Chapter 319

After the second uncle read the approval document, he felt that this matter was reliable, and left after a few polite words with Director Li.

The second uncle has not forgotten the purpose of coming this time. Even if he wants to partner with Director Li in the TV business, he has to sell the restaurant, otherwise the money will be too small to take up too much share.

So after separating from Director Li, the second uncle turned his head and walked to the front desk, intending to ask Yu Li about Yan Jiecheng's whereabouts.

"Second uncle, why are you free today?"

"I'm here to look for Yan Jiecheng. By the way, where is Yan Jiecheng? Isn't he in the store?" The second uncle looked around but didn't see Yan Jiecheng, so he asked Yu Li.

"Xiecheng has something to go out, just tell me if you have anything to do."

"Tell you, can you make the decision?" The second uncle looked at Yu Li suspiciously, thinking that if something happened, he should rely on the old men.

"Look at what you said, why can't I make the decision? If you don't want to say it, forget it, I don't bother to listen." Yu Li felt very uncomfortable when she heard the second uncle's words. It was obvious that she looked down on her.

"Okay, okay, I can tell you, our family is going to do an import business, but we almost have money in hand and want to sell the restaurant to your family, see if you can accept it."

"Import trade? What items are imported?"

When Yu Li heard from the second uncle that their family was going to do an import trade, she immediately became interested. You must know that imported goods are very popular at this time. No matter what is imported, it is better than domestic ones, not only in terms of quality but also in style. .

"You don't have to worry about it, just say whether your family can accept this store, right?"

At first, the second uncle thought about pulling Yan Xiecheng's family to do it together, but after thinking about it, he felt that their family's capital was too high, and doing business with their family would be enough for him to gain a dominant position.Xu Damao is better, even if the capital is not enough, he can hire a few more people, so that he can take the majority of this business.

Since the second uncle didn't want to talk about Yu Li, he didn't inquire about it. After all, no one has any secrets in business, but the restaurant still has to charge what should be charged, and it can't be taken advantage of.

But the price had to be pushed down, so he said:

"Second uncle, how much money does your restaurant plan to give to our family?"

"Fifteen thousand." The second uncle opened his mouth and said a number.

"Forget it, you'd better find someone else."

"I said Yu Li, it's already low enough. My house cost more than 2 yuan when I opened it. It's only been a month and it's so much cheaper. What else do you want?" Liu Guangqi stood aside Can't help but speak.

"Ten thousand, it's OK or not."

"No, no, this is too low, since we are all neighbors, you have to add a little more."

"That's all, if you don't agree, forget it. Don't even think about going to Yan Jiecheng. Our family has the final say. I say ten thousand is ten thousand. It doesn't matter how much you spent before opening it, but now this store Worth so much."

"This..." The second uncle was a little hesitant. The price was a bit far from what he thought. After all, it has only been a month since the store opened, and no one can afford to lose more than 1 yuan at once.

But apart from Yan Xiecheng, he couldn't find a buyer for a while, but he was not reconciled to the price.

"Dad, agree, sell the restaurant quickly, and pay for what you pay, and we won't be able to make any money after we finish this business." Liu Guangqi went to the second uncle to persuade him.

"This..., okay, let's sign the contract now."

Hearing Liu Guangqi's words, the second uncle realized that the import trade was the most important thing, and the big event should not be delayed because of this little money, so the second uncle happily signed a contract with Yu Li and got 1 yuan.

Back in the courtyard, the second uncle and Liu Guangqi began to take stock of their family's money, to see how much money was left to attract people to join the group.

In the end, the second uncle took out 4 yuan from his family, plus the 1 yuan given by Yu Li was exactly [-] yuan. There could have been more, but he lost more than [-] yuan when he opened the restaurant before.

"Guangqi, how many do you have?"

"Dad, our family only took out 2 yuan."

The second uncle thought, how could his family have to take half of the 20 yuan, but he and Liu Guangqi only had 7 yuan together.He didn't want to find outsiders for the 3 yuan difference, so he had to start with Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangtian.

So the second uncle opened his mouth and said to Liu Guangqi: "Boss, go and call Guangfu and Guangtian over."

"This..., Dad, why don't we take Guangtian with us, he has separated from us, just bring Guangfu with us, even if there is still a big difference in money, we can transfer our house, and wait until we earn money. Redeem it."

"Okay, then you go and call Guangfu over." The second uncle thought about it for a while and thought it was the same. Now Liu Guangtian doesn't interact with their family. Since Liu Guangqi came back, the relationship has been very tense. Call him over to see if Liu Guangqi is here. Their family will not invest money in it.


Not long after Liu Guangqi went out, he brought Liu Guangfu here.

"Dad, did you call me?"

"Guangfu, come and sit down, I asked your elder brother to call you over, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Liu Guangfu looked at the second uncle curiously.

"It's like this. Our family has an import business to do, but your elder brother and I don't have enough money, so I thought of you. After all, this fat water doesn't flow to outsiders' fields."

"Import trade, when did our family have this relationship?"

Liu Guangfu looked at his father in surprise. He had never heard that his father had such a relationship before. Otherwise, he would still have to open a restaurant. How comfortable it is to do business.

"You don't have to worry about this, you just say whether to do it or not, and if you do it, get the money quickly, and then we will share dividends according to the proportion of the money. The more money you pay, the more you will get."

"Dad, you haven't said what business you do? You have to tell me that?"

"Television, imported, let me tell you Guangfu, this is not an ordinary business, at least double the profit."

Hearing the second uncle's words, Liu Guangfu looked suspicious, feeling a little unbelievable.

"It's true, and my dad and I read the approval document. You know this person. Just the deputy director of our factory, Li, you don't know how capable this person is. They also see that Dad used to His subordinates have done things before, so he agreed to take our family to play." Seeing Guangfu's disbelief, Liu Guangqi told Director Li.

"A total of 20 goods, our family wants to take half of the share. Your brother and I pooled 7 yuan, and there is still a difference of [-] yuan. How much do you have?" The second uncle asked Liu Guangfu.

"So much? But just over 1 yuan in my hand is not enough?"

Liu Guangfu was a little surprised. He didn't expect to ask for so much money. This is 20 yuan. Even if the house price has risen now, he can still buy a small courtyard house.

"You don't have to worry about it. Dad and I will figure out a solution for the rest of the money." Liu Guangqi was afraid that Liu Guangfu would disagree and did not tell him about the mortgaged house.

(End of this chapter)

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