Chapter 342

It was only after returning home that Xiaozi Wan remembered that the fried chicken shop had moved to another place because it was going to be rebuilt.

It was too far to go to my aunt's house, and the two of them didn't want to move at night, so they could only go to their own restaurant and ask Heizi to cook some special dishes.

When the food was served, the two ate and drank a lot, and Yu Li, who was watching, frowned.

"Slow down, slow down, no one is fighting with you two, why are you so fast?"

"Mom, you don't know what kind of life we ​​lived in school. You are going to experience it for a few days and you will be like us." Xiao Ziyang couldn't help crying to Li.

"Why? Is the school food so bad?"

"It's so bad to remove the word "Well, if you don't believe me, you can ask my dad, my dad had a meal at my sister's school before." Xiao Ziyang said to Yu Li while eating hungrily.

"It's not that your school's food is bad, it's that our family's food is too good, that is, your father, according to what I said, you two shouldn't be allowed to eat so well."

"You are still not my mother, how can you treat us like this, we can't pick it up." Said Xiao Ziyang and Xiao Ziwan looked at each other, as if they had found the truth.

"What are you talking about, you brat." As she spoke, Yu Li slapped Ziyang on the head.

"Well, I also suspect that Ziyang was picked up, but I'm sure not, I was born by my parents." Xiao Ziwan said proudly.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, eat quickly, go back to sleep after eating, the restaurant should be closed." Yu Li looked at her watch and said to the two.

"Mom, give me your card. I'm going to bring my classmates over for dinner tomorrow. By the way, remember to reserve a box for me at noon tomorrow. The one on the second floor is fine." Xiao Ziwan remembered that her classmates would come to play with her tomorrow. So he said to Yu Li.

"Classmates? Boys and girls? Your dad can tell you, you are too young to fall in love early."

Hearing that Xiao Ziwan was going to bring her classmates over for dinner, Yu Li was not worried about anything else but that she would fall in love early, the little girl was just seventeen and not yet an adult.

"Mom, what are you talking about, we are in the same dormitory, can it be a man?"

"That's good, here, take it and don't lose it, there is still 500 yuan in it, enough for you to eat at the end of the year." Hearing Xiao Ziwan's words, Yu Li felt relieved, then took out a membership card from her bag and handed it over. past.

"Mom, I want you to give me one too." Xiao Ziyang looked at the golden card in Xiao Ziwan's hand and said enviously. He also wanted a membership card, and he also wanted the same treatment as his sister.

"You, let's talk about it when you find a girlfriend."

"Mom, I'm just seventeen. Didn't you just say you can't fall in love early?"

"You're different, you're a boy, you don't suffer from being in a relationship."

"Puchi." The boy laughed out, feeling that his mother was too funny, so he teased: "Mom, if your future in-laws find out about this, why don't they come here and fight you hard?"

"Why are you looking for me? Your dad is the head of our family." After speaking, Yu Li got up and tidied up the books, planning to close the door after the two had finished eating.

" don't feel sorry for my dad being beaten?" Xiao Ziwan shouted at her mother's back.

"Didn't your father say that boys are beaten?" Yu Li said without raising her head. Yan Jiecheng often said this to her before, and it was the same sentence every time he taught Ziyang a lesson.

"Well, it makes sense." Kid Wan glanced at his younger brother and said in agreement.

"I won't talk to you guys anymore, I'm going home." Hearing the two squeeze him so hard, Xiao Ziyang quickly finished the food in his bowl, then stood up and said while walking outside.

"Don't stretch too much, hurry up and go home with your brother, and leave the bowls and chopsticks here until someone comes to clean them tomorrow." Yu Li was afraid that she would wait for Zi Wan to go back alone, so she said.

"Mom, then I'm leaving." Said Xiao Ziwan quickly got up and chased Xiao Ziyang.

Yan Ziqing had already fallen asleep when the two returned to the courtyard, and now the three of them lived in the courtyard.

Ziwan lives in the main room, Ziqing lives in the east wing, and Xiao Ziyang lives in the west wing. The two side rooms are made into two toilets, and the toilet and bathroom are connected together.

The east ear room is used by Ziwan and Ziqing for women, and the west ear room is used by Ziyang for men. For this reason, Yan Jiecheng specially asked someone to buy two gas water heaters from Nanjing.

At present, only one factory in Nanjing is producing this product in China, and it cannot be bought elsewhere, unless foreign exchange is used to import it abroad.

There must be a bathtub if the water heater is installed, so Yan Jiecheng bought two more bathtubs and put them in the bathroom. Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li both come here to take a bath.

Apart from leaving a room of more than ten square meters as the kitchen in the inverted house, all the rest was opened up and changed into a library. Anyway, the three of them don't know how to cook. It would be a waste to make the kitchen bigger.

The books that Yan Jiecheng moved from home were all placed in the library. Thousands of books slowly crowded a 50-square-meter house, surrounded by bookshelves, with only a desk in the middle near the door.

The bookshelves are all custom-made by Yan Xiecheng by a carpenter, and all of them are made of solid wood, and the style is also made by imitating the minimalist style of later generations, which is simple and beautiful.

In order to make it easier to find books, Yan Jiecheng also specially hung a sign on the frame of the bookshelf.

