The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 343 Wu Juan Buys a House

Chapter 343 Wu Juan Buys a House
At this time, in a messy warehouse in the port city.

Yan Jiefang was directing several workers to disassemble the refrigerator, color TV and washing machine.

These were bought by Xu Damao from the scrap yard at a price higher than the scrap.

The disassembled parts are all stacked into three piles in order, one pile is usable, one pile is completely scrapped, and the other pile needs to be repaired.

The pile of completely scrapped parts will be sent back to the scrap yard after dismantling, and the rest should be repaired and refurbished.

After the accessories are cleaned up, they will be assembled uniformly, and the assembled electrical appliances will be divided into three grades according to their newness and oldness.

The first-class goods are [-]% new. From the outside, you can't tell that they are second-hand goods. The price is also the most expensive. The wholesale price can reach about [-]% of the new goods.

The second-class goods are more than [-] new, and the price can reach half of the new goods.The rest belong to the third-class goods, and the wholesale price is only [-]% of the new goods.

When I first came here, there were only a few of them, and they couldn't assemble a few machines in a day, but the cost of hiring local people was too high and it wasn't worth it.

Xu Damao can only wait for a few people from China to be kidnapped every time he goes to the other side to ship goods. Xu Damao's wages for them are only about one-third of the local people's wages.

But this also makes many people want to work here. After all, one-third of the salary is more than 300 yuan a month, which is several times higher than the domestic salary.

Slowly, Xu Damao's factory has grown from a few people at the beginning to a team of hundreds of people.

In addition to Yan Jiefang and several people, the entire factory has gathered more than 130 people, and it has also developed from a solo team at the beginning to a regular team now.

The work distribution of several people is also very reasonable. Xu Damao is mainly responsible for finance and sales, and Yan Jiefang and his wife are responsible for the management of the factory.

Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangfu are in charge of logistics, mainly contacting the waste station and transporting the electrical appliances collected from the waste station back to the factory.

Then the electrical appliances produced by the factory are shipped according to the list given by Xu Damao. Now the whole factory can assemble [-] to [-] refrigerators, color TVs or washing machines of various kinds every day.

This scale has reached the peak period of the factory, not because there is no market, but because the raw materials cannot keep up. The port city is so big, with a population of only a few million, and the electrical appliances bought by others cannot be broken.

There are only so many second-hand accessories, and he can also buy new accessories for assembly.

But the electrical appliances assembled in this way are much more expensive than those produced in regular factories.

Even if the selling price is the same as that of regular factories, it will still lose money, and the quality is not as good as the products produced by regular factories.

But Xu Damao was unwilling to let his career stagnate like this, so he could only think of other ways.

He intends to import from countries such as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore. After understanding this period of time, he knows that labor costs in these countries are very high, and there is no market for second-hand electrical appliances in these countries.

But there is also an advantage in this way, that is, the used electrical appliances on the market can only be treated as waste products. After all, people’s income is so high, it is better to buy a new one if the electrical appliances break down, unlike domestic ones, which can be used for three years after sewing.

"Jiefang, when will Brother Mao come back?" Liu Guangfu, wearing a suit and a pair of big leather shoes, walked in from the outside and asked Yan Jiefang.

He is now the deputy general manager of the logistics department of Gangmao Electric, so he should pay attention to his appearance.

Hearing Liu Guangfu's words, Yan Jiefang looked down at his watch and said:

"It should be soon. You should drive there quickly. If you can't, just wait there for a while. In case Brother Mao arrives and doesn't see you, he will lose his temper again." After speaking, Yan Jiefang turned around and directed the workers to work again.

"Okay, then I'm leaving. I don't know why, Brother Mao's temper has become more and more serious recently." Liu Guangfu turned around and left the factory and drove away in a Toyota Hiace.

Since the 70s, this kind of van, which can carry people and load goods, has become popular in the streets of Hong Kong.

Xu Damao also bought one after earning money, and usually put it in the factory and let Liu Guangfu drive it to the scrap yard to pick up goods.

For this reason, Xu Damao also bought a driver's license for Liu Guangfu. After all, he is also the owner of a factory with hundreds of people. How can he go out without a driver? This is not a loss of face.

Since then, Liu Guangfu also has an additional job, that is, Xu Damao's driver and bodyguard.

"Jiefang, how much money do you think our family can get this month?" Wu Juan who was on the side came over and handed Yan Jiefang a glass of water and asked.

When Xu Damao started the factory, he promised that Yan Jiefang and his wife would hold 5.00% of the factory's shares, while Liu Guangfu and Liu Guangqi's family would each hold [-]%.

After all, there was no one around Xu Damao available at that time, so the only way to win over a few people was by this method.

The reason why they were given [-]% of the shares was because Yan Jiefang had the skills, while Liu Guangqi and Liu Guangtian could only do some coolies.

"It's probably more than last month. This month's shipments are half as much as last month's. In this way, how can we get [-] this month." Yan Jiefang took a sip of water and thought for a while.

"Jiefang, you asked if our family should buy a house here. When I was shopping with Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law in the morning, I happened to encounter a building that opened for sale at 280 Hong Kong dollars per foot.

Our family doesn’t need to buy too big one, just a [-]-foot two-bedroom and one-living room will do. When the time comes, we can bring our son over too. What do you think? "

"Why do you think of buying a house? Didn't we say that we would go back after earning money? Besides, even if it is 280 feet, it will cost more than 20. How can our family have so much money?"

"I've inquired about it. You can pay in installments. A down payment of 4 yuan is enough for two transactions. If it doesn't work, you can also pay a [-]% down payment, but the interest is a bit high."

"Let's forget it. The 40-square-foot house, excluding the shared area, is only more than [-] square meters in our hands. There are four people in our family. How can we live here, and we have to pay back the loan in the future."

Yan Jiefang was a little hesitant. Although he made money here with Xu Damao, he never thought of staying here in the future, after all his parents are still in the capital.

Besides, although there is a lot of money here, the cost is also high. A house of more than 40 square meters costs more than 20. With this money, you can buy a courtyard house in the capital. How comfortable it is to live in.

"It's enough for us to live. Let's take Ziming over. As for Ziqing, let her stay in the capital and let her be filial to the elderly for us."

"This... Ziqing will marry in the future."

"Marrying is also marrying the capital city, so it's close enough to take care of her grandparents and grandparents.

That's it. It's decided that we will buy a house when Xu Damao distributes this month's dividend. I have already agreed with Liu Guangqi's wife that we will buy together. "

Before Yan Jiefang objected to Wu Juan, she made up her mind to buy a house here in Hong Kong City, and when the house came down, Xiao Ziming would take it over. As for Xiao Ziqing, she would marry an outsider anyway, it doesn’t matter if she comes or not, let her stay in the capital That's fine.

The two had just finished discussing the house when there was the sound of a car outside, and then Xu Damao got out of the car and walked towards the factory building.

"Brother Mao, how is it going? Did the job go well?" Seeing Xu Damao's return, Yan Jiefang quickly got up and walked over to ask.

"Don't worry, what else can I do if I go out in person, let's go to the restaurant to celebrate later, and I just divided up last month's money with you, Guangfu, go and call your brother over."

Hearing Xu Damao's words, Liu Guangfu turned his head and walked out. Xu Damao went around the factory and saw that Yan Jiefang's management was okay, and the workers were working on the apartment in their hands in an orderly manner.

"Mr. Xu, how much will our family get for this dividend?" Seeing that Xu Damao was in a good mood, Wu Juan couldn't help asking.

"Why, does your family need money?" Xu Damao asked curiously as he turned his head and glanced at Wu Juan.

"It's like this. Our family plans to buy a house here, and then take over the child. The price has been inquired, 280 eighty feet. Our family will buy it with Liu Guangqi's family. Do you want to buy it? You can install it in installments, and the down payment is only It takes [-]%." Seeing that Xu Damao was not angry, Wu Juan asked again.

"Yes, Liberation, we have to buy a house. How big is the area? If you don't have enough money, tell me. After all, we came here together. If you have any difficulties, just ask."

"Thank you Mr. Xu. The family should have enough money. Besides, it's going to be a dividend."

"Brother Mao, here we come." While speaking, Liu Guangfu brought Liu Guangqi in.

"It's almost time, Jiefang, let the workers get off work, let's go to eat." Xu Damao looked at his watch and said to Yan Jiefang.

After the workers had left, they drove to a nearby restaurant. After eating, Xu Damao took out the bag without waiting for them to speak and began to distribute the money.

"Last month, our factory made a profit of 28 yuan, Jiefang's family earned [-] yuan, and Guangqi and Guangfu's family earned [-] yuan."

"Thank you Brother Mao, thank you Brother Mao." They got the money and thanked Xu Damao a thousand times. If Xu Damao hadn't brought them here, they would not be able to live the life they are now. If they stay in China and only rely on work to earn wages, they will probably spend their entire lives. Can't save so much money.

"Okay, no need to talk nonsense, you guys will follow me, Xu Damao, and work hard. Don't worry, as long as I have Xu Damao for a day, I will definitely not treat you badly." Xu Damao waved his hand and said.

"We will definitely follow along and work hard. We still don't know who Brother Mao is. If you follow Brother Mao, you will definitely be able to enjoy delicious food and spicy food."

"Okay, let's leave if there is nothing else to do. I will go to Taiwan Island in a few days. You guys stay here and watch the factory for me, so nothing happens."

"If something happens to the few of us, you can leave at ease. By the way, do you want to take Guangfu with you when you go to Taiwan Island this time, so that Guangfu can run errands for you if there is nothing wrong with you?" Liu Guangqi suggested.

"Okay, then let Guangfu follow. I'll leave first if there's nothing else to do. You guys should go back too." Xu Damao thought about it and thought it was the same.

After sending Xu Damao and the others back to the dormitory, they went to Wu Juan the next day and took out the savings at home. Including the dividends this time, the total was more than 4 yuan. They called Liu Guangqi's daughter-in-law to the sales office. place.

He planned to buy the house today, but Liu Guangqi's family could only make a down payment of [-]% because they did not earn as much as Yan Jiefang.

The houses bought by the two are the same size, and they are still facing each other. After all, they don't have any acquaintances here, and they can have someone to chat with when they live together, and they can take care of them when something goes wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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