The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 345 1 Uncle's Careful Thoughts

Chapter 345 Uncle's Careful Thoughts

"I don't know who spread the news. Anyway, everyone said so. As for killing people, it's none of my business. I didn't say it." Yan Bugui said indifferently, obviously not paying attention to Yan Jiecheng's warning. heart.

"Okay, anyway, I told you, it's up to you to listen or not, I'll go back with Yu Li if there's nothing wrong."

"Well, you two go back, I know in my heart that I won't go out and talk nonsense." Yan Bugui waved at the two of them and turned to enter the room.

Seeing Yan Bugui leave, Yan Jiecheng and Yu Li also returned home.

"Xie Cheng, do you think what Dad said just now is true? I think there must be something wrong with it.

Think about it, Li Hong is so young, just in his early twenties, and Sha Zhu is almost fifty.

If she really gave birth to a child for Shazhu, how old will Shazhu be when the child grows up?At that time, we have to say whether he will be there or not. "Yu Li thought about what Yan Bugui said just now, and gossiped to Yan Jiecheng while soaking her feet.

It's no wonder that Yu Liduo thought, the reality is like this, Shazhu will be fifty soon, if Li Hong really gave birth to him a child, then when the child grows up to be in his 20s, he will marry a wife and have children, Shazhu will be in his 70s.

Based on the current life expectancy in China, it's really hard to say whether Shazhu can live to that time.

But Yan Jiecheng would not believe that Li Honghuai's child was someone else's. Ever since Li Hong married Shazhu and moved to this courtyard, he has never returned to her mother's house.

Even if she wanted to steal someone, she didn't have a target. Besides, she either went to the restaurant to help out or rested at home every day. There was a silly Zhu in the restaurant and He Daqing was at home. Even if she wanted to steal someone, she didn't have that chance.

Thinking of this, Yan Jiecheng replied: "Okay, don't think too much, it's probably from Qin Huairu or Jia Zhang's family, who doesn't know who Shazhu is in the courtyard, who dares to put a hat on him? Don't want to live gone?"

"That's right, let's not mention him, let's talk about our house, how did it cost so much money to build a building."

Thinking of this, Yu Li couldn't help frowning. That was more than 50 yuan. When their family repaired the restaurant, it was only more than 3 yuan. This is still counting decoration.

Although the area over there is larger than the hotel, but it can't spend so much money, she even doubts whether Yan Jiecheng has been corrupted.

The key is that it has not been repaired after spending so much money, and I don't know how much money will be built in after the decoration.

"If you do the math, it took more than 100 tons of rebar to repair that building. The price of rebar per ton is 30 yuan, and the purchase of steel alone cost [-] yuan. That's not counting cement, stones, and labor. .” Yan Jiecheng explained helplessly.

Although the items of this era are cheap, that's nothing. As far as steel is concerned, the price is not much different from that of later generations.

Houses with a brick-concrete structure are cheap, but they have structural limitations and cannot achieve the desired effect of Yan Xiecheng.

"Okay, anyway, you are right, go to sleep, you will be busy tomorrow."

While talking, Yu Li directed Yan Jiecheng to pour out the water for washing her feet, then took off her clothes and got into bed.


the next morning.

After breakfast, Yan Xiecheng sent Yu Li to the hotel, then went around the construction site, and returned to the courtyard. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he heard arguing in the middle courtyard.

"Second uncle, what's the matter? Why are you arguing again?" Yan Jiecheng followed the voice and came to the middle courtyard, just in time to meