The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 328 The shock brought by the car

Chapter 328 The shock brought by the car

When Yan Xiecheng got in the car, Lou Xiaoe drove the Mercedes-Benz towards the courtyard. This was the first time Yan Jiecheng took a car in his life, and it felt quite fresh.

Although there are not as many configurations as the cars of later generations, it is still very comfortable to sit on, and it does not feel bumpy when passing some ditches and ridges.

Soon the two came to the courtyard, and they didn't know if Lou Xiaoe did it on purpose, and they parked the car at the entrance of the courtyard.

All the children in the courtyard who were attracted ran out to look around the car, among them were little Zihao and little Ziyun, and because they were worried, the third mother also followed out from the yard.

Looking at the black Mercedes-Benz parked at the gate of the courtyard, although they didn't know why the car was parked at the gate of their courtyard, the third mother didn't dare to go forward to ask, but just pulled the two children to keep them away.

After all, a car is very expensive, and if someone breaks it, their family can't afford it.

Moreover, ordinary people in China don't have cars now, and those who can ride in cars are either foreigners or officials, or the leaders of factories.

But after seeing the person getting out of the car, the third mother couldn't help but scream.

"Xie Cheng, why did you come back in a car?"

"Mom, don't worry about this for now, look who's here." Yan Xiecheng pointed to Lou Xiao'e who got out of the car and said.

Seeing that the third mother was a little confused, maybe she didn't recognize her, so Lou Xiao'e said hello first: "Third mother, hello, I, Lou Xiao'e, don't you know me?"

"Are you Lou Xiao'e? Xu Damao's daughter-in-law?"

The third mother looked at the woman in front of her in surprise. Although so many years have passed, Lou Xiao'e has not changed much, but she is more temperamental than before, which makes people dare not recognize her.

Seeing Lou Xiaoe's expression, the third mother knew that she might have said something wrong, so she said immediately:

"Lou Xiao'e, didn't your family go to Hong Kong City? Why are you back?"

"Third Mom, isn't this the country's reform and opening up? Before, our family didn't dare to come back because of bad domestic policies. Now that the policy has changed, my parents want me to come back and have a look." Lou Xiaoe said to the Three Moms with a smile She was also angry about the fact that the third mother claimed that she was Xu Damao's daughter-in-law.

Lou Xiao'e still has some thoughts about Xu Damao. The reason why she divorced Xu Damao was because of her parents' persuasion.

But after experiencing a failed marriage, Lou Xiaoe remembered Xu Damao's kindness again. Although the marriage between Lou Xiaoe and Xu Damao lasted less than a year in this life, Xu Damao was still good to her.

When Xu Damao and Lou Xiaoe were together, Xu Damao served Lou Xiaoe, and Xu Damao would coax her sweetly. Xu Damao may have problems in other aspects, but he is still very good at coaxing women.

Who in Hong Kong City would not spoil her like this, otherwise Lou Xiao'e would not choose to divorce when she had children, and Hong Kong City could marry several wives at that time.

Lou Xiaoe's parents must have found her a well-matched family. For those who are rich, they will not just live with Lou Xiaoe as a woman.

At this time, the second uncle who was watching the vegetable shop in the concierge came out after hearing the movement outside. Hearing what a few people said, and looking at the very high-end Mercedes-Benz in front of him, the second uncle couldn't help but have some thoughts in his heart.

He thought he had to be rich to be able to drive a car. Among other things, Yan Jiecheng, the richest man in their courtyard, still rode a bicycle.

"Second uncle, you are here too, how are you? Are you in good health now, where is my second aunt."

Lou Xiao'e recognized the second uncle immediately after seeing the second uncle, and hurried forward to take care of him. How can she say that when she lived in the courtyard before, the two families were also neighbors at the opposite door, and she didn't see her when she looked up.

Hearing Lou Xiaoe's greeting, the second uncle burst out laughing. He felt that his face was special, so he replied with a smile:
"Okay, everything is fine. The second aunt is resting at home. She didn't know you were coming, so she didn't come out to greet you."

