Chapter 296
"One thousand and seventeen, but don't worry, we will definitely pay back the money, and we will calculate the interest for everyone at that time."

"Siblings, it's not that we don't want to borrow it, but our family really can't get it out." Wang Dong's eldest brother said with some embarrassment.

Although their family has some savings, there are two children at home, and her daughter-in-law does not have a formal job, so she earns some pocket money by making clothes for others. Since the reform and opening up, everyone has bought ready-made clothes, and there are only a few The older ones even bought cloth and asked his wife to make it.

Just like this, I can't make much money a month. If I borrow all the family's money, it's okay to earn money, but if I lose it, the family's life will not be able to survive.

Although they are brothers, they can't ruin their own family for their family's sake.

"Brother is right, our family has no money to lend you, isn't your natal family rich, and I also heard that your natal brother opened a big restaurant and made a lot of money. To him, this little money is too much money." It's not just drizzle." Chen Dong's second brother also expressed his opinion, he was just jealous that Yan Jiedi and Chen Dong had a better life than their family, they were both born of the same parents, he thought he was more capable than Chen Dong, It's just that I didn't marry a good wife, so why should I not be as good as Chen Dong.

It's not that Yan Jiedi never thought about borrowing money from Yan Jiecheng, she also knew that as long as she opened her mouth, her elder brother would definitely lend it to her, but after all, they were in business together, so it would be inappropriate to borrow money again.

The fourth brother frowned a little when he heard what his second brother said, and felt that what his second brother said was too much, even if you didn't borrow money, you couldn't say that.So he said: "Third brother, our family has 300 yuan, don't think it is too little, my brother has this ability, I will take it if you want to use it. You don't have to worry about paying it back, when you earn money, pay it back That's it."

"Tut, tsk, fourth child, I didn't see it. Your family is so rich. Your second brother and I also want to open a shop and start a business. You can also lend me 300 yuan."

When Chen Dong heard his second brother's words, his face immediately turned down. He didn't understand, he didn't provoke the second brother, why the second brother always targeted him.It's fine if he doesn't borrow money himself, and he will make trouble if others borrow money.

"Second brother, don't say a few words to me. Why are you messing up your brother's business? Do you think your brother's life is better than yours?" Chen Dong's father was a little angry. When it was difficult, he would not only help but also make trouble, which made him feel a little embarrassed. If his daughter-in-law wasn't here, he would have wanted to slap his second child with his belt.

"Is what I said wrong? Why is it that the third child can do business, but I can't do business. I can see that I am an outsider in this family. Then you talk, I'll go." Talking about Chen Dong's two Brother turned his head out of the room and went back to his own home.

"This... I'm going to persuade the second brother, brother and sister, don't take it to heart, your second brother is like this. As for the money matter, you should think of other ways, our family really can't help. "Speaking of which, the eldest brother also left the room and went to the second child's house.

"Xie, your elder brother and second brother have no money and can't help at home, don't mind. In this way, your mother and I still have some money, and we will give you 400 yuan." Chen Dong's father said a little Embarrassed, he said that he didn't expect the second child to leave as soon as he said it, and the eldest brother also found a chance to slip away.

Chen Dong was a little speechless. He didn't expect his elder brother and second brother to be like this. In this case, his parents would give 1000 yuan, his younger brother would give [-] yuan, and their family could give [-] yuan.

"Xie Di, look at about we tell your elder brother that our family will take less shares and let your elder brother pay more." Chen Dong said a little embarrassed.

After all, it was discussed before that their family would pay 3000 yuan, but in the end they went back and said that the money was not enough. This is indeed a bit inappropriate, but there is no way, who made their family lack money.

"Third brother, why don't you go to the elder sister to borrow some, their family conditions are good, maybe they can lend it to you." Seeing his third brother's embarrassment, the fourth child couldn't help but said.

"This..." Chen Dong was a little undecided. After all, his elder sister was married. If he asked for a loan, his elder sister would have conflicts with his brother-in-law.

"Don't go to your elder sister, you can do whatever you have. Since Brother Xie's family is rich, let Brother Xie's family take up more shares." Father Chen stopped him, he didn't want the third son to go to the elder brother's house. If his daughter borrowed money, if his in-laws found out, he would lose face.

Hearing his father's words, Chen Dong turned his head to look at Yan Jieya, he thought the same in his heart, as long as he and his wife could earn wages, as for dividends, the store hadn't opened yet, so he didn't know how much he could earn.

"Dad, you don't need to persuade us anymore. We won't go to the eldest sister. We will find a solution for the 1000 yuan short of money." Yan Jiedi frowned and said, he didn't expect to borrow 700 yuan in the end. It was beyond her expectations.

