"Doing business, how can you make a lot of money if you are afraid of wolves and tigers? Besides, there is no risk in doing business. As long as everyone is careful, there will be no problems. When the TV sets arrive, we will go directly to remote places to sell them. The sky is high and the emperor is far away." As long as you manage the relationship, no one will care."

Hearing Director Li's words, Qin Huairu thought about it, and still felt that the risk was very high. If he was caught, he would not be able to get out in a year or two. Since the reform and opening up, the country has focused on cracking down on smuggling.

The lightest thing to do is to confiscate all the goods and fine them. If it is serious, it is certain that the organizer will go to jail.

So she didn't intend to put her family in danger, but it didn't matter what other people said. It happened that the second uncle, Xu Damao and Yan Jiecheng were not short of money.

And the last time Banggen was imprisoned was also related to their family. If Xu Damao and Yan Jiecheng hadn't been coaxing, the second uncle would not have thought of calling the police to deal with it. At most, their family would have to lose money.

Thinking of this, Qin Huairu squinted her eyes, stared at Director Li and said, "Director Li, we are not slanderous, and our family does not plan to do this business, but we can introduce you to others. You know these people, and They’re not short of money either.”

"Oh, who is it?" Director Li asked curiously after hearing Qin Huairu's words. He didn't know who Qin Huairu was talking about, and if he knew him, he must have worked in a rolling mill. Director Li was thinking After thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think of who it was.

"Xu Damao, Liu Haizhong, Yan Jiecheng." Seeing Director Li's attention was caught, Qin Huairu said the names of several people.

"They have money?"

Qin Huairu's words made Director Li a little suspicious. After all, these people were ordinary workers in the rolling mill before, so Liu Haizhong and Yan Jiecheng's salary was a little higher, and Xu Damao's salary was only about [-] yuan a month for a projectionist. To support the whole family, you can get richer if you have money.

Seeing Director Li's disbelief, Qin Huairu went on to say: "Director Li, you don't know something, even though they were insignificant in the rolling mill before, but since the reform and opening up, they have all made a fortune in business.

Xu Damao opened two movie screening rooms. Although the business is a bit difficult now, he made a lot of money before.

As for Liu Haizhong, relying on the director of the third branch factory, Lan, he has been reselling rebar since last year. Although the business is bad now, the money in his hand is definitely not small.

Besides, Yan Jiecheng is even more remarkable. You should have heard of "Piaoxiang Pavilion", right?That's what they run.

Almost all foreigners who come to the capital go to their house for dinner. You said, can you earn less money?
And there is more than one Piaoxiang Pavilion in their family now, and the new fried chicken burger that came out recently is called "Old Man Yan's Fried Chicken Burger" is also opened by their family. "

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, Director Li was immediately dumbfounded. Although after the reform and opening up, he made a lot of money by relying on smuggling business, no, he made money, but he was not as big as Yan Xiecheng's family.

He knew about the restaurant in Piaoxiang Pavilion, the food there was not cheap, he had eaten there before, it was really delicious, but it made him feel distressed to eat it often.

Before, I thought that I was the best among the group of people in the factory, but I didn't expect that there was Yan Jiecheng, who was better than him, and he was doing serious business, so he was not comparable to him in this respect. .

However, Qin Huairu knew that this was a smuggling business, and introduced several people to him, which made him a little confused.So he asked, "Qin Huairu, what are the conditions for you to tell me so much?"

"There are no conditions, so you don't have to be suspicious. They have enmity with our family, and I just want to see them suffer." Qin Huairu said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, what's going on? Can you tell me? Director Li asked curiously. If he doesn't ask clearly, it's not easy for him to do this business. What if he gets himself involved.

Seeing that Director Li was still worried, Qin Huairu had no choice but to tell Director Li what happened recently.

Director Li was relieved after hearing what had happened. He said that Qin Huairu was so vigilant, so it turned out that he had learned a lot from being stung, and his family had suffered from ignorance of the law.

