The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 338 Chapter 337: Eating a Banquet

Chapter 338 Chapter 330 Seven: Dinner
The next morning.

When Yan Jiecheng woke up, it was already three o'clock in the morning. Last night, he was tortured by Yu Li all night. After resting all morning, he still had some back pain. It seems that he needs to make up for it in the future, so that Yu Li can't be so rampant. After thinking about it, Yan Jiecheng Get up and get dressed and walk out of the room.

Yan Bugui was watering the flowers and plants in the yard at this time. Since the front yard was changed to Yan, Yan Bugui had planted flowers and plants in the open space of the front yard, leaving only a road leading to the middle yard in the middle. aisle.

Yan Bugui doesn't go to work at the fried chicken shop now, and watches the vegetable shop with his third mother at home every day. When the second uncle was working for him, he could still go fishing by the river when he was free.

But since the second uncle had money in his hands, he stopped working with him, and now he, the third mother and two children are left in the family.

Yan Bugui didn't have time to go fishing and could only grow flowers at home, and played chess with the first and second uncles when he was free.

Seeing Yan Jiecheng come out, Yan Pugui sneaked over and asked in a low voice, "Xie Cheng, are you and Yu Li planning to have another child?"

"No, we already have three children in our family. We have a son and a daughter. Why do we have so many? Besides, Ziwan and the others are already so old. What would it be like to give them a younger brother or sister?" Although he didn't understand why Yan Bugui asked such a question, Yan Jiecheng still told the truth.

"That's good, that's good."

Yan Bugui muttered a few words and turned to get busy with his own affairs. He asked this question just now because Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li got up so late today, and they seemed to be overworked. He thought they wanted children.

If Yu Li had another one, she would probably be thrown to the couple like Zi Hao. They are both so old, and although they like children, they don't want to be chained to their grandchildren for the rest of their lives.

Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Bugui's leaving back, wondering why he said such a word without thinking, but Yan Jiecheng didn't think much about it, it was already noon and he hadn't eaten yet, so he pushed his bicycle out of the compound, intending to Go to a restaurant for a meal.

"Father, where are you going to play? Take me with you." Xiao Zihao and Xiao Ziyun were playing with sand at the gate of the courtyard and when they saw Yan Jiecheng come out, they quickly got up and asked.

"I'm going too, uncle, I'm going too." Xiao Ziyun also shouted.

"Okay, I'll take you two to eat fried chicken."

Saying that, Yan Jiecheng carried the two children onto the bicycle, let Xiao Zihao sit in the back and Xiao Ziyun sat in the front, then turned around and yelled at the vegetable shop to call out the third mother, and said hello to the third mother, otherwise wait The next three mothers should worry again if they can't see their children.

Yan Jiecheng came to the fried chicken restaurant with his two children on a bicycle, and asked Chen Dong to make three family buckets of fried chicken, and then led the two children to find an empty table and sit down.

"Brother, can you eat so much with just three orders?" Yan Jiedi walked over and said to Yan Jiecheng.

Since Yan Bugui left the fried chicken restaurant, Yan Xiecheng asked Yan Di to fire several people, and now there are eight people in the fried chicken restaurant including Yan Jiedi and Chen Dong.

Chen Dong led the three men in the back kitchen, and Yan Jiedi led the three girls to work as waiters in the front. Usually, she didn't need to do it herself, she just watched and collected the money and kept the books.

"If you can't finish eating, take it back and give it to Xiaozi Wan and the others. Besides, what are you afraid of after I paid for it?"

"I'm afraid that you won't be able to finish it and waste it. The fried food won't taste good after a long time." Yan Xie said as he patted the heads of the two children.

"Sister-in-law, where's Nini, isn't Nini here?" Little Ziyun looked around, but he didn't see the little girl of Yan Jiesi's family, so he asked.