After talking about the house, let's talk about the yard. After Yan Jiedi's family moved out, Yan Jiecheng also made some changes to the yard.

A cross-shaped aisle was paved with bricks along the central axis, dividing the entire yard into four parts. Two pomegranate trees were planted on two plots in the north, and two cucumber frames were supported in two plots in the south.

September is the season when autumn cucumbers are ripe, and the shelves are full of green fruits.

The kid went back to the courtyard and went to the bathroom to take a shower, then went to the yard in pajamas and broke a cucumber, wiped it with his hands, and put it in his mouth. The home-grown ones are not sprayed, so you don’t have to worry about eating them badly. While chewing cucumbers, he walked back to the room.


Early the next morning.

Before Xiao Ziwan got up, she heard someone knocking on the door outside, sat up from the bed in a daze, and looked at the wall clock on the wall.

It was past nine o'clock, thinking that there were still students coming today, so I quickly picked up the clothes and put them on myself.

"Sister, are you up? Your classmate is here."

"Get up, get up." Before she got out of bed after getting dressed, she heard the voice of the kid outside the door, she quickly jumped off the bed, stepped on her slippers, and ran to open the door.

"Old Ba, you just woke up after the sun came out?"

"Oh, I read too late last night and woke up a bit late, which is not what I usually do." Xiao Ziwan made excuses for her late waking up.

Xiao Ziqing couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard it. When her sister was at home, she always got up at this time except for going to school. If she got up early that day, it would be hell.

After several people entered the room, they couldn't help but look around.

"Old Ba, are you the only one living in this room?" Li Wei couldn't help but ask as she saw that there was only a bed in this [-]-square-meter room.

Before, they thought that there were several families living in this courtyard, but after entering, they found that there was no one in the courtyard except Yan Ziqing who opened the door for them.

"Yes, this is my room." Xiao Ziwan blinked her big eyes and didn't know why they asked.

"You live alone, what about your parents? This yard is not yours, right?" Everyone asked in surprise,

Although many people have become rich since the reform and opening up, and ten-thousand-yuan households are not as new as in the past two years, but such a large yard requires several ten-thousand-yuan households to afford it.

"My parents brought my younger brother to live in a large compound. This house belongs to a friend of my father. That family has gone abroad to join relatives. Why don't we let our family move in and show him the house?" Xiao Ziwan made up casually. said an excuse.

Yan Jiecheng had explained to her before that she was not allowed to say that this house belonged to her family. After all, people are separated from each other, so what if someone has evil thoughts.

"I said, I thought your family was rich, so it is. By the way, what do your parents do?"

"My dad, he's an electrician in the first factory, but he's a seventh-level electrician. In [-], he was set to a seventh-level electrician. There hasn't been a rise in the past few years. My mother is an accountant in a textile factory." To lie, Yan Jie was originally an electrician, and he was indeed a seventh-level electrician.

"Then your dad has a salary of more than 100 yuan a month, and he is a dual-employee. I said that your family's conditions are so good. Unlike ours, my dad is a fifth-level fitter." Li Wei said with some envy.

This is a seventh-grade worker in 16. It has been 1 years now, and the salary alone is more than [-] yuan, not to mention that my mother has a job.

"Old Ba, please take us around. It's the first time I've seen a courtyard in the north. It's really different from the courtyards we built in the south." Several students from the south suggested.

"Okay, I'll put on my shoes later." Said the boy, Wan took out the shoes under the bed, put the slippers aside, put on the shoes and walked out of the room.

In fact, there is nothing to see, just a yard, standing on the steps, you can see the side at a glance.

It's not easy for her to bring people into the room of Xiao Ziqing and Xiao Ziyang, so after thinking about it, she should go to the study.

"Everyone, be careful when you go in. There are books inside, so don't mess it up." Xiao Ziwan whispered while standing at the door of the inverted room.

Seeing everyone nodding, Ziwan gently opened the door and walked in first.

"Ah, why are there so many books here? How many books are there?" Everyone entered the room and couldn't help exclaiming.

"Hey, there is actually an English version of the book here. This is... a German book?"

"Everyone can see it, but don't break it, otherwise our family will not be able to explain to others." Xiao Ziwan told everyone.

"Understood, don't worry, we will be careful. By the way, you haven't said why there are so many books here. Could this book also belong to your father's friend's house?"

"That's right, that person used to be a book collector. Whenever he came across a book he hadn't seen, he would buy it. Gradually, there are so many of them here. And when his family comes back from abroad, the books here might still be there." Make some more."

"Then you are blessed. With so many books, you can read as much as you want, which one you want to read." Everyone said enviously.

"I allow you to copy the books here and take them back."

"Let's forget it. You're not exhausted. Even if you're not exhausted, how much paper would it take to copy all these books? Even if you sell me, you can't afford it."

"I gave you a chance, if you don't cherish it, don't blame me if you regret it in the future." Kid Wan said jokingly, not to mention copying, just looking at it will drive people crazy.

After reading in the study for a while, she felt that the time was almost up, Xiao Ziwan took a few people out of the study and walked towards her restaurant, thinking of going to have a meal first and then go to other places to play.

(End of this chapter)

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