. My silly dad and I are enough, and my mother and Xiaodang can also come to help after get off work.

It's just the rent, decoration, tables and chairs, and the guys in the back kitchen who spend money. "

Stick talking and doing calculations, he finally came to the conclusion that the restaurant can be opened with only 5000 yuan, and the main expenses are rent and decoration.

"Huairu, why don't you just use the money to support Banggen?" Jia Zhang felt that what Banggen said was quite reliable, and she also hoped that Banggen would be successful.Besides, it's not a long-term solution to always play with the stupid Zhu.

"You sound good. Where's the money? I can't afford such a large amount of money." Qin Huairu looked in the direction of the uncle as he spoke.

Jia Zhang received the signal and turned to look at Yi Zhonghai: "Master, why don't you give me some money, and let him repay you twice when the stick earns money."

The uncle is suffering in his heart at this time, what is the matter of riding a horse, he does not believe that Qin Huairu can't afford the money, but she has been married to Shazhu for more than ten years, and he usually does not miss it. Relief.

He didn't dare to say much, he must have 7000 yuan, but he didn't dare to tear his skin off with Qin Huairu.I could only say:
"Well, how much money your family can spend, I will make up for the rest."

"Our family can come up with one thousand, look at this..." Qin Huairu originally wanted to say five hundred, but even she didn't believe this number, so she added another five hundred to make up the whole.

"Ah, it's impossible. How could our family only like such a small amount of money?"

Shazhu's first reaction when he heard Qin Huairu's words was that it was impossible. Although he didn't know how much money he had, it was absolutely impossible to only have this amount. You must know that even if he was fired from the factory and went out to work alone, he would give it to Qin Huairu for one month. Not only 50 yuan.

"If you're not in charge of the family, you don't know Chai Migui. You drink a lot of wine all day long. What have you ever done in the family?" Qin Huairu looked at Shazhu and wanted to refute her, so he stared at her.

Silly Zhu felt a little aggrieved, he likes to drink, but this wine was also brought back from other people's banquets, and it didn't cost the family money.Besides, Qin Huairu didn't tell him what happened at home, so he didn't care.

The uncle didn't expect Qin Huairu to be so shameless, and originally wanted to make a fool of himself to get this matter over with.But now he has to pay three or four thousand, so what should he do? Although he has money, he can't spend it like this. If this happens three or four times, then the pension money he has saved will be wiped out.

"Master, don't worry, I will treat this money as if our family borrowed it from you, and I will definitely pay you back when I make money in the future. If you don't worry, let Xiaodang write you an IOU?"

Xiao Dang was stunned, thinking that this matter is not my brother's, and it has nothing to do with me.

The old man didn't know what to say after hearing Qin Huairu's words, the meaning is clear, if Bang Geng loses money, let Xiao Dang take the blame.

But he can't do without borrowing, the thief ship has already boarded, and it's too late to jump off now.

"There is no need for an IOU. As far as the relationship between our two families is concerned, there is nothing to borrow or not. Anyway, these things will be left to you after I leave." Although the old man spoke openly, his heart was bleeding uncontrollably.

"Bang Geng, thank you for being a grandpa." Qin Huairu smiled and directed Bang Geng to kneel down and kowtow to the uncle. She also fought hard for this little money.

"Huairu, what are you doing, let the stick get up, and I'll go back and get the money after I finish eating this bowl of noodles." The uncle picked up the bowl and ate quickly, since he decided to pay, he didn't grind Shit, it saves money and is annoying.

After eating the noodles, the uncle went home and took 3000 yuan and handed it to Qin Huairu.

"Okay, now you are satisfied. The money is given to you, you and your silly dad quickly find a store and open the restaurant." Qin Huairu handed the 3000 yuan from the uncle to Banggen and said to him.

"It's not mom, didn't you say four thousand? Why is it one thousand less?" Bang Gon thought he had made a mistake, so he took the money and counted it again.

"Don't count, it's three thousand."

The stick was full of doubts and didn't know what her mother was going to do.

"Brother, why are you so stupid? Mom wants you to rent a smaller house so that you can save a lot on decoration. You can open a restaurant with 3000 yuan." The idea was spoken.

"But the house is small, so there are not many guests sitting there?" Bang Geng said rather dullly, although he hadn't worked with Sha Zhu for a few years, he still understood the truth.

"What do you know, you and your silly dad are opening a restaurant for the first time, isn't it normal that there are fewer customers? After a long time, you can earn money and then change to a bigger place."

What did Qin Huairu know? She did this mainly because she wanted to prostitute a restaurant for nothing.

Originally, the stick was calculated to be four or five thousand, but the money given to him by the uncle according to the minimum standard of 4000 yuan was reduced by another thousand to Qin Huairu. If there are too many, we can only reconsider.

(End of this chapter)

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