Both Yan Jieya and his wife work in the store and have no time to take care of their children. They can only bring their youngest daughter to the store. They usually play in the yard behind them. When they are tired, they go to the warehouse to sleep. For this reason, Yan Xiecheng still has a separate room in the warehouse. There is a bed in a small office.

"She's sleeping in the back. You can go play with her after you two finish eating." After Yan Jiedi dealt with Ziyun, he turned to Yan Jiecheng and asked, "By the way, big brother, my third brother and his wife should also graduate. Well, the work has been assigned."

"Come down, your third sister-in-law is going to the Municipal Education Commission, and your third brother is going to the Computer Research Institute." Yan Xiecheng said with a smile, if you say that Yan Jiekuang and his wife were also honored by the first batch of college students after the reform and opening up.

Moreover, both of them went to good universities, both of which belonged to key universities, and the jobs of the other two college students in the college were also assigned. Duhu was assigned to the Forestry Bureau, while Sophora was assigned to a farm in the suburbs.

"Now my third elder brother and his wife have survived." Yan Jiedi said in an envious tone.

At the beginning, Yan Jiecheng also wanted her to go to university because she felt that she was married and had a good job, so whether or not she went to university didn't make any difference to her, so she didn't choose to go to university at the beginning.

Otherwise, based on her high school education, it is very easy to get into a university as long as she studies hard. Even Li Nuan, who graduated from junior high school, was admitted to a university, let alone her.

But it’s too late to say anything now. Although there are adult universities that can be taken now, they didn’t take the test four years ago. Now that the children are over two years old and have their own careers, it is even more impossible to go to the university. This hope was buried in the bottom of my heart.

"Uncle and sister-in-law, do you two talk about my parents again?" Xiao Ziyun asked with her head raised.

"Yes, my aunt said that your parents are good enough to go to college, and Ziyun will be like your parents in the future."

"Well, I will be better than my parents in the future." Xiao Ziyun nodded and said.

While talking, the three servings of fried chicken that Yan Xiecheng ordered were ready and Chen Dong brought them up.

Yan Jiecheng was hungry all morning and didn't even eat breakfast. Seeing that the fried chicken was served, he couldn't care less about taking care of the two little guys, so he ate on his own. Fortunately, Yan Jie was here.

Yan Jieya helped the two little guys roll up their sleeves, and then cut the chicken into small pieces with a knife for the two kids to eat, otherwise the two kids' hands were too small to hold it, and they would have messed up everywhere.

Yan Jie looked at Yan Jiecheng while taking care of the two children. "Brother, you haven't eaten for a few days, it's too exaggerated."

Hearing Yan Xie's words, Yan Xiecheng gave her a blank stare, thinking that he was tired from working all night yesterday, how could he not be hungry.

Yan Jiecheng ate his own portion and ate the rest of the two children. He originally wanted to bring it to Xiao Ziwan and the others, but it seems that he can only make it again for them.

After eating and drinking, Yan Jiecheng asked Chen Dong to make two more, and later took them to Xiao Ziwan and the others. Now that the two of them have finished the college entrance examination, they sleep at home every day, or go outside to have fun.

Yan Jiecheng didn't care too much, after all, the two of them had been aggrieved enough for more than half a year, so they should relax. When the fried chicken was ready, Yan Jie took a bag and put the fried chicken in it and handed it to Yan Jiecheng.

Parking his bicycle in the backyard of the fried chicken shop, Yan Jiecheng took the fried chicken to bid farewell to Yan Jieya, and walked towards the small courtyard with the three children.

When they arrived at the courtyard, the two children were still sleeping, and it was Ziqing who opened the door for Yan Xiecheng.

The boy Wan was wearing pajamas and looked sleepy, as if he had just been woken up.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"You plan to sleep until dark if I don't come?" Yan Jiecheng said angrily, then gave the fried chicken in her hand to Ziqing, and asked her to put it on the table to eat with Ziwan and the others.

"Zihao, Ziyun, Nini, Dad, did you bring the three of them too?"

