The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 279 Liu Guangqi is here

Chapter 279 Liu Guangqi is Back
"According to what you said, I have to go in and taste it today to see if it is as delicious as you said."


Half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, and it is also the peak period for vegetables. Now the village sends more than 400 catties of vegetables every day. If there is more, the restaurant will not be able to use it up.

After half a month of fermentation, people who come to nearby restaurants to eat know that there are fresh vegetables in "Piaoxiang Pavilion". What a difference from the usual vegetables.

I don't know if it's because of the price, or because of the face. Anyway, the food that I have eaten is said to be good when I go out, which makes the restaurant full of guests no matter at noon or at night.

And Yan Bugui's vegetable shop is also famous in the street for selling out-of-season vegetables. Many people who are reluctant to go to restaurants will buy some back.

It's just that the supply is too small, and you have to get up early every day to line up, otherwise you won't be able to grab it at all, and it's impossible for people who come to buy only vegetables, and also buy some other things.

Taking a closer look at the money earned in the past half month, it was more than the previous month, which made Yan Bugui and Sanma very happy.

And the one who was most unhappy was Qin Huairu, because their restaurant was too close to Yan Xiecheng's restaurant, so they were most affected, and Chinese people have a habit of getting together for everything, including eating.

Seeing that there were many people eating at Yan Jiecheng's restaurant, they all ran over. Even if there were no seats, they would rather line up than go to Shazhu's.

Sha Zhu and Qin Huairu couldn't understand the situation, they both went out early and returned home every day to be busy with the store, and they didn't know about off-season vegetables.


At noon that day, when Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li returned to the courtyard after changing shifts, they saw two tricycles parked beside a group of people at the gate of the courtyard with a lot of luggage on them.

Seeing that it was about to move, but he didn't know whether to move out or move in, Yan Jiecheng walked forward curiously, pulled Yan Bugui who was watching the fun and asked, "Dad, who is moving here?"

"Liu Guangqi, I don't know who said that your second uncle started a company and made a lot of money. Why don't you come back now? Now the second uncle's house is lively. By the way, Guangtian and Yu Haitang are not at home, you have to tell them Let them both be careful, I don't think Liu Guangqi is kind."

Yan Bugui looked back and saw that it was Yan Jiecheng who was interrogating, so he told him about the matter, and finally asked him to remind Yu Haitang and his wife.Although this was a matter of the old Liu's family, Liu Guangtian was somewhat close to their family, so he still had to help as much as he could.

"Where will Liu Guangqi move back to live? There are only a few rooms in the second uncle's house, and there is no place for them to live." Yan Jiecheng asked puzzled.

Since the reform and opening up, housing prices in Beijing have been rising steadily. Before, you could buy a 500-square-meter house for [-] yuan, but now you can’t buy it for [-] to [-] yuan. Those who sold the house before regretted it no.

Although the second uncle made money in business, he felt that the housing price was too high and he was not willing to buy it. On the contrary, Liu Guangtian bought one in the backyard, and built the previous temporary house for Liu Ben to live in.

"It depends on how your second uncle makes arrangements. Before your second uncle and Guangtian couple did business, although Guangfu didn't say anything, now that Liu Guangqi is back, if he wants to make trouble, Liu Guangfu will probably follow suit."

Yan Bugui shook his head, thinking that the old Liu's family and his own family are three sons, but the relationship between the family is really incomparable with his family's. Except for the second daughter-in-law who is not easy to get along with, everything else in their family is pretty good. A little bit of calculation is also on the bright side.

"Dad, you stay here, I'll go back first." Yan Jiecheng saw that Yu Haitang and his wife hadn't come back yet, and they didn't have much fun staying here, so it's better to go back and take a nap, recharge your batteries and wait for the big show at night.

Yan Jiecheng returned home, washed up, fell asleep on the bed, and it was the boy Wan who woke him up after school, and excitedly told him that the old man was going to have a meeting in the middle courtyard tonight.

Yan Jiecheng knew without thinking that it must be because of Liu Guangqi's return, but he didn't know what happened in the courtyard while he was sleeping.

Originally, I was thinking of waiting for Liu Guangtian to come back and tell him a few words, but now it seems that it is useless.

Just when Yan Jiecheng got up to eat, Liu Guangtian walked in with a face full of injuries.

"Puchi, I said uncle, you are fighting with my aunt, and my aunt is too ruthless." Seeing the bloodstains on Liu Guangtian's face and the dark circles around his eyes, the boy couldn't help laughing. .

"Don't look, go, bring a chair for your little uncle." Yan Jiecheng said to Ziyang who was beside him.

If it was said that it was Yu Haitang who hit him with his hands, he didn't believe it. Although Yu Haitang was a bit irritable, although the two of them had quarreled since they got married, they had never fought.Thinking of Liu Guangqi's return today and the fact that the elder brother is going to have a meeting tonight, it's probably because the two brothers had a conflict and fought.

"Ziyang, get me a bowl and a pair of chopsticks for my little uncle, I haven't eaten yet." Liu Guangtian also took the chair handed over by the boy Ziyang and sat down, then shouted at him.

"What about Haitang and Liu Ben, why did you come here by yourself?"

"The two of them have gone to the child's grandma's house." Liu Guangtian took the bowl and chopsticks from Ziyang, and replied to Yan Jiecheng while eating.

"What's going on, did you fight with your brother?" Yan Jiecheng asked while drinking his porridge with his head down.

"What else is going on, brother-in-law, tell me what Liu Guangqi did? What did my dad do to him before? He said he would go to the third line, and if he couldn't stay any longer, he asked my dad to spend money and use his relationship with him. When I got transferred back, I didn’t contact my family when I got back. Seeing that my dad was making money in business, he rushed back to ask for the money. My dad is also confused. Before Liu Guangqi treated him like this, he still didn’t give up. , and want to hand over the family property to Liu Guangqi."

The more Liu Guangtian thought about it, the more angry he became, he didn't understand. Before Liu Guangqi didn't come back, his father was quite normal. Why did his attitude change when he saw Liu Guangqi? He also wanted to take the company back from the couple and hand it over to Liu Guangqi operate.How can I say that he paid for the company when he started the company, and he was the one who proposed the idea of ​​starting the company. Why should he give up the management rights of the company when the boss comes back.

So they started to fight with Liu Guangqi even if they didn't agree with each other. Liu Guangfu looked on and didn't help him, thinking that no matter who wins, it won't do him any good. .

The second uncle and the second aunt wanted to fight, but they were so old that they couldn't pull it if they wanted to. The people in the compound also had nothing to do with themselves, so they stood aside and watched the fun.

(End of this chapter)

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