"Okay, your family doesn't need to worry about this matter. I will tell you the time when the transaction is made, but you can bring the police over after the two of us have left."

Director Li thought that it would be a matter of convenience anyway, and it would be good for them to do so. He just waited for these TV sets to be confiscated, and he would get them out through his relationship, and then continue to lie, or find a new partner .And he can push the matter to Qin Huairu.

"Understood, don't worry, I have a plan in my heart. Now that this matter is settled, then we won't bother Director Li for dinner, Zhuzi, let's go."

Speaking of Qin Huairu taking the lead out of the private room, Sha Zhu followed behind without saying a word, but before leaving, he even took a few sneaky glances at You Fengxia, thinking that such a good girl would be regarded as a bastard with Director Li. It's ruined, I'm much better than the one surnamed Li, why don't there be any beautiful women looking for me.

After Qin Huairu and Shazhu left, Director Li closed the door of the box, turned his head and smiled at You Fengxia.

"Brother Li, are we going to do this business?"

"Damn, if you don't take it, you will be struck by lightning. How can you miss such a good opportunity. Let's eat first, and then think about how to get in touch with those people." Director Li wanted to find an opportunity, and they couldn't just appear suddenly. In front of a few people, otherwise it would appear a bit abrupt, and it would be bad for them to have doubts in their hearts.


And the other side.

I don't know what the second uncle was thinking. He originally planned to invite He Daqing back to disgust Qin Huairu and the first uncle, but he didn't do anything since the sentence of the stick.

It may be that Qin Huairu was frightened, and he didn't want to provoke Qin Huairu too much for fear of their family's revenge, or it may be something else, anyway, the second uncle is on a break here.

During this period of time, he was thinking about opening his own restaurant, earning money, and living his retirement comfortably.

But he didn't know Fatty's craftsmanship at all, and he couldn't support a restaurant without Shazhu.I rented the store, decorated it and bought furniture. I invested more than 2 yuan, and it closed down within a few days of opening.

There's no way it won't go bankrupt. No one goes to their restaurant for dinner. Even if someone goes there, it's only one time. They will never go back next time. Some even overturn the table in front of Liu Guangqi.

For this reason, Liu Guangqi fought with others several times, and finally realized that Fatty's skills are not good at all, and asking him to cook a few home-cooked dishes can still make do, but the taste of signature dishes is not right.

Not to mention paying him more than 300 yuan for this craft, he thought 50 yuan was too much, so Liu Guangqi fired the fat man directly.

Although you can go to other restaurants to recruit people, but the reputation of his restaurant is bad, even if the chef is changed, no one will come, and the modest money earned is not enough to pay the employees.

In the end, I had no choice but to sell the store, but I couldn’t find anyone to take it over for a while. It was the second uncle who thought that Yan Jiecheng’s family was not short of money, and their family also opened a restaurant, so the second uncle brought Liu Guangqi to find Yan Jiecheng. Give him the restaurant plate.


That day, Director Li took You Fengxia to eat at the restaurant of Yan Xiecheng's family.

He has come several times, looking for an opportunity to get close to Yan Jiecheng, but Yan Jiecheng never showed up, and Yu Li has been watching from the front.

But he was not familiar with Yu Li and had never seen her before, so he would definitely be suspected if he came over suddenly. When Director Li didn't know what to do and wanted to ask Qin Huairu, the second uncle appeared with Liu Guangqi.

It's really mountains and rivers full of doubts and no way out. Willows and flowers brighten another village. Sending head gifts for thousands of miles is less affectionate.

"Liu Haizhong, is it Liu Haizhong?" Director Li shouted pretending to be surprised.

"Hey, Director Li, are you eating here too?" The second uncle didn't expect to meet acquaintances when he came to look for Yan Jiecheng.

"Come on, come on, sit down and let's have a drink. I haven't seen you for several years, how are you doing now?" Director Li enthusiastically dragged the second uncle over, and let him sit next to You Fengxia.