"Elder Sister." The three little fellows shouted at Zi Wan.

"Well, let the three of them play with you for two days, anyway, you two have nothing to do after the exam."

"Dad, our classmates are going to organize an outing in a few days, can you give me some money?" Kid Wan said to Yan Jiecheng while sitting on the edge of the table while eating fried chicken.

"Are all the students in your class going? Where are you going? Is it safe? Don't let anything happen to you." Yan Xiecheng asked worriedly. After all, a little girl is not the same as a boy. If something happens, it will be too late to regret it.

"What could happen? We didn't go far away, so we went to the northern suburbs for [-] kilometers in the morning and came back in the evening, not to mention Ziyang and Ma Dun followed."

"Okay, then pay attention to safety when you go, and ask your mother to give you two 200 yuan when you go to the restaurant later."

He was relieved when he heard that Ziyang and Ma Dun were following Yan Jiecheng, and then told them to pay attention to safety when they went, leaving the three children here and Yan Jiecheng left.

After leaving the courtyard, Yan Jiecheng went to the restaurant for a while, and returned home after having nothing to do.

In this way, a few days passed and it was Sunday again.

Today is the day for Sha Zhu and Li Hong to hold a banquet. The reason why they chose Sunday is because all the people in the compound can come during the holiday.

Early in the morning, Yan Jiecheng followed the neighbors in the compound to Shazhu's restaurant early, and all the people in the compound except Qin Huairu's family and the rest of the old man came.

The uncle had completely broken up with Shazhu. After all, Shazhu married a young and beautiful daughter-in-law and He Daqing was there. He would definitely not provide for him in the future, so he could only follow Qin Huairu all the way to the dark with all his heart.

Yan Jiecheng sat on a chair and looked at Shazhu's father-in-law on the opposite table. Although this man was not as old as Shazhu, he might look old because he often did farm work, but he was older than Shazhu in appearance.

Sitting with Shazhu's mother-in-law in a bright red dress, next to him is He Daqing who is also wearing the same dress.

Moreover, He Yushui and his wife made a rare appearance today. Since He Yushui got married, they haven't been to the compound once for more than ten years.But this time, she came with her husband and a pair of children.

I don't know how He Daqing contacted her, but she seemed to have forgiven He Daqing.

The second uncle pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Silly Zhu is a typical poor man suddenly rich. There are two poor people who don't know their surnames."

"Second uncle, you, don't talk about silly Zhu, you are not the same. When you were rich, let's see how you were treated. No matter what, silly Zhu knows how to invite everyone to dinner. But you I didn't give a grain of rice to everyone." Some people couldn't help but said that they couldn't understand the villainous appearance of the second uncle.

"If you don't understand, don't be blind. When I was rich, I didn't divorce your second aunt to marry a young one. Why should I treat you to dinner?"

"If you want to marry, you need to have some skills. With your physical condition, you can only think about it." The man looked at the second uncle and joked.

"What's wrong with my body, don't look down on others, I'll tell you, don't look at the second uncle who is older than you." Said the second uncle and patted his chest.

Amidst the ridicule of the crowd, Ma Hua started serving food to everyone. The second uncle stopped talking when he saw this, and continued to eat with his head down.

After a while, Shazhu led the bride and began to toast everyone. These few days, Shazhu was exhausted. He also worked hard for his children, eating the tonic that He Daqing stewed for him every day and working hard every night.

I just don't know how the final harvest will be. Although I have some back pain, Sha Zhu is also suffering and happy.

"Silly Zhu, can you do it? I see how you are still supporting your waist. If you can't do it, you should change." Someone teased Sha Zhu.

"Go away, I hope you don't care about it, don't talk about back pain, even if your whole body hurts, you have to endure it." Sha Zhu doesn't deal with other people's jokes, just know that they are jealous of themselves, jealous of themselves 40 More and married a 20-year-old wife.

(End of this chapter)

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