Chapter 344

Here in Beijing.

Xiao Ziwan took her classmates to eat at her own restaurant, then went to Beihai Park to play for an afternoon, and returned home after six o'clock in the evening.

In the next period of time, nothing major happened in the courtyard house. Yan Jiecheng lived very regularly. He went to the construction site and restaurants every morning, read at home in the afternoon, and went to Peking University for evening classes in the evening and on Saturdays and Sundays.

Since the addition of manpower at the construction site, the progress of the project has been getting faster and faster every day, and the entire second floor was repaired in just over 20 days.

But when the third floor was being built, the progress of the project slowed down because it was too high. After all, these workers had never built such a tall building before. The indoor ceiling of a general house is only more than three meters high. The indoor ceiling designed by Yan Xiecheng It is five meters five, and the height of the two floors is as high as the third floor of other people's houses.

Moreover, there are not as many construction machinery as in later generations, and construction materials such as steel and cement have to be transported up manually. For this reason, the workers specially built a climbing slope with wooden boards at the side to pass small carts. The following materials are transported up.

In later generations, all these things can be done with a single crane. Although there are cranes now, they are not something that Yan Xiecheng can use.

Fortunately, although it was a bit slow, the progress of the project was still moving forward little by little. In more than a month, the whole project entered the final decoration link, which saved more than 20 days compared with the previous expectation.


Yan Jiecheng looked at the 18-meter-high building in front of him, which seemed a bit out of place, and couldn't help being excited.

"Brother Yan, we are going to do renovations next, have you bought the materials for the decoration?" Wang Zhihua accompanied Yan Jiecheng around the construction site, and asked when he saw that there was nothing wrong.

Hearing Wang Zhihua's words, Yan Jiecheng came back to his senses and frowned a little. Other things were fine, but he didn't know where to find toughened glass. After all, there are only three domestic companies that can produce toughened glass, located in Shanghai, Shenyang and Luoyang.

The products produced are directly supplied to the state units, and I don’t know if private individuals can buy them. If ordinary glass is used, the strength of such a large area may not be enough, so it can only be divided into small pieces and spliced ​​together with frames.

Just like the windows used at home, although it does not affect the use, the aesthetics are much worse, and it looks awkward.

In order to repair this building, Yan Jiecheng spent such a high price, how could he give up halfway and let a piece of glass be stuck, if it is not possible, he can only import it from abroad.

It's just that if this is the case, the project will have to stop, after all, it will take time to transport the glass from abroad.

Thinking of this, Yan Jiecheng turned his head and said to Wang Zhihua: "The tiles are bought, let's lay the tiles first in the next few days, and wait for the glass."

"What's the matter, Brother Yan? Is there any difficulty?" Wang Zhihua asked a little puzzled.

He also thought that there was a problem with Yan Jiecheng's funds. After all, more than 50 yuan has been spent on the construction of this building from the beginning to now.

You must know that this is not a small amount of money. His monthly salary after graduating from college is only a few tens of dollars, and 50 is an astronomical figure for him.

If he hadn't met Yan Jiecheng, he would never have thought that one person could have so much money in his life.

"Tempered glass can't be bought, so we can only import it from abroad." Yan Xiecheng said with a sigh.

"Hey, what am I thinking? Isn't it just luxurious glass? I have a solution." Wang Zhihua said, patting his chest.

As long as he didn't have no money, he also wanted to see what the building would look like after completion. After all, this was the first building he designed after graduation, and he didn't want to give up halfway.

"Oh, you have a way, can you buy tempered glass?"

"My classmate works at Qinhuangdao Yaohua Glass Factory, which is the same factory as Shanghai Yaohua Glass Factory, specializing in the production of tempered glass."

"That's how it is. Let's leave the tempered glass to you. You can ask how much it costs first, and I'll approve it for you when the time comes."

Yan Jiecheng didn't expect that his long-term problem would be easily solved. It's really fate to have a noble person to help. In this era, as long as you have money in your hands, you can't buy anything in future generations.

"Okay, I'll make a phone call later, don't worry, Brother Yan, there must be no problem."

"That's up to you. By the way, tell Lao Wang later, don't let the workers leave after get off work. I'll invite everyone to dinner tonight, and go to Piaoxiang Pavilion for a big meal. Call Teacher Li and the others." Yan Xiecheng Said happily.

During this period of time, the workers worked very hard, although there was a reason why Yan Xiecheng promised to reward them before.

But Yan Jiecheng felt that he had to pay for meals as well. After all, the workers had been working here for several months, so they had to reward everyone.

"Then let me thank Boss Yan on behalf of the workers." Wang Zhihua said with a smile when he heard Yan Jiecheng's words.

"Okay, hurry up and let everyone know. I'll go to the hotel to fix the seat first, and you will come directly later."

After speaking, Yan Jiecheng waved Wang Zhihua away with a wave of his hand, and then came to the restaurant alone.

It's not time for dinner yet, and there are not many customers who come to eat in the restaurant.Yu Li was chatting and laughing with several waiters at the front desk.

"Xie Cheng, why are you here?" Seeing Yan Jiecheng, Yu Li was a little surprised. After all, Yan Jiecheng would come over in the morning before, and he would stay with Heizi and the others in the back kitchen before leaving.

