The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 337 Chapter 336: Stupid Zhu buys a wife

Chapter 337 Chapter 330 Six: Stupid Zhu buys a wife
The first thing Shazhu did after the separation was to increase the salaries of his apprentices. Before that, the salaries of several apprentices were not very high because of Qin Huairu.

Unlike Yan Jiecheng's restaurant, they can not get a hotel bonus. There have been several waves of people wanting to come to their restaurant to poach people a while ago, and Mahua and the others have not left for Shazhu's sake.

This time, Sha Zhu planned to do it in one step. He learned from Yan Jiecheng that each family gave [-]% of the shares to the back kitchen. When Sha Zhu brought this matter up to Qin Huairu, Qin Huairu did not agree. With silly column one mind.

It is said that it will be distributed to the back kitchen, but what is the difference between this and the distribution to Sha Zhu? Originally, she and the uncle would have an advantage in terms of shares, but if they do what Sha Zhu said, then their family's shares will be reduced. Will drop from 50.00% five but 40.00% five.

Not only has the money she received been greatly reduced, but she will no longer have the right to speak in the restaurant in the future. She also thought that after the stick came out, she would copy the MCA people and find a chef again, so as to transfer the control of the restaurant from Shazhu Take it back in your hand.

If there is no advantage in the shares, how can I do this in the future? I still have to be manipulated by Shazhu all the time. Their family can only get some money from the restaurant, and they can't do anything else.

But she didn't agree that Shazhu would take Ma Hua and others to pick him up, at worst, he would open a new restaurant and stop playing with her, Qin Huairu.

Qin Huairu had no choice but to agree. After all, something is better than nothing. Because of the house, their family gave He Daqing 4000 yuan.

Now that Qin Huairu doesn't have much money, she still needs to rely on the support of her uncle from time to time. If the restaurant is closed, her family will really suffer from the northwest wind.

So Silly Zhu successfully drove Qin Huairu's family out of the restaurant, and Qin Huairu was not even given the job of restaurant waiter.

After all, the marriage is divorced, and if they still work in a restaurant, it seems awkward to look down and not see those who look up.

And He Daqing also kept his promise, and it didn't take long before he asked someone to find a big girl for Shazhu from the countryside.

How about saying that money can turn ghosts? The girl is Li Hong, 22 years old, and she lives in a remote mountainous area. There are three younger sisters, one younger brother, and her parents, a total of seven people in her family.

Although the farmers’ income has been increased through household contracting and tax cuts, their family has too many strong laborers, and only his father dares not go out to work. They can only live on a few acres of land and can’t save much money all year round. , life is very poor.

Although Sha Zhu's age is a bit older than her father's by two years, but He Daqing is willing to throw money away.

In order to let Silly Zhu marry a wife to carry on the family lineage of their old He family, He Daqing also fought hard. He took out 2000 yuan from his bag face to face, and promised that as long as Li Hong gave birth to their old He family, the girl would be rewarded with [-] yuan, and the boy would be rewarded with [-] yuan directly. .

Li Hong's mother looked at the 2000 yuan that He Daqing took out, her eyes lit up and she agreed without hesitation. After all, 2000 yuan is not a small amount, and they also said that they waited for their girl to give birth. Still have to give money.

Although Li Hong's father was a little reluctant and didn't want his daughter to marry an old man who was two years older than him, he couldn't stand the family's persuasion, and Li Hong himself wanted to marry in the city and didn't want to stay in the city. Suffering in the mountains, although the man is more than 20 years older than her, but this is nothing to her, it is better than staying here to suffer for a lifetime.

So on the same day, He Daqing left the money and took Li Hong back to the courtyard, and went through the marriage formalities with Sha Zhu directly.

This stunned the people in the compound. They never thought that it could be done like this. An old man in his 40s could still marry a girl in her 20s.

This means that He Daqing is too old to play, otherwise he would still use silly pillars, he can spend money to buy one, no, he spends money to find one, and then pass it on to the next generation, and give it to the people in the compound Lesson, let them know what is the real version of grandparents love.

Silly Zhu happily took the bride and began to distribute happy candies from door to door, the wrinkles on his smiling face appeared. He didn't expect that He Daqing would find him a girl in her 20s after she kept her word.

This was something he didn't dare to think about before, and he thought that He Daqing would just talk about it, and at most he would find him a widow in her 30s.

Unexpectedly, He Daqing did it. If he knew why he married Qin Huairu in the first place, he hanged himself on Qin Huairu for more than 20 years, wasting his great youth in vain.

If it had been like this earlier, maybe all of his sons, He Yuzhu, would have married wives, and maybe he would have been promoted to be a grandfather by now.

