Chapter 298

The price of 200 yuan per square meter is not expensive, Yan Xiecheng thinks about it and thinks he can get it.But he doesn't have so much money in his hand, unless he uses the foreign exchange at home.

For foreign exchange transactions, the exchange rate has to be agreed in advance, and it is impossible to calculate according to the regular exchange rate, so I asked: "Mr. Zhao, I don't know if you accept foreign exchange?"

"Foreign exchange? U.S. dollars?" Zhao Hongguang asked in surprise. He didn't expect that Yan Xiecheng still had foreign exchange in his hand. He was going abroad to sell the house, and the money would also be exchanged for foreign exchange.

Otherwise, if you take RMB to foreign countries, people will not recognize it, but now the domestic foreign exchange is under the unified management of the state, and most people will not exchange it for you at all.

Just now he was discussing with his wife how to exchange the family's money into foreign exchange. He had found many people before, but they didn't have so many in their hands, and the transaction was only tens of dollars or hundreds of dollars at most.

This amount of money is not too little for ordinary people, and it can be used to buy things at the Friendship Store, but it is not enough for someone like him who is going to develop and start a business abroad.

"That's right, it's US dollars. If you want to accept it, I can buy that house. But let's talk about it first. The exchange rate can't follow the regular exchange rate. You must know how popular foreign exchange is now." Yan Xiecheng said calmly, While talking, he picked up his teacup and took a sip.


Zhao Hongguang is a little confused. He also knows that the use of foreign exchange is very popular now. Because of the reform and opening up, many people want to go outside and have a look. Some even want their children to study abroad.

But going abroad is not so easy. You must have foreign exchange in your hand, which has led to a polarized situation in the foreign exchange market. One dollar can be exchanged for [-] yuan through formal channels, but the bank will not change it for you.

So if you want U.S. dollars, you can only go to the black market to exchange, but the exchange rate on the black market is several times higher than the official exchange rate, and this is not how much you can exchange as much as you want.

And the exchange rate is not fixed, but most of them are ten yuan for one dollar, and sometimes they have to increase if they need more, and Zhao Guanghong is afraid that Yan Xiecheng will raise the price for him.

"Don't worry, as for the exchange rate, we'll exchange it at the normal price of ten to one on the black market. What do you think?" Yan Xiecheng said unhurriedly.

"Yes, yes, just listen to Mr. Yan. By the way, I will take you to the third courtyard to have a look. If it works, we will trade."

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Zhao Guanghong laughed, thinking that this man was good and didn't raise the price. He also hoped to sell this yard to Yan Jiecheng as soon as possible.

In this way, he can get [-] U.S. dollars at once, and even if the other two houses cannot be sold, it will not affect their family's plan to go abroad.

"Okay, let's go, let's go and have a look."

Saying that, Yan Jiecheng got up and followed Zhao Hongguang out of the courtyard, riding a bicycle towards Houhai.

When he arrived at the place, Zhao Hongguang took the key to open the door and led Yan Jiecheng around inside.

This three-entry courtyard is incomparable to the one where Yan Jiecheng lives now, and the area is much smaller. There are no side rooms in the middle courtyard and back yard, and the middle courtyard only has the main room and side rooms.

No one has lived in it for a long time, and the inside of the house looks a bit dilapidated. As the old saying goes, it is unpopular, and a lot of earthquake shelters have been built in the yard, and the roads are full of weeds. A good courtyard house has been changed into a mess Not a bit of the original antique look.

No wonder Zhao Hongguang doesn't live here. It seems that repairing this yard can't be done in a short while.

It can only be rented out first, and then slowly repaired after a few years. Zhao Hongguang didn't live in it before and didn't rent it out, probably because he was afraid that the policy would change and he would not be able to get it back when he rented it out.

But Yan Jiecheng knows the future development, so he is not worried about the house being taken over.

"Mr. Yan, how's it going? You've also checked the condition of the house. When do you think we'll transfer the ownership?" Zhao Hongguang said nervously.

He is now afraid that Yan Jiecheng will tell him that he can't buy this house, and he doesn't plan to buy it. He also didn't expect that the house will become like this just because no one lives in it for a few years. When he entered the house just now, he felt It was a bit creepy, and there was an indescribable coldness.

"Don't worry about this, let's talk about your shop first." Yan Xiecheng thought about buying this yard and the shop together, so as to save the trouble of transferring ownership together.

When Zhao Hongguang heard this, he thought that Yan Jiecheng didn't plan to buy this yard, but planned to buy that shop, so he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. After all, where is the area of ​​that shop? Expenses for going abroad.

"What? Mr. Zhao doesn't plan to sell that shop? Then I don't want to buy this yard either." Seeing that Zhao Hongguang didn't speak, Yan Xiecheng thought that he thought that selling the yard would be enough money, and he didn't plan to sell the shop to himself. .

"No, you mean, you want this yard and that shop?" Zhao Hongguang asked in disbelief.

"What? Is there a problem?"

"No, no, sell, we sell. By the way, Mr. Yan, we still have a yard in our house. You have been there just now. Do you want that yard too?" Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Zhao Hongguang was overjoyed asked.

"Don't you keep a place in your family?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Zhao Hongguang with some doubts. Although their family is going abroad, they can't sell all their property. If they are not used to staying abroad, they want to come back and even have a place to live. nothing.

"I won't stay anymore. Our family plans to go to the United States to join relatives, and we won't come back in the future." Zhao Hongguang said with a smile on his face.

Going abroad at this time is an enviable thing, especially when their family plans to live abroad, and even Zhao Hongguang plans to change their nationality, so that their family will be considered foreigners in the future.

"Okay, then how much do you plan to sell these three properties." Yan Jiecheng couldn't say anything about what Zhao Hongguang did, let alone tell him about the future changes in the country.

And since he is ready to become a foreigner, Yan Jiecheng doesn't plan to stretch the price, and lower the price if he can.

"This... this house we agreed to be 36 yuan, the house we entered was more than 400 square meters, and the store area was more than [-] square meters.

Let's calculate on the basis of 300 square meters, the average price per square meter is 18 yuan, which is [-] yuan.

The three properties add up to 54.Mr. Yan, do you read right? "

Zhao Hongguang calculated for a long time and came up with a figure, and because Yan Xiecheng bought it together, he also gave a lot of discounts on the area, which reduced the calculation by more than ten square meters.

Anyway, their family was leaving, and they didn't care about the thousands of dollars, so they just wanted to sell the house quickly.

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(End of this chapter)

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