"I'm going to treat them to a meal in the store after the construction site is finished today. After all, it's not easy for us to work for several months."

"Well, where do you eat? The hall or the box?"

After hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Yu Li didn't ask any more questions. Although she was usually a bit stingy, she was willing to deal with major issues.

"Let's go to the boxes, keep the boxes on the third floor, and add two more tables to each box."

Yan Xiecheng thought about it and thought it would be better to eat in the private room. After all, most of these workers are from the village, and most of the guests who come to eat in the restaurant are businessmen. Even if there are workers, they are the leaders of the factory or the cadres of the unit. Eating together will inevitably lead to some unnecessary conflicts.

"Okay, I'll let someone go over and arrange it. By the way, do you have any requirements for the dishes?" Yu Li asked Yan Jiecheng while arranging for the waiter to clean up.

"Just follow the standard of 100 yuan per table, don't serve those flashy dishes, serve more meat dishes, and if you have wine, you can serve Erguotou, and you don't need to add two bottles per table." Yan Xiecheng counted the number of people in his heart Said.

The standard of 100 yuan is not low, about eight or nine yuan per person, three boxes, three tables in each box is nine tables, just enough for a hundred people to sit down, and it will not look too crowded.

The reason why they served two bottles of wine was not because Yan Jiecheng was stingy, but mainly because they were afraid that they would drink too much and go crazy. Two bottles of wine happened to be two taels per person.

As soon as the box was packed and two tables were added, Wang Zhihua came with the workers, and the waiter led them to the third floor.

"Boss Yan, it's too expensive for you. We can just eat in the lobby. Those who come from the countryside are not so hypocritical." Master Wang didn't expect that Yan Jiecheng would book a box on the third floor. As the leader of the construction team, for the nearby The hotel is also known.

Knowing that Piaoxiang Pavilion is very famous in this neighborhood, although he has never eaten here, he heard that the food here is not cheap.

Especially the boxes here are even more difficult to book. Without a membership card, it is impossible to book, and there is a minimum consumption for each box.

"Okay, everyone sit down, the food will be ready soon, how can we change it?"

"Listen to Boss Yan, everyone sit down." Wang Zhihua also persuaded.

"Then I will thank you from the workers." Seeing that it could not be changed, Master Wang agreed, and then thanked Yan Jiecheng.

"I want to thank everyone. Everyone has worked hard for so long. You must eat and drink well later. However, as for wine, there are only two bottles per table, so stop here after drinking." Yan Xiecheng said in advance, afraid of waiting Next they want to drink again.

"Don't worry, Boss Yan, we all understand the rules, so we must not drink too much."

"Okay, that's it. Let the waiter serve the food." Hearing Master Wang's words, Yan Xiecheng turned his head and said to the waiter beside him.

After a while, the dishes came up one after another, and according to Yan Jiecheng's request, they were basically big meat dishes.

After all, they are all from the countryside. Although their lives are better now, they can't eat meat a few times a month. Even if they are given sea cucumber and abalone, they still can't taste it. For them, meat is still affordable and satisfying their cravings.

After eating and drinking enough, Yan Jiecheng asked them to go back and have a good sleep. They will have half a day off tomorrow and continue working in the afternoon. Anyway, there is not much work left, so they will finish the work and start decorating when the materials arrive.

After the workers had left, Yan Jiecheng waited for Yu Li at the restaurant, planning to go home with her later.

When the two returned to the courtyard from the hotel, it was not too late, and the lights were still on in the courtyard.

As soon as they entered the hospital, Yan Bugui came out from the next room before the two of them entered the room, and called Yan Jiecheng to stop.

"What's the matter, Dad? What's the matter with you?" Yan Jiecheng looked at Yan Pugui and asked in confusion.

"Yes, Dad, just say what you have to say. We are still waiting to go to bed. We are tired after a day." Yu Li also echoed.

"You think I want to stop you, something happened in our hospital." Yan Bugui rolled his eyes and said in an astonishing tone.

"What's going on? Has something happened again?" Yu Li asked curiously.

"Who else can be stupid."

"Ah, what's the matter with his family? Did his wife fight with Qin Huairu?" Yu Li asked very gossip. After all, Sha Zhu had a relationship with Qin Huairu once before, and it's normal for the two families to have conflicts.

"What is it? It's not this. Forget it, I won't play tricks with you two anymore. It's Shazhu's wife who is pregnant. Today he brought his wife to our house to bring wedding candies."

"This is a good thing, isn't it normal? Who gets married and doesn't have children, besides, it's not like his wife can't have children." Yan Jiecheng said angrily, blaming Yan Bugui for making such a fuss.

"Isn't this idiot almost fifty years old, can he have children at this age?"

"Don't talk about fifty, as long as you are in good health, you can give birth at sixty." Yan Xiecheng said speechlessly.

"But others say that this child is not stupid, that his daughter-in-law stole someone and gave birth to someone else's offspring." Yan Bugui adjusted his glasses and said in a low voice.

"Father, who did you listen to? Is it the old Jia's family? Let me tell you, don't spread the word, otherwise it will kill someone." Hearing this, Yan Xiecheng hurriedly warned.

After all, Sha Zhu finally had a child of his own, so if he heard this, he wouldn't fight Yan Bugui desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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