Chapter 326 Unexpected arrival
After a while, Yu Li brought them over, but they didn't believe what Yan Jiecheng said.

After all, in their impression, Qin Huairu is considered to be tricky. They really don't believe that Qin Huairu used tricks to kill them, and they don't think that Qin Huairu has such great energy. I don't think it was Qin Huairu's fault either.

The next time I saw Yan Jiecheng, I couldn't say anything more, but I just told Yan Pugui to stay away from Qin Huairu in the future, and the truth of the matter can only be revealed after finding Director Li.

In the next period of time, the compound fell into peace, and nothing else happened.

The only thing that has changed is that there are a few fewer people in the compound. Because of the last incident, Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu also moved out of the compound.

And Wu Juan also took Yan Jiefang back to her natal home. When the two left, they only took Yan Ziming with them, leaving Xiao Ziqing behind.

After all, Ziqing lived in Yan Jiecheng's house since she was a child, and Wu Juan didn't have much affection for her. Originally, Wu Juan was patriarchal, and there were not enough places to live with her two children, so she put this burden on her. Leave it to Lao Yan's family.

As for the work of the couple, although Yan Jiefang gave the store to his brother-in-law, but his brother-in-law hadn't mastered the craftsmanship after all, and he couldn't afford the store by himself, so he kept Yan Jiefang and his wife.

The relationship between the two parties is directly reversed from the past. His brother-in-law was working for him before, but now he is working for his brother-in-law, and the salary is very small, which is the same as what he paid his brother-in-law before.

This made Yan Jiefang a little unhappy. After all, his craftsmanship was much better than that of Wu Juan's younger brother, and Wu Juan's younger brother didn't know anything when he came here, and it was Yan Jiefang who taught him.

Moreover, from a boss to an employee, Yan Jiefang was a little uncomfortable with the change of identity, but there was no way. After all, their family was like this. If they didn't work here, where could they go?

And the second uncle has no source of income since the last incident. Although the family still has some money to maintain life temporarily, it can't just sit and eat.

So I found Xu Damao and asked Xu Damao to take him in. After all, the two of them had a fatal friendship.

But Xu Damao is not willing. Since he lost money last time, although his family still has a projection room, but because of the popularity of televisions, his business is not easy to do. How can he bring a living room with his own family? burden.

In the end, he had no choice but to go to Yan Bugui. In fact, Yan Bugui was the last person he wanted to go to among these people.

After all, he was said to be the second uncle in the courtyard, and his status was higher than Yan Bugui's, so if he worked for Yan Bugui, he would lose face.

But the reality does not allow the second uncle to be hypocritical, and if he can't find anything to do, it is estimated that their family will run out of food after a while.

After all, he and the second aunt both have a pension. Although tens of dollars a month can barely support their lives, the second aunt is not in good health.

Especially after learning that his family had lost money, he even fainted. Although he was not paralyzed like in the TV series, he also stayed in the hospital for a period of time, which made the already poor family even worse.

Although there are two sons in their family, since Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu moved out of the courtyard, they have not been in contact with the second uncle, and even the second aunt who was hospitalized did not come to see them.

The second uncle also considered the two of them completely dead, because of face, the second uncle did not come to ask the two for pensions.

As for Yan Bugui, he was the least affected among them. Although he lost 3 yuan, his life is still the same as before. a vegetable shop.

Every day is just walking around, coaxing the children, watching the store, or playing chess with the uncle, anyway, he has nothing else to do.

After the second uncle came to find him, although Yan Bugui didn't want to use the second uncle, he couldn't say no if he was so pitiful.

After discussing with the third mother, Liu Haizhong was taken in and promised to pay him 50 yuan a month.

Although the salary is not much, but it is close to home, and the working hours are short, and I can play chess and chat with Yan Bugui when I have nothing to do.


More than two months have passed in a flash.

This day, Yan Jiecheng was studying and improving some new dishes with Heizi and the others in the back kitchen. Yu Li came to find him just after talking about it.

"Xie Cheng, come out first if someone is here." Yu Li raised the curtain and waved to Yan Jiecheng.

"If you come, come here. Why do you want me to go out? You guys still can't figure it out?" Yan Jiecheng was a little puzzled. Isn't it normal to open a shop to do business and come to customers? exhausted.

"It's not an ordinary guest, it's an acquaintance who lived in the hospital before." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng had misunderstood, Yu Li quickly explained.


Hearing what Yu Li said, Yan Xiecheng became interested, left the apron aside, and followed Yu Li out of the back kitchen.

"you guess."

"How can I guess correctly, could it be Li Yuanchao?"

Yan Jiecheng thought for a long time but couldn't think of who it was, so he guessed a name at random. After all, there are really not many people who he can personally receive, and Li Yuanchao is among them.

Although he and Li Yuanchao were of the same generation and hadn't had much contact since Li Nuan and Yan Jiefang got married, the relationship was here after all. If someone came, he would definitely come forward to receive them.

"No, guess again, I'll give you some hints, the person here is a woman, and it has been 20 years since she left the courtyard."

Yu Li smiled and said that she didn't expect this person to come, and she didn't recognize him when she saw him just now, it really changed too much.

"Who, could it be Lou Xiao'e?" Yan Jiecheng asked in surprise.

Hearing what Yu Li said, Yan Jiecheng thought of someone, and that was Lou Xiaoe. This person had been away from Beijing for more than [-] years. on.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's answer, Yu Li smiled and said nothing, but took Yan Jiecheng to a box on the third floor, opened the door, and walked in with Yan Jiecheng.

"Yan Jiecheng, I didn't expect to meet me here."

Lou Xiaoe saw Yan Jiecheng smile, got up and walked over to shake Yan Jiecheng's hand.

"I really didn't expect that if it wasn't for Yu Li's reminder, I wouldn't dare to recognize it even if I bumped into it on the street." Yan Xiecheng looked at Lou Xiaoe's body full of jewels and jewels, and revealed it in secret. Show a kind of nobility.

(End of this chapter)

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