Chapter 297 Buying a House

After a few days of rest after the new year, Yan Jiecheng’s restaurant opened on the fifth day of the new year. Yan Bugui and Yan Jiedi began to urge him to implement the new store. After all, the money was in place, and Yan Jiedi and Chen Dong sold their jobs. There is no progress in the new store, and the two of them are also anxious.

Yan Jiecheng didn't rent their shop because of the increase in the price of sticks. In the past two days, he has been asking people to inquire about the owner's information.I thought about buying the store directly, so that not only would I not have to worry about rent increases, but I would also be able to earn a fortune even if I didn’t need it and sold it later.

After two days of inquiring, I finally got a clue. The owner of the house is Zhao Hongguang, a university teacher. He was accused of being sent to work on the farm because his relatives were abroad, and he only came back a few years ago.

In recent years, many countries at home and abroad have established friendly relations, and he also got in touch with relatives abroad.

During this time, I was planning to sell the family property, and then took the money to go abroad to join his relatives.

When Yan Jiecheng came to the door, he was discussing with his wife about the house, because he had rented a store at home to Sha Zhu, and now he wanted to sell the store, but the lease period had not yet expired, but he was in a hurry to go abroad, and he didn't know what to do. When it was good, Yan Xiecheng came to the door.

"Hello, are you Mr. Zhao Hongguang?" Yan Jiecheng stretched out his hand to shake Zhao Hongguang, and then asked.

"It's me, are you?" Zhao Hongguang looked at Yan Jiecheng with some doubts, not knowing why he was looking for him, and he even found his home.

"My name is Yan Jiecheng. I heard Director Wang said that your house is going to be sold, so I came over to find out. Please forgive me if I disturb you." Yan Jiecheng introduced himself, then took the stool handed over by Zhao Hongguang's wife, sat down.

"That's the case, but I don't know if you have known about the housing prices nearby?" Zhao Hongguang looked at Yan Jiecheng suspiciously. Considering Yan Jiecheng's attire, he didn't think that this person had the strength to buy their house.

"Don't worry, if I didn't have the strength, I wouldn't come here to ask. I forgot to tell you that you have heard of "Piaoxiang Pavilion". It was opened by me." Yan Xiecheng revealed his family background, otherwise this person is afraid I can't believe I'm here to buy a house.

"Ah, "Piaoxiang Pavilion" was opened by your family. I really didn't see it. You have created such a big family business at such a young age." Hearing that Yan Xiecheng said that Piaoxiang Pavilion was opened by his family, Zhao Hongguang looked sideways, thinking This person is really hiding his secrets. If this is true, he must have the strength to buy his own house, and he will not deliberately lower the price.

"I just don't know how much your house is going to sell for."

"I don't know which house Mr. Yan plans to buy?" Zhao Hongguang asked while holding the teapot and pouring tea for Yan Jiecheng.

Hearing Zhao Hongguang's words, Yan Jiecheng was a little depressed. People are really more angry than people. There are many families with a few people living in a house of a few square meters, and people sell houses at rounds.

"I don't know how many houses Mr. Zhao has for sale. If they are suitable, you can introduce them." Yan Xiecheng thought that if there were more suitable ones, he would not want Shazhu's shop.

"Our family has three houses for sale, two are courtyard houses and the other is a shop with a yard.

In addition to the one-entry courtyard now, there is also a three-entry courtyard on the Houhai side, and then there is a shop with a courtyard next to your restaurant.

You should know that shop, the area of ​​the house is more than 60 square meters, and there is a yard of more than 100 square meters inside.

The three-entry yard in Houhai is a bit big, covering an area of ​​[-] square meters. Of course, I also know that it is not easy to sell a large area. If you want to buy it, I can buy it cheaper. "

Zhao Hongguang looked at Yan Jiecheng with a smile, thinking that it would be best to buy all his houses, so that he would save himself the trouble of finding someone else.

At this moment, Yan Jiecheng's heart was screwed up. After working so hard for so many years, he thought that he was rich enough, but he didn't expect that he was not as rich as a rich second generation. what.

"I don't know how the third courtyard in your house is. Is it as well preserved as this house?"

Yan Jiecheng thought, Houhai is very close to Nanluoguxiang where he lives now, only four kilometers away, and it takes more than ten minutes to walk. It would be nice to buy it and live here.

Anyway, the three children of their family will have to buy a house in the future, and it is just right to buy it before the house price has risen.

Even if the money is not big enough to use some foreign exchange, the opportunity is so rare that if you don’t buy it now, you will not be able to buy it if you want to buy it later. Even if you can buy it, it will not be at the current price.


Seeing Zhao Hongguang stuttering, Yan Xiecheng knew that there must be something wrong with that house, it was probably the same as Yan Jieya's courtyard, and it was taken over and changed into a large miscellaneous courtyard.

Even if it was received, it would probably be badly built, otherwise Zhao Hongguang wouldn't have stayed in the hospital for the third time and stayed in the hospital for the first time.So Yan Jiecheng asked:
"Why, does Mr. Zhao have some unspeakable secrets?"

"Cough, cough, there are indeed some problems with that yard. When I went down before, the government allocated the third yard to the workers in the factory. Although the government returned the house two years ago, the workers also moved out. , but because there were too many people living in it, it was changed out of shape.

The yard I live in now is still too small, so it was allocated to the leaders of the factory and it was preserved.But if Mr. Yan wants to buy it, can I get a cheaper price for that yard? "

Yan Jiecheng was a little moved when he heard this. Although the yard was dilapidated, he still wanted to buy it as long as it was cheap enough. At worst, he would renovate it later.

Anyway, the yards bought now will have to be changed in the future, and it is not easy to find three-in-one courtyard houses. Most of them are distributed to several families, just like Yan Xiecheng's courtyard.

There are well-preserved ones, but they are all in the hands of the government, and they are all treated as cultural relics, and generally they will not be sold to individuals.

"I don't know how much Mr. Zhao said is cheap? If the price is right, I can buy it." Yan Jiecheng took a sip of tea and said unhurriedly.

"This... so, what about 200 yuan per square meter? You know, the normal price is now 300 yuan per square meter, which is a third cheaper for me." Zhao Hongguang gritted his teeth and said, He also wants to sell the house as soon as possible and go abroad as soon as possible. Relatives abroad have urged him several times, and he doesn't want to waste time here.

Although this price is a bit of a disadvantage, there is no way to do it. If it is not cheap, no one will want it.

Besides, ordinary people with such a large area can't afford so much money. This is 200 square meters. Even if it is calculated at 36 yuan per square meter, it is [-] yuan.

 Because I was blocked before, I changed it and it might look a bit awkward
(End of this chapter)

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