"Second uncle, look at what you said, how can my younger generation be welcomed by the second aunt."

Yan Jiecheng watched as more and more people gathered at the gate of the courtyard, so it was not good to stay here all the time.So he said:
"Okay, second uncle, don't be too polite, both of you, hurry up and enter the courtyard, or everyone in the courtyard will run out after a while."

"Yes, yes, Xiao'e, let's go in quickly, don't stay here."

So a group of people began to walk into the courtyard, but Lou Xiaoe stopped walking just after entering the courtyard, as if thinking of something, she turned to Yan Jiecheng behind and said:
"By the way, Yan Jiecheng, I came here this time to bring you some gifts and put them in the trunk."

"You go into the house with my mother first, and I'll get it for you."

After talking, Yan Jiecheng and Lou Xiaoe took the key, then turned around and left the courtyard, went to the rear of the car and opened the trunk with the key, and saw two pink woven bags inside.

The bulging ones didn't know what was inside, but many children gathered around Yan Jiecheng, but they were too embarrassed to open it to take a look, so he told them to be careful not to scratch the car, and then carried two big bags into the house.

In the room, while chatting with the three mothers, Lou Xiaoe looked at the furnishings in the house from time to time, and saw that the furniture and appliances in the house were complete. Although these things could not be compared with foreign countries, they should be second to none in China. good.

Also, if the living conditions were not good, it would be impossible for their family to open such a big restaurant. Lou Xiaoe couldn't help but nodded after reading it.

Seeing that Yan Xiecheng brought the things in, Lou Xiaoe asked Yan Jiecheng to open the bag.

One bag contained electronic watches and calculators produced by Lou Xiaoe and her family, and the other bag contained snacks and nutritional products that Lou Xiaoe specially picked vegetables after coming to Beijing.

And the second uncle also ran over to join in the fun, carried things with Yan Jiecheng, and followed Lou Xiaoe from door to door.

Everyone was curious about Lou Xiaoe's clothes, especially Lou Xiaoe brought gifts to each family.

Although this thing is not worth much in Hong Kong City, things like electronic watches are sold by the pound.But the mainland is different. A plastic electronic watch in the capital costs seven or eight yuan.

Not to mention the calculator, which is more expensive, costing tens of hundreds of dollars for one. Yan Bugui wanted to buy one before, but he felt that the price was too expensive and he was not willing to buy it.

This time, Lou Xiaoe directly sent seven or eight electronic watches to each family, a calculator to each family, as well as milk powder, snacks and canned food for the elderly.

This made the people in the compound very happy. After all, these things are calculated according to the prices in the capital, and they cost at least more than 200 yuan when they are added together. money.

I thought that even if I had money, I couldn’t be such a prodigal. If I were myself, I definitely wouldn’t be able to do this, so everyone smiled happily on the surface, but secretly labeled Lou Xiao’e a prodigal woman.

And Lou Xiao'e didn't care too much about chatting and laughing with everyone, and even said that she would invite everyone to dinner when she was free for two days.

Yan Jiecheng took Lou Xiaoe around and then returned to his home. Because of the daytime, all the young people in the compound went to work, so many people Lou Xiaoe did not see.

Among them was Xu Damao, which disappointed Lou Xiaoe a bit, but Xu Dani's daughter-in-law, Wang Dani, Lou Xiaoe saw, and she didn't look very good on the surface. After all, Wang Dani herself was a few years older than Xu Damao, and she was almost 50 years old, so she didn't want to Lou Xiaoe also pays so much attention to maintenance.

Moreover, Wang Dani does physical work in the rolling mill, and she is not as lazy as Qin Huairu, so she looks a little old.

Now that Xu Damao and Wang Dani are standing together, they don't feel like their peers. After all, Xu Damao is the only one who plays movies, and he usually doesn't leave the workshop. Moreover, Xu Damao dresses up when he has nothing to do, so he looks young.

When I came to the compound this time, everyone had a good attitude towards Lou Xiaoe. The only thing that was not good was Xu Damao's parents.

(End of this chapter)

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