Silly Zhu looked at the people around him and then looked at Qin Huairu, feeling really remorseful, feeling disgusted in his heart at the beginning, thinking why he was so obsessed with marrying Qin Huairu at the beginning, raising children for more than 20 years in vain, and he left nothing behind with.

Saying goodbye to Qin Huairu, Shazhu took the bride and walked towards the front yard. Qin Huairu looked at the triumphant Shazhu from behind and gritted his teeth in hatred.

She also wanted to be like Shazhu, also looking for a young man, but there was an old witch watching over the three children in the family, so he could only think about it.

Silly Zhu took the bride all the way to Yan Xiecheng's house, and "framed" the door of Yan Jiecheng's house a few times.


"I, He Yuzhu, brought wedding candy to your house."

Hearing Sha Zhu's voice, Yan Jiecheng put the book on the table, got up and walked out, opened the door and looked at the two people standing outside the door in doubt, he just came back from the hotel in the afternoon, and he didn't know that Sha Zhu and others The matter of obtaining the certificate.

"I said Silly Zhu, who are you leading, your daughter? Yes, Silly Zhu, I didn't expect you to learn how to hide the beauty in the golden house. You are married to Qin Huairu and have children with him at the same time. The two are wrong. I said, why did you divorce Qin Huairu so happily, it turned out that you were hiding something behind."

"How do you talk, what girl, this is my wife Li Hong, and I, He Yuzhu, are married. Here, this is your family's wedding candy. Take it, and be more careful when you talk next time." Silly Zhu said with a depressed face. He wanted to flirt with Yan Jiecheng, but Yan Jiecheng lectured him as soon as he came up.

Hearing what Shazhu said, Yan Xiecheng was a little bit taken aback. Looking at the girl standing with Shazhu, although she wasn't very pretty, she had dark skin and looked a little thin.

But no matter what, you can't fall in love with Sha Zhu, Sha Zhu is already a man who is about to run to fifty, and it is too natural to want a little girl from Huo Huo's family, Yan Jiecheng thought to himself.

"What? You don't say a few festive words when you get married." Looking at Yan Jiecheng's expression, Silly Zhu said with some dissatisfaction, after all, he gave the wedding candy.

"Cough, cough, I wish the two of you to have a precious son early, to be united forever, to be together for a hundred years, and to grow old together. By the way, silly Zhu, you have married another beautiful lady, so you must treat the people in the compound to dinner." Yan Xiecheng couldn't take his eyes off He looked at the top of Sha Zhu's head and said, always felt that some color would definitely appear on Sha Zhu's head in the future.

"It's up to you to say, that's for sure, our restaurant is on Sunday, remember to come over then."

"No, since when did the restaurant become yours? Can Qin Huairu agree to hold a banquet in that restaurant? You are not afraid that Qin Huairu will lift the table for you." Yan Jiecheng looked at Silly Zhu curiously, but he thought Look at Qin Huairu's expression when he sees Sha Zhu getting married.

"You don't have to worry about it, just feel free to do it. I won't tell you more and there are still several houses that have not been notified. Let's go first." Silly Zhu led the bride to Yan Jiekuang's house beside him.

Yan Jiecheng shook his head at Shazhu's back, then turned and went back to his room to continue reading.

In the evening, people who went to work during the day all returned to the compound and learned that Sha Zhu was going to marry a wife again, or a girl in her 20s. Out of envy, I plan to ask Sha Zhu for advice.

"Yan Jiecheng, do you also envy Shazhu? Envy that he found a 20-year-old girl." Yu Li looked at Yan Jiecheng suspiciously.

"How is it possible, my wife is not as old as Qin Huairu." Yan Xiecheng denied it.

Said that although Yan Jiecheng already has three children in his family, he and Yu Li are not too old. He is just 38 years old this year, and what he and Yu Li do are not physical labor, and he usually pays attention to maintenance. Just like in his 20s.

Moreover, since opening a restaurant after the reform and opening up, and having her own business, Yu Li unconsciously has the temperament of a strong woman.

Standing with Xiao Ziwan, those who didn't know thought he and the two of them were sisters.

"You mean that I'm going to be as old as Qin Huairu, and you're going to leave me to find a little girl?" Yu Li stared at Yan Jiecheng, dissatisfied with what Yan Jiecheng said just now.

"How is it possible? Our children are so old. If I want to do this, it won't be a joke. Besides, you are so beautiful, how can I find someone else? You will always be the most beautiful in my heart. " Yan Jiecheng raised his hand and swore.

"Okay, you passed what you said, and I will reward you tonight." Yu Li took off her coat and walked slowly towards Yan Jiecheng.

Yan Jiecheng's heart tightened. It seemed that he would not be able to escape tonight. He would not let him go unless Yu Li squeezed him a few times. He didn't know if he would be able to get up tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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