Chapter 271

Because of the price increase, the number of people who came to Yan Jiecheng Restaurant for dinner at noon today decreased a lot, but the number of foreigners increased, and they were all brought by people from the travel agency.

At the same time, Shazhu's restaurant had [-] to [-] percent more guests than yesterday, and Shazhu was also a monk of Zhang Er who couldn't figure it out, thinking in his heart that they were all attracted by his craftsmanship.

"Silly Dad, hurry up, copy the dishes from table number three first, the guests have been waiting for a long time." Sticking up the curtain, he walked into the back kitchen from the outside and said to Silly Zhu.

He also didn't expect that there would be so many customers in the store today, usually there are more customers in the evening, but today he started serving people at noon for some reason.

Qin Huairu and Xiaodang only came to help after get off work at night. During the day, he and Shazhu were the only two people in the store. It was fine before, but today there are a lot of customers, and the two of them are a bit overwhelmed.

"I said Banggen, what's the matter, why are there so many guests today?" Silly Zhu wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked Banggen, he was the only one in the back kitchen, not only cooking, but also washing and cutting vegetables He was so tired that he couldn't even lift his hands.

"I don't know, but listening to their chat, it seems that the price of the hotel opposite has increased."

"The restaurant across the street? Isn't that opened by Yan Jiecheng's family?" Silly Zhu was taken aback after hearing what the stick said, and then he realized that he said why there are so many customers today, so that was the reason.

"That's right, it's their family, and I don't know what's going on in their family, they actually committed suicide." Bang Geng said gloatingly.

The two restaurants are so close to each other and there is already a competitive relationship. They dare to raise prices. This is because they really don't take themselves seriously, so don't blame yourself for stealing their business.

"Hehe, it's not surprising based on the virtues of their old Yan's family. It's okay, let's not talk about their family, how many tables are there outside?" Silly Zhu took out the stir-fried vegetables on the plate and turned his head. Asked to the stick, if there are more tables, he really can't hold on, and now his hands are shaking a little.

"After a few tables, you are persevering. After you have been busy for a while, you can rest when my mother and Xiao Dang come over in the evening."

Ever since he opened the restaurant, Bang Giao's attitude towards Shazhu has become much better than before, and he has brought you along in his words. Now their family's main income is the restaurant, and the reason why the restaurant's business is good is because of Shazhu's craftsmanship.

Although Bang Geng has learned from Sha Zhu for several years, but Sha Zhu never passed on his skills to him, and Bang Geng didn't care that he was not interested in learning how to cook. He followed Sha Zhu just to make money That's all, he didn't know the importance of Shazhu until he opened a restaurant.

"No, I'm looking for two people. The business is so good that I can't do it by myself."

"This... silly dad, let's talk about it when my mother comes over, I'll go out to do some work first." As he spoke, he picked up the fried dishes and ran out.

Silly Zhu felt helpless looking at the stick that ran out. He had never received such treatment in the factory before. The dirty work was done by apprentices, so he was only responsible for cooking for the leaders. He sat on a chair and drank when he had nothing to do. Tea, even if you are expelled from the factory and come out to serve people, it is still a day of work and a few days off.

But since he opened the restaurant, he not only does the dirty work himself, but also never rests.

That's not enough, the pocket money is gone, and if you want to drink a little wine, you have to look at the face of the stick. Although the stick is polite to him on the surface and opens his mouth, silly dad, shut up, silly dad, but when it comes to money, he starts Hit him up.Anyway, there is only one meaning, you can avoid talking about money if you listen to good words.

If you want to say that the one who regrets the most is not Shazhu but the uncle. How can I say that when Shazhu didn’t open a restaurant before, Shazhu went out to cook for others and at least he could bring back some meat and vegetables. If he was lucky, he could bring back two bottles of wine. .

But when he opened the restaurant, things changed. Qin Huairu thought about it, how expensive the meat dishes are, and vegetarian dishes are better, not only cheap but also nutritious.

Of course, they don't know how to eat it themselves. After all, her stick is still growing, so it's okay not to eat meat.But they were afraid that the neighbors would gossip, so they ate separately. The few of them ate at the restaurant, and when they returned, they brought two vegetarian dishes and two steamed buns for the uncle and Jia Zhang.

And it's the cheapest vegetarian dish, either cabbage, potatoes or radishes all day long.

The first uncle and the Jia Zhang family are almost eaten into little white rabbits, especially the Jia Zhang family, whose tonnage has shrunk seriously. Before, they could compete with the second uncle in terms of weight, but now they have completely lost, let alone the second uncle. Even the second aunt can kill her in seconds.

The courtyard at this time.

Today, the second uncle is fine, so he went to the front yard and asked Yan Bugui to make half a catty of loose white for him, fried two taels of peanuts mixed with a few eggs, sat on the chair with Erlang's legs up while drinking the wine, and watched The old man played chess with others.

"Old Liu, let me tell you that you can live a good life. The company will be taken care of by Guangtian and his wife. If you have nothing to do, you can come out and have a drink." Yan Bugui brought the last plate of eggs to the second uncle. Said a little enviously.

Second uncle: "There is no way the family has this condition."

The old man who was playing chess at the side frowned when he heard this, and couldn't help but say: "Old Liu, it's not easy for you to earn some money. You should save as much as you can. His second aunt is also staying at home." , can't you buy some food and let his second aunt cook?"

"Old Yi, what you said is wrong. If you earn money, why don't you spend it? I can't compare with you. I can eat vegetables every day. I feel uncomfortable all day without seeing meat."

"What's the matter with eating green vegetables? It's good for your health to eat more green vegetables when you get older." Although the old man didn't think so in his heart, he still insisted.

With a "puchi", the second uncle laughed: "Old Yi, who told you that eating green vegetables is good for your health, is it Qin Huairu and Silly Zhu? Don't listen to them, if you don't believe me, go back and look in the mirror to see yourself complexion."

"Old Yi, what Lao Liu said is right, your complexion is not very good, is it because you have not kept up with your nutrition, eating vegetables all day is not enough, isn't Shazhu and his family running a restaurant, the food should not be bad .”

Yan Bugui walked up to Yi Zhonghai and took a look. Before that, his face was still ruddy, but after not seeing him for a while, his face not only turned green, but also lost a lot of weight, revealing the bones of his forehead.

"Old Yan, you don't know this. I often go to Xiecheng for dinner and pass by Shazhu's restaurant. I often see sticks, and sticks look different."

The second uncle drank half a catty of wine, and he talked more, and he didn't care if the first uncle's face became ugly, he would say anything.

"what happened?"

"What else can happen, people don't take Lao Yi as their own, this is not their own, or treat him no matter how good they are, everyone has seen how Lao Yi treated their family before, you are looking at them How did the family treat Lao Yi?"

Speaking of this matter, the second uncle is very happy. Before Yi Zhonghai wanted to trick him into joining the pension team. Now it seems that the original decision is still wise. This pension is not necessarily reliable for his own son, let alone these things People who are not related by blood.

"Old Liu, do you mean that Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu secretly opened a small stove? Just give Lao Yi a bad job?"

Yan Bugui was full of disbelief, according to the performance of Qin Huairu and Shazhu before, they didn't look like this kind of people at all.

Seeing this, the second uncle couldn't help but said: "It's called knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts. Before Lao Yi could earn money, their family had to treat Lao Yi well, but now it's different. They have opened a restaurant, and they look down on Lao Yi." This is the money."

(End of this chapter)

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