"Okay, you two can figure it out, we are too old to help you, and I will ask your mother to send 400 yuan to you two later." Father Chen said and walked out.

"Third brother, I'll go back and get the money for you." Chen Dong's younger brother walked out as well.

"Xie Di, what do you think? Our family doesn't have any money, it's one thousand, where can we find it?" Seeing that there was no one else, Chen Dong turned his head and said to Yan Jiedi.

"I've thought about it. We're not regular workers now. I plan to give up our jobs. How can we exchange two jobs for 1000 yuan?" Yan Jiedi gritted his teeth and said.Originally, she didn't intend to do this. What she wanted was to apply for a suspension of work and stay at work, so that she could return to work even if she didn't make money from opening a shop.

"This... isn't it a bit radical." Chen Dong hesitated, after all, if he really wanted to do this, then his family would have no way out.

"Let's do it this way, don't worry, my elder brother is optimistic about the project, and he will definitely not lose money." Yan Jiedi gritted his teeth and said, thinking that even if he lost money, his elder brother would still watch her suffer.

Besides, there are her parents behind her. Her parents are rich now. Although they can't compare with her elder brother and earn thousands of dollars a year by opening a vegetable shop, they are many times better than ordinary families.Take Chen Dong's family as an example. It is estimated that his parents and his brothers and brothers together are not enough for Yan Bugui to fight. This is also the source of her confidence.


At this time, in Chen Dong's second brother's room, the eldest and second child were talking.

"Second boy, do you really want to do business? You should think about it, this business is not so easy to do, don't lose money then."

"Don't worry, big brother, as long as the third child can do business, why can't I do it? If you want to get involved, we two brothers will do it together."

"But do you have capital?" The boss looked at the second child with some doubts, he didn't think the second child was richer than him.

"You don't know that, you have to do business, and we don't need much capital if we don't open a shop. We can do it with one or two hundred yuan."

The boss was a little curious and didn't understand what kind of business the second brother was talking about, so he asked, "Second brother, what kind of business is it? Tell the eldest brother."

There is a reason why the boss and the second daughter have a good relationship. Their daughters-in-law are from the same village, and the second daughter-in-law was introduced by the eldest daughter-in-law.

"Let's pour eggs from the village to the city, think about it, we earn two cents for an egg, and two yuan for a hundred eggs, and this thing is very easy to sell.

We rode bicycles, and we could bring two hundred eggs for one trip, which was four yuan, and two trips a day was eight yuan, which was no better than going to work.And the cost is also low, tens of dollars is enough, we sell it around the alley, and don't need to rent a shop. "

"Is this possible? If it's so easy, why don't others do it?" Although he was moved by what the second child said, he didn't lose his mind. He thought that if it was so easy for others to do it, then it would be their turn.

"You just say whether to do it or not. If you do it, we will be together. If you don't do it, forget it. Don't brother earn money and complain that I don't take you with me."

The boss thought about it, and he didn't need much capital, but he could try it, even if he lost money, it wouldn't affect their family's life, unlike Yan Jieya and his wife who invested so much, and once they lost money, they would be hurt.

"Okay, then let's make an agreement. We will start to do it after the Chinese New Year. By the way, I also thought of an idea. We can supply eggs to restaurants. It would be great, and it would save us from going around. What do you think?"

"That's right, big brother is a big brother. He thinks more than me. By the way, we can discuss it with the third sibling. Doesn't her natal brother just run a restaurant?"

The boss gave the second one an angry look: "You forgot, you offended someone just now, now go to her and she can help you?"

"How did I offend her? If I don't lend her money, I'm offending her?" The second child said confidently.

"Don't think about where the third sibling is. I know a little brother. Their family opened a restaurant before. They earned a lot of money and plan to start a big family. They will open it in the next year. We can contact them."

"Who?" The second child was a little curious, he didn't remember that the eldest brother knew such a number one person.

"That man's name is Jia Geng. My buddy went to the countryside with him before, and we have a pretty good relationship. It will be no problem if I ask him to make peace with him. And this man is not married yet, isn't your sister-in-law also married? Can you give Let him tell you, if this happens, then we will be a family."

"Is this possible? They are going to open a big restaurant, can they see my sister-in-law?" The second child asked with some doubts. Although his sister-in-law looks good, she is from the countryside after all, and the big boss can like her.

"Who knows for sure. That man is 28 today. Think about it. He is still unmarried and he must be anxious. Besides, what is the difference between the countryside and the city now, and I don't want to be denied the same hukou as before."

"Okay, let my daughter-in-law ask her when she returns to her mother's house after the Chinese New Year." The second child also hopes to climb up to this relative, and the elder brother said that this family called Bang Geng looks very rich.

 I wrote a chapter and reviewed it. It is estimated that it will not be released until tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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