The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 270 The Child's Problem Yan Jiecheng Plans to Resign

Chapter 270 The Child's Problem Yan Jiecheng Plans to Resign
After watching his cousin leave, Yan Jiecheng turned his head and walked into the restaurant to arrange for everyone to bring the dishes to the back kitchen.

"Boss, can we run out of so many vegetables in the restaurant?" Heizi asked worriedly, looking at the seven or eight boxes of vegetables in front of him.

He also knew about the price increase in the restaurant yesterday, and he thought that there would definitely be fewer customers today, and if there were so many dishes that couldn't be used up, they would all be ruined.

"Don't worry about it, you just take care of the back kitchen."

After finishing speaking, Yan Jie confessed a few words, walked out of the back kitchen, went to the front desk and asked Yu Li to take out the foreign exchange received in the store yesterday.

"It's all here, what are you doing with it? Are you going to change it into RMB?" Yu Li took out a small box from the drawer and handed it to Yan Jiecheng and asked.

"No, it's very useful to keep this thing, and you'll know it in the future." Yan Jiecheng didn't bother to explain to her, picked up the box Yu Li handed over and went straight to the third floor.

When he came to the office, Yan Xiecheng closed the door after entering, put the box on the table, opened it, and counted it. The foreign exchange received yesterday was three hundred and seven dollars.

Including the previous receipts, Yan Jiecheng now has a total of more than 600 foreign exchange in his hands. The reason why he collects foreign exchange at the restaurant is not to go to the Friendship Store to buy things or exchange it into RMB privately.

Instead, he plans to use the foreign exchange to apply for patents. Although the domestic patent law did not come into effect until [-], he can find an agency to apply for foreign patents, but they only recognize the US dollar and other developed countries. Renminbi It is impossible for others to accept it.

The money seems to be a lot in China, but if you want to apply for a patent, you can't apply for a few.

"Dad, what are you doing? Alone in the house?"

Yan Jiecheng was staring at the foreign exchange in the box in a daze when Ziwan pushed the door open and walked in.

"Why are you here?" Yan Jiecheng closed the box and said to Ziwan.

"I'm here to help you. Not only I'm here, but my brother is also here. My mother asked him to help Uncle Heizi chop vegetables in the back kitchen." Saying that, Zi Wan walked up to Yan Jiecheng and sat down.

"If you don't make trouble, I will burn incense and help." Yan Xiecheng said angrily, and put the box in the drawer and locked it. You can throw away everything, but you can't throw away foreign exchange. If you throw it away, Yan Xiecheng It hurts to death.

"Dad, you are so boring, why did I make trouble, I can't help you here." Saying that, Zi Wan puffed up her mouth angrily.

"Don't make it up, tell me, what's the matter? If you don't say it, I'll be a blast."

"Hey, hey, Dad, I really can't hide anything from you. My classmate is going to come to our restaurant for dinner on his birthday. Can you give us the Tianzi size box on the third floor." Xiao Ziwan originally wanted to make a good match with Yan Jie before talking. Yes, but Yan Jiecheng didn't give her a chance at all, so he could only get rid of the matter.

"This box has been reserved in advance, you should find another place, or you can eat on the second floor? The box on the second floor is not bad except for its smaller size." Yan Jiecheng thought for a while and said.

It's not that he didn't give it, it's just that this box was reserved several days in advance, not only the Tianzi number, but also the Dizi number, and there was only one herringbone number left for emergencies.

"Dad, you can accommodate me a little bit. I have already agreed with my classmates. I will arrange the private room. If you don't agree, then I will lose face in front of my classmates." Xiao Ziwan took Yan Jiecheng's hand and shook it. If you don't agree with her, you don't want to stop.

"No, no, I set this rule, and no one can break it. Since your classmate celebrates his birthday, why don't you reserve the box in advance." Yan Jiecheng seriously refused.

This is not just a question of a private room, but a matter of credit. Since the room has been reserved, unless the person returns the private room, it will be useless for anyone to explain.

"Dad, I'm your daughter, I have to give you some noodles." Kid Wan pulled Yan Jiecheng's arm and begged.

She didn't expect that it was so difficult to find a box in their restaurant. When her classmate told her before, she didn't take it seriously, thinking that the hotel belonged to their family and there was only one box, so she could use it as she wanted. She didn't expect that It would be so troublesome to book in advance.

"Well, there is still a private box on the third floor. If you use it, I will give it to you. If you don't use it, then you can figure out a way." Yan Jiecheng was so annoyed by the boy that he had no choice but to take out the last box on the third floor. , I originally wanted to keep it as a spare, but who would let this matter to my daughter? Although this box is not as good as Tianzi, it is also one of the three best boxes in their hotel.

"Don't be unhappy, if someone else comes over, I really won't necessarily give it to him." Yan Jiecheng said as he watched Ziwan pouted and slapped her on the forehead.

"Dad, Dad, I'm not unhappy. I'm not thinking about how to talk to them later?"

"What's there to say? If you want to eat, you can eat and if you don't, you can go." Yan Jiecheng directly lowered his face. These children really can't say anything now. They have a way of not showing off their farts. They have to use a private room for a meal. Qian doesn't know what his last name is.

This can't work, I have to talk to Yu Li later, because he and Yu Li are too busy recently to discipline them.

"Father, don't be angry, it's fine, it's fine, I'll go over and inform them." Seeing that Yan Jiecheng was angry, the kid didn't dare to say anything, and ran out.

After the kid left, Yan Jiecheng went downstairs.

"Xie Cheng, why is my daughter looking for you?" Yu Li asked curiously. Just now, the boy Wan came over and asked her where Yan Jiecheng was, and then went upstairs without talking to her.

"I feel that these two children are going to learn bad things, and we can't let them be like this anymore." Yan Jiecheng told Yu Li about the boy Wan asking him for a box.

"What are you going to do?"

Yan Jiecheng thought about it. Now he works in the factory during the day, and after get off work he has to come to the restaurant to help out. When he gets home, the children are asleep and have no time to communicate with them. Even the youngest son is taken care of by the third mother.

It's not a problem to continue like this, so Yan Jiecheng planned to quit his job in the factory. Anyway, their family is now earning money, and the salary in the factory is also dispensable.

"When I go to work on Monday, I will quit my job in the factory. From now on, the two of us will take turns looking after the restaurant. One of us must be at home to look after the children."

Yu Li has no objection to Yan Jiecheng's resignation. She did not agree with it before because the restaurant has just opened and has not yet made any money.

Now that the restaurant has already made money, the work in the factory is not important. The most important thing is the child. If the child has a problem, then what is the use of the two of them no matter how much money they earn, so Yu Li readily agreed. .

(End of this chapter)

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