"Who is this?"

The second uncle saw that there was a beautiful woman beside him, and she was so close to him, so he asked a little unnaturally.

"Ao'ao, I forgot to introduce you. This is my partner, You Fengxia, Manager You. This is one of my former subordinates in the rolling mill and a seventh-level blacksmith."

Director Li introduced the two of them, then looked at Liu Guangqi at the side, and said to the second uncle: "Old Liu, is this your eldest son? You are really a good-looking talent, not bad, not bad."

Hearing Director Li's praise, Liu Guangqi got up quickly, bowed to Director Li, then extended his hand and shook You Fengxia's.

"Hello, my name is Liu Guangqi. Our family owns a restaurant. If you have time, come to our house for dinner." Liu Guangqi couldn't move his eyes when he saw You Fengxia. Such a charming woman is rare. Qin Huairu also wants to be better.

"Hello, my name is You Fengxia. I'm the manager of Jingshi Trading Company. I'm a partner with Director Li and we're doing business together."

"Oh, Director Li, I don't know what business you are doing now?" The second uncle couldn't help asking after hearing You Fengxia said that Director Li was also in business.

Director Li was waiting for Liu Haizhong's words, and when he heard Liu Haizhong's question, he immediately said, "It's nothing, just a small business, do you know about imported TV sets?"

"Television, can Director Li get a TV?" The second uncle asked in surprise. You must know that this is a commodity that is in short supply, and it is even more in short supply than the rebar he sold before.

After all, rebar can only be used by units or large companies, and ordinary people can't use it at all, but TVs are different.

Before Director Li started to fool the second uncle, his heart became active, thinking about how to persuade Director Li to let him share a share of the pie and earn some money,
Moreover, he lost money opening the restaurant this time, so he had to find a way to make up for it.

"Why, old Liu, are you also interested in this business?" Director Li looked a little moved by the look of the second uncle, so he took advantage of the victory and asked.

"I just don't know if Director Li is willing to play with me."

"It's a bit difficult to handle. This time the business has been settled, and the buyer has paid. How about next time, I will definitely take you to play once." Director Li said pretending to be mysterious.

"This..., Director Li, we have worked together for so many years, let's show some face."

"It's hard for me, too. We're all brothers who work together, so it's not appropriate not to take anyone with us." Director Li said in a pretentious way.

"Director Li, you forgot that your cousin hasn't paid the deposit that he agreed before. How about giving his share to these two? I just don't know if they can afford it." At this time, You Fengxia stood Come out to intercede with the second uncle and the two of them.

"This one is okay, but the portion is a bit too much for them to eat it, or forget it and wait for the next time."

"Come on, Director Li, you haven't said how much the goods are?" Hearing this, the second uncle was a little anxious, how could he miss such a good deal after finally finding such a good business.

"20, can your family take it out?"


The second uncle was a little disappointed when he heard the amount mentioned by Director Li. If you say 10 yuan, they can still get it together, but 20 yuan is too much, even if they sell their house. .

"What do I say, let's forget it, let's not mention this when we eat."

"Dad, I have an idea. If our family can't get it out, someone can get it out. No, let's get this batch of goods together." Liu Guangqi, who was on the side, saw that the business needed Huang to stand up and said.

"You mean, Yan Jiecheng?"

"That's right, let's go to him and ask. Even if he doesn't vote, we can go to Xu Damao. If the two of you bring one in, we have enough funds."

"Well, that's a way. Director Li, we've done this business. Let's see when we can sign the contract."

"You can sign the contract at any time, it depends on when you get the money together. By the way, Manager You, show the approval document to the two of them, so that everyone can rest assured."

Hearing Director Li's words, You Fengxia took out the fake approval document from her bag and handed it to the second uncle.

The second uncle took the approval document and looked at it for a long time, and he didn't think it was fake, anyway, there were all the official seals that should be there.

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