Chapter 278

And Qin Huairu told him this. Qin Huairu is really good at fooling people, making a person with a formal job resign willingly, and work hard at their home.

Moreover, this person is very happy, without any resentment in his heart.

"Master, how do you think my cooking is doing?" The fat man swung the pot cleanly, dumped the vegetables in the pot onto the plate, and turned to Sha Zhu and asked.

To say that Fatty’s basic skills are quite solid, after all, he has learned from Shazhu for so many years, the only thing he lacks is the seasoning. Some dishes need secret seasoning when stir-frying. He couldn't steal it, but what Shazhu could figure out was the few secret seasonings.

Silly Zhu took a sip of tea, turned his head to look at Fatty's voice, picked up a piece of food and put it in his mouth.

"Well, that's right. Although it's not as good as me, it's better than before."

"Master, look at what you said. Who are you? I can't compare with you. If I can learn a little bit from you, I will be satisfied." The fat man handed the fried vegetables to the stick beside him. While flattering Sha Zhu.

Stick took the food, curled his lips, deeply ashamed of the fat man's compliment on Shazhu, no matter how good the food is, what's the use of being a cook, working for others all his life, although he doesn't know how to cook, but he can't cook as usual Be the owner of a restaurant.

"Not bad, not bad, a child can be taught. Today, the master is happy to show you a little later. It depends on you how much you can learn." No matter what others think of the fat man's flattery, Sha Zhu still enjoys it.

"That's great, wait a minute, master, I'll pour you another cup of tea when it's cold." After speaking, the fat man rushed over, regardless of whether Shazhu's tea was cold or not, he just poured it out and poured him another cup .


It was past five o'clock when Yan Jiecheng returned to the courtyard with the two little ones, and it was almost time for the restaurant to be occupied by this point. After handing over the two children to the third mother, Yan Jiecheng hurried to the restaurant on a bicycle.

Entering the restaurant, there are already many people sitting in the lobby on the first floor. Although it cannot be compared with before, it is not too small. When the off-season vegetables are available tomorrow, it is estimated that it will be back to before or even hotter than before.

After saying hello to Yu Li, Yan Jiecheng went directly to the back kitchen to help Heizi cook. There are three chefs in their restaurant, and only Heizi cooks Sichuan cuisine, and the other two cook Shandong cuisine.

It wasn't that Yan Jiecheng didn't want to recruit people, but that he didn't meet the right ones. After all, there are really few good Sichuan dishes in Beijing in this era.

"Boss, with your skills, it's a pity not to be a cook."

Zhao Xiaohu looked at Yan Jiecheng's cooking action and said with a little regret, he really couldn't understand how an electrician in a factory could cook better than professional cooks like them. be the boss.

"That's what I said, I'm a cook now, what a pity." Yan Jiecheng said as he concentrated on frying the vegetables without looking back.

"Although you are cooking now, I know that if we recruit a chef, you will definitely not come here."

"By the way, boss, why don't you take in an apprentice with such a good craftsmanship, how about I introduce one to you? Don't worry, your comprehension is absolutely high, and your character must be fine."

Yan Jiecheng thought about it, and it’s not impossible to take an apprentice, but he didn’t have time to take it. When he took Heizi back then, he said it was teaching, but most of it was taught by Heizi himself. Yan Jiecheng just gave him a cookbook, and Heizi himself After several years of pondering, the iron pot was thrown away several times before I got into the door.

"Forget it, even if you are a good person, I don't have time to teach."

"Don't, boss, you don't have time for Heizi to teach. Anyway, Heizi is not bad at learning skills from you."

"Brother Hu, what does that person have to do with you? If you work so hard to recommend it to the boss, it's not because you want to benefit from public affairs." Heizi jokingly said.

"This... Really not. Although he is my nephew, he is really nice. I am not lying about this."

"Then why don't you accept it, let the boss accept it, and say, do you have bad intentions?"

"Heizi, don't blame me. It's not that I don't want to accept him. It's just that our school has rules. We can't accept apprentices within ten years after leaving the teacher. If you don't believe me, ask Brother Dong."

"Yes, that's what the master said when we became teachers." Chen Xiaodong mentioned Zhao Xiaohu and explained.

The reason why Zhao Xiaohu went to Yan Jiecheng instead of looking for Heizi directly was because he was afraid that they would have this rule. After all, he had to hone his skills after graduation, so it was really inappropriate to accept an apprentice at this time.

That is to say, now, in future generations, it will not matter whether the rules are changed or not. As long as the money is in place, even if you don't become a teacher, you can accept apprentices.

"Well, bring your nephew over here tomorrow, let Heizi take it first, don't care about apprentices or not, let him learn first, and then you can teach if you want." Yan Xiecheng thought that the restaurant is short of people anyway, even if It is also good that you can't cook and come over to beat you.

"Thank you boss, thank you boss, I will bring people over tomorrow morning."

"Okay, let's cook quickly." Yan Jiecheng waved his hand at him, telling him to cook quickly. The restaurant is busy now, and the waiter in front has come to urge him.

After cooking at the restaurant all night, it was past nine o'clock when they returned to the courtyard. After a brief wash, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li fell asleep.


Early the next morning.

My cousin drove a cart of vegetables to Yan Jiecheng in a donkey cart, and everyone he saw along the way would come up and ask a few questions. After all, cucumbers, eggplants, and tomatoes can still be seen in winter in this era, which makes people feel special. Strange.

Quite a few people followed along, wanting to see where the vegetables would be pulled down. Maybe they could still buy some if they pulled down the vegetable market. When the donkey cart stopped, people saw that it was a restaurant.

"Why haven't I heard of "Piaoxiang Pavilion"? With such a great ability, you can still get vegetables in winter."

"You don't even know about Piaoxiang Pavilion, so you don't come from other places?"

"I don't know, is Piaoxiang Pavilion famous?"

"You don't need to ask. Go out and ask the people nearby who don't know this restaurant. Even many foreigners come here to eat the dishes made by this restaurant. Do you know the spicy rabbit head? I heard that this is the restaurant invented."

"What kind of dish is the spicy rabbit head?" The man was a little puzzled, not to mention eating it, he had never even heard of it in other places.

"Sure enough, he is a foreigner. I don't bother to tell you. If you have a chance, you will know if you go in for a meal, but the food inside is very expensive. If you don't have money, forget it." The buddy next to him said contemptuously, talking His tone was a little arrogant, as if eating spicy rabbit head was such an amazing thing.

 The capital is in a meeting to comment and some are invisible
(End of this chapter)

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