The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 325 Yan Xiecheng Wants to Clear Things Up

this evening.

When Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li returned to the courtyard after get off work, they heard someone arguing in the middle courtyard, so they didn't go home in a hurry, but walked towards the courtyard.

When I came to the middle courtyard, I saw Qin Huairu's family and the second uncle's family arguing, and the first uncle and Yan Bugui persuaded him.

"Xu Damao, what's the matter?" Yan Jiecheng asked Xu Damao, who was watching the fun.

"What else could be going on, the last time we did business with the second uncle, didn't we lose money, and the second uncle even mortgaged the house, I don't know what happened, the mortgage contract was in Qin Huairu's hands.

This afternoon, Qin Huairu found the second uncle's house, and wanted to take the house away and let the second uncle's family move out, but the second uncle refused, so he quarreled with Qin Huairu and his family. "

While talking, Xu Damao still looked gloating. After all, the reason why he lost money last time was the fault of the second uncle. He was happy to see the second uncle's misfortune.

"Second uncle, you pay for your life and pay your debts. Today, you can either pay back the money or vacate the house for me."

Hearing Qin Huairu's words, the faces of the second uncle's family turned ashen. Although what they said made sense, where would they live without a house.But looking at Qin Huairu's posture, if he doesn't pay or vacate the house today, he will definitely not be able to do it.

So he could only look at Liu Guangtian and Yu Haitang who were on the side, and wanted Liu Guangtian and his wife to pay the money. After all, Liu Guangtian was the only one who was able to solve this matter without any loss.

And Liu Guangtian saw the second uncle looking over, and hurried out to express his opinion:

"Comrade Liu Haizhong, one person is doing things and the other is responsible. You see, I am useless. We are separated."

"Guangtian, how can you say such a thing? After all, we are also a family. Besides, it's not like you don't have the ability to watch our dad show up on the streets."

"Liu Guangqi, don't put a high hat on me. Even if you show it on the street, it's your own fault. It has nothing to do with me. Haitang, let's go home."

After speaking, Liu Guangtian took Yu Haitang and left directly, which made the second uncle's expression very ugly.

"Second uncle, is your family giving money or a house? Tell me a good word, if you can't, I'm going to go to the street. I have an agreement here."

"Okay, I can give you the house, but we still have a temporary building in our house. It's built with money from our family and it can't be counted in it."

The second uncle saw that Qin Huairu was pressing every step of the way, so he had no other choice. After all, he mortgaged the house with his own hands, even if it was Potian, he was unreasonable.

So he thought about giving up the house and keeping a temporary building for himself to live in. As for Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangqi, he planned to pay them to rent a house outside.

Although the previous business was lost, it is not a penny left. Now the family still has more than 3000 yuan, and he plans to give Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu 1000 yuan each to let them move out.

"No, temporary construction is originally an illegal construction. Before your family had a house in the courtyard, we couldn't say anything, but now that your house is gone, how can you keep your temporary construction? This house must be demolished. .”

Qin Huairu immediately disagreed when he heard the second uncle's words. After all, this temporary building was built next to the original house, so close, what was said in the room could be heard clearly from the outside, especially when she was planning to put This house is regarded as the new house of the stick, and the second uncle will let the stick and the couple do something in it.

"Qin Huairu, otherwise, you are compensating Lao Liu some money. After all, your second uncle also spent money to build a house, so it's a bit inappropriate to demolish it if you say so." Yan Bugui came out to persuade him.

"Third Lord, what you said is unreasonable. Originally, the second uncle and his family built an illegal building and should be demolished. Why should our family pay for it? Even if they want to pay, it will be done by the people in the compound." Qin Huai Ru was dissatisfied with Yan Bugui who came out to talk about Liu Haizhong, so he said to Yan Bugui with a cold face.

"Old Yan, what Huairu said is right. Our hospital built an illegal building on Lao Liu's house, which has some impact on our environment. Or just listen to Huairu, and each of our courtyards will give Lao Liu some money to let him take the temporary It was demolished."

"Master, this is not right. You asked the second uncle to demolish the temporary building. Where does the second uncle live? I can't share a room with you. Besides, even if you pay for it, whoever buys the second uncle's house will pay for it." , why let us out? Let us out then just don’t dismantle it.”

"This..." The uncle looked at Qin Huairu who was at the side.

"Grandpa, Xu Damao is right. Whoever asks to demolish the temporary building will pay for it. Don't drag us all. This temporary building has nothing to do with us."

Qin Huairu saw that everyone disagreed, but she was not reconciled to asking her to pay for it herself. After all, the house was originally built illegally and could not be sold.

Isn't it sick if you bought it with your own money and dismantled it, and looking at the appearance of the second uncle, you will definitely not agree to it if you pay less.

Although she was a little unwilling, she had no other choice. She knew that when she wrote the contract, she should have included this temporary house, but it was too late to regret it now.

So she had no choice but to agree, thinking that she would find a chance to solve this temporary construction in the future, anyway, she was not in a hurry, her house would not be able to come out for the time being, and the house would not be needed for a while.

After watching the matter, the old man greeted everyone to leave.

Yan Jiecheng followed Yan Bugui back to the front yard, but instead of going home directly, he turned his head and went into Yan Bugui's room.

"What's the matter, boss? What else do you need?" Yan Bugui looked at Yan Jiecheng in confusion.

"Dad, it's not easy this time. The last time you and the second uncle were cheated is probably related to Qin Huairu." Yan Jiecheng said unhurriedly after pulling a bench and sitting down.

"What does this have to do with Qin Huairu? Didn't Li Huaide do it?" Yan Bugui asked curiously.

After all, Qin Huairu didn't show up to this matter from the beginning to the end, and he didn't think Qin Huairu had such great ability. After all, this is a TV set. Although it was smuggled in, it is impossible to do it without money or power.

"Yes, I understand. When we were at our house last time, wasn't this the kind of business that Haitang and his wife were going to do?"

Only then did Yu Li think of it. After all, it had been such a long time, and Yu Haitang and his wife hadn't made it, so she didn't think about it for a while.

"What do you mean?"

When Yan Bugui heard Yu Li's words, he felt that there was something going on here, and it was related to their business this time, so he couldn't help asking.

"Yu Li, go ahead and call Haitang, the second uncle, and Xu Damao over here. Let's clear up this incident." Yan Jiecheng thought that this incident was also related to their family, and asked Yan Pugui and Yan Jiefang So much money lost.

Although the two of them didn't inform themselves about such a big matter of anger, they still had to avenge their anger by letting outsiders make such calculations.

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