The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 277 Go to Fatty Zuojiazhuang to Work Again

Chapter 277 Go to Fatty Zuojiazhuang to Work Again

"Understood, I'll go back and change, and I'll be there later." After speaking, Yan Jiecheng turned and went home.

After lunch, he took a rest for a while, changed his overalls, and rode a bicycle with Zi Hao out of the courtyard.

The little guy has never been to the countryside since he was born, and Yan Jiecheng plans to take him to see it, otherwise it will be embarrassing when he grows up without knowing how the food he eats is grown.

"Uncle, where are you going? Take me with you." Seeing Yan Jiecheng taking Zi Hao out, Zi Yun, the boy of Yan Jiekuang's family, ran out and shouted to Yan Jiecheng.

She usually played with Xiao Zihao at home, and Xiao Zihao left her alone without a playmate. The reason why Yan Jiecheng didn't take her with him was because he was afraid that if an accident happened in the village, he would not be able to explain to Li Nuan and his wife.

But seeing the pitiful look in the little girl's eyes, Yan Jiecheng couldn't bear it. Li Nuan and his wife didn't have time to change her when they went to college.

As for the children in the courtyard, only Zihao was one of the few children of the same age. Although Yan Jiedi came here often, the children in their family were too young to speak well, so they couldn't play with them.

After thinking about it, it would be a big deal for me to watch closely, so as not to let them leave my field of vision, so I said:

"It's okay to take you, but you have to be obedient and don't run around when you get there."

"Don't worry, uncle, I'm sure I won't be obedient, no, I'm sure I won't run around if I'm obedient."

The little girl laughed happily when she heard Yan Jiecheng's words, and ran over bouncingly. Yan Jiecheng reached out and picked her up and put her on the front beam of the bicycle, and asked her to hold the handlebars. Ride in the direction of Zhuang.

Because I rode a bit slowly with the two little guys, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at Zuojiazhuang.

"Father, where is this place? Why haven't I been here before?" Little Zi Hao looked around the village, seeing the world outside the city for the first time felt fresh.

Xiao Ziyun also clapped her two little hands and looked at the ducklings on the side of the road, screaming excitedly.

"This is your cousin's grandpa's house, remember to be polite when you go in." Yan Jiecheng said as he pushed open the door and walked in.

"Cousin, are you at home?"

The people in the room heard the sound and came out.

"Hi, grandpa." The two little guys called out. The cousin delivered food to Yan Bugui every day, and the two little guys knew each other.

"Hey, hey, you two are here too, hurry up and get outside to get cold." As he said that, the cousin picked up the two little guys and turned to enter the house.

After entering the room and sitting down, Yan Jiecheng couldn't help but asked, "Cousin, can you pick the vegetables in the shed?"

Aunt Biao said while pouring water for Yan Jiecheng: "Yesterday, the team leader went into the shed to check, and some vegetables were ready to be picked, but it is estimated that they can pick more than 100 catties a day a few days ago, and we have to wait a few days for large-scale picking. .”

"Your cousin is right. You can go into the shed later and have a look. Let's set a time when we pick it." The uncle said while smoking a pipe, and took out a few pieces of candy from the cabinet and handed them to the two. children.

"Since this is the case, let's not wait any longer. Let's go and have a look. If it's okay, we can pick it up today, and you can deliver it together when we deliver the food tomorrow." Yan Xiecheng was thinking that the number of restaurant customers has decreased due to the price increase these days. Few, although some foreigners have stepped forward, but it is necessary to use off-season vegetables to attract a wave of customer traffic.

"Okay, let's go then."

After talking, my cousin put on a coat and took the lead and went out. The village actually wanted to sell the vegetables as soon as possible. After all, everyone can feel at ease when the money is in hand. Quite a few, and it seems that the Chinese New Year will be over in a month, and the village also wants to sell the vegetables before the year and distribute the money to everyone.

Opening the door of the shed, a gust of hot air gushed out. Yan Jiecheng took the lead and walked in. The two little guys followed curiously. After the cousin came in, he closed the door. The door should not be left open for a long time, or the heat will escape. up.

"Cucumber, uncle, I know this cucumber." Xiao Ziyun happily pointed to the cucumber on the shelf and shouted to Yan Jiecheng.

"Don't run around, you two. If you knock down the cucumber stand, you will be spanked."

The two little guys couldn't help sticking out their tongues after hearing it.

"It's okay, just be careful. Come, grandpa will pick cucumbers for you to eat." As he spoke, uncle picked two cucumbers from the shelf, wiped them on his clothes and handed them to the two little guys. Anyway, the vegetables now are not like the pesticides in the later generations, and he doesn't worry about getting sick after eating them.

"Xie Cheng, what's the matter? It's okay to grow." The cousin said proudly. The village has worked hard to take care of the greenhouses of these acres of land. If labor is counted according to the standards of later generations, these acres The greenhouses on the ground do not make money at all, mainly because there are too few machines and everything has to be done manually.

"Well, yes, are the other sheds like this too?" Yan Jiecheng looked around and asked his cousin.

"It's almost the same. The old captain estimated yesterday that the output of these few acres of land will not be less than [-] catties."

"Okay, tell the old captain later, let's pick it today, and let's count it at fifteen cents per catty."

Yan Jiecheng thought about it. Seasonal vegetables are about five cents a catty. Although fifteen cents is a lot, this is the first time the village has grown them. Too little will discourage people's enthusiasm, which is not conducive to promotion, and they will receive fifteen cents. It’s not too expensive for him, but it’s a big deal to sell it more expensive. Anyway, most of the food will be foreigners. Foreigners’ money is not earned, and they are not short of money.

"This, it's too much, can you make money by collecting it?" Uncle asked a little worried, after all, it was three times the price of ordinary vegetables.

"Don't worry, uncle, I will definitely not do business that loses money. By the way, uncle, how are the strawberries I asked everyone to grow?"

Yan Jiecheng recalled that when he was growing vegetables, he asked the team leader to set aside a small piece of land for strawberries. It was only about two cents, less than [-] square meters.

The reason why there is no large-scale planting is that this kind of fruit has not been promoted on a large scale, many people do not know it, and there are few people who buy it. The ones he planted are intended to be sold to foreigners, and they are sold to foreigners at a high price .

"Don't tell me, I really forgot. It's the first time I've planted this kind of thing in the village. I don't know if it will grow well, but it will take at least half a month to mature. Would you like to go and have a look?" Uncle was stunned. It took a while to remember, because they didn't grow much at the beginning, and they didn't care about it. Anyway, whether it grows well or not won't have any impact on them.

"I won't go. Let me know when I'm mature, and I'll come and see."

Yan Jiecheng took the two children out of the shed, asked his uncle to tell the old team leader about picking vegetables, and then rode his bicycle back to the city. After all, there were many people coming to the restaurant to eat at night, so he had to go and help them I'm a little busy.

At this time, the back kitchen of Shazhu Restaurant.

Fatty was already working in Shazhu's restaurant, and was cooking by himself, while Shazhu was sitting by the side drinking tea and watching Fatty.It was noon and there were not many people coming to the restaurant for dinner, so Sha Zhu handed over all the work to Fatty, and he just gave instructions from the sidelines.

The reason why the fat man came was because he thought that the restaurant was opened by his master after all, and it was impossible for Sha Zhu to treat him badly with this master-student relationship.Although the salary was a little low at the beginning, he believed that it would definitely increase for him in the future, and the most important thing was that he could learn the craft secretly by following Sha Zhu.

(End of this chapter)

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