Chapter 329;
Lou Xiao'e stayed at Yan Jiecheng's house for a while and then left. After all, all the people her age in the courtyard had gone to work, and no one talked to her, so it was meaningless to stay here.

After Lou Xiao'e left, people in the compound started to discuss what Lou Xiao'e's family did in Hong Kong City and why they were so rich.

It costs tens of thousands of yuan to come to the compound to give everyone gifts, and they come in a big car. Although I don’t know what brand it is, as long as it is a car, there is nothing cheap. Anyway, they will definitely not be able to afford it in this lifetime.

If anyone was the happiest to see Lou Xiaoe this time, it must be the second uncle. When Yan Jiecheng took Lou Xiaoe to visit just now, Lou Xiaoe frowned when she entered the second uncle's house. She didn't expect the living conditions of the second uncle's house to be so poor.

Living in a temporary building at such an advanced age, and not being able to see the sun all day long, this is not good for her health, so she didn't know which tendon was wrong for Lou Xiaoe, so she took out a wad of money from her bag and handed it to the second uncle. Let the second uncle's house improve the living environment.

The second uncle took the money from Lou Xiaoe, immediately laughed like a child, thanked Lou Xiaoe quickly, and almost knelt down to give Lou Xiaoe a knock.

It’s no wonder that the second uncle is so excited, it’s because Lou Xiao’e gave too much, and what Lou Xiao’e gave was still Hong Kong dollars. Although Hong Kong City belongs to China legally, Hong Kong dollars actually belong to foreign exchange in the mainland.

With Hong Kong dollars, you can go directly to the Friendship Mall to buy things, and the current Hong Kong dollars do not depreciate as much as later.

At this time, Hong Kong dollars are worth more than RMB. Although the official exchange rate is [-] Hong Kong dollar to [-] yuan, the black market price is at least five times worse.

Just because the Hong Kong dollar is pegged to the U.S. dollar, Hong Kong dollars can be directly exchanged into U.S. dollars abroad, but not in RMB, and the money Lou Xiaoe gave to the second uncle must be at least a few thousand dollars.

The second uncle only needs to go to the Friendship Mall to find someone to exchange, and at least he can get more than [-] RMB.

Not to mention improving the house, it is possible to take back the house that their family bought out before. When the second uncle bought out the house, it was only worth more than 1 yuan, and the house that Yan Jiefang lived in before, It's only a few thousand dollars.

I just don't know whether Qin Huairu agrees to return the house to him. After all, the transfer of household registration is over, and the two houses are now surnamed Qin.

After Lou Xiao'e left, the second uncle also showed the shop to Lao Yan's family, and ran home after telling the third mother directly, after all, their family is rich now.

Although he hasn't returned to his original peak period, he doesn't think much of the income of more than one yuan a day. This amount of money is not enough for him to have a drink before.

The second uncle is now thinking of quickly exchanging the Hong Kong dollars in his hand into RMB, and then discuss with Qin Huairu to see if they can redeem their house.

Looking at the second uncle's back, Yan Jiecheng shook his head, feeling that the second uncle was thinking too much, just Qin Huairu, how can he spit out the meat in his mouth.

"This old Liu is too outrageous. If you don't work well during the day, I will tell your father to deduct his salary later." The third mother was dissatisfied with the second uncle for throwing the booth to herself, so she frowned and said.

"When my dad comes back, you'd better ask him to find another person. I don't think it's possible for the second uncle to work for you two."

"Your second uncle doesn't want wages anymore? Or do you think our family pays too little?"

The second aunt frowned, the third mother didn't follow Lou Xiaoe when she visited just now, so she didn't know about Lou Xiaoe giving the money to the second uncle's family.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, the third mother thought that the second uncle disliked the low wages offered by their family. You must know that Liu Haizhong was begging to work for their family at the beginning, and he would give up the pick after less than a month.

"The second uncle is also a master who has eaten and seen it. Can you work hard with the two of you for 50 yuan? Before I had to work for my dad, it was a last resort, but now it is different. The second uncle has money in his hands."

"I don't believe that he still has money in his bangs." The third mother said with a sneer.

The second uncle sold the TV set before, but he lost his reputation. Everyone in the compound knew about it. How could their family be rich? If the second uncle had money, he would not have given the house to Qin Huairu.

"Didn't Lou Xiaoe come here? When I went to the second uncle's house just now, Lou Xiaoe gave the second uncle a wad of money. Do you think the second uncle has money in his hand?"

"Why did Lou Xiao'e give Lao Liu money? I haven't heard of any relationship between the two of them before?"

The third mother was a little surprised when she heard Yan Jiecheng's words. She didn't understand why Lou Xiao'e would give her money to an outsider.

But Yan Jiecheng somewhat understood that Lou Xiaoe had two purposes for doing this, the first one was to show off her wealth and let the people in the courtyard know that she was not short of money.

The other is reputation. This little money may be a lot of money for the people in the compound, but it is just a drizzle for Lou Xiao'e, and she doesn't take it to heart at all.

Lou Xiaoe already knew that Xu Damao married Wang Dani when she came to the compound this time. If she didn't believe it, Xu Damao would not agree to live with her in Hong Kong City just because of her appearance and family property.

Although they went to Hong Kong City and they would not have any interaction with the people in the compound, but Lou Xiao'e didn't want people to say that their family was not good, so she thought about giving some bribes to the neighbors in the compound, and then helping the people in the compound. poor household, and the second uncle's family is the worst in the courtyard.

Besides, she and Xu Damao were married before, so even if Xu Damao got divorced and reunited with her, it wouldn't matter, plus the second uncle and the neighbors in the compound helped her talk.She believed that even if Wang Dani didn't want to, there was nothing she could do about them.


At this time, Xu Damao's house in the backyard.

Xu's father and Xu's mother were frowning, wondering why Lou Xiao'e came to the courtyard this time, whether it was just to show off in the courtyard, or for other purposes.

"This time Lou Xiaoe came here, I feel that she came here for our family Da Mao. You think Lou Xiaoe is thinking about remarrying our family Da Mao?"

After talking, Xu's mother shook her head and thought it was impossible. Their family, Da Mao, was married, and there were three children in the family. Although none of them were biological, they still had feelings from childhood.

And she doesn't think that Lou Xiao'e can fall in love with Xu Damao of their family. After all, Lou Xiao'e is also a lady of the family. Although she is not young, she is well-maintained. Only in my thirties.

"No matter what the purpose of Lou Xiao'e's visit this time is, we definitely cannot agree to allow Da Mao to divorce and follow her to Hong Kong City." Father Xu said with a frown.

"Why, Lou Xiao'e's family seems to be very rich, and they drove a big car when they came here. If Da Mao is with her, we can enjoy the happiness together, right?" Xu's mother didn't understand why the old man didn't agree. But she has never been to Hong Kong City in her life. It is a place where foreigners live. I heard that the people there are very rich. They live in big villas and each family employs several servants.

"What do you know? When we went there, we couldn't understand the language, and we didn't even know anyone. Do you think that someone like Lou Xiao'e will accompany you all day? Will you take care of you when you are sick or in disaster?"

Xu's father thought very clearly that the two of them were too old to mess around like a young man, Xu Damao went to Hong Kong City and could still stay with Lou Xiaoe and guard a beauty all day long, but what should they do.

(End of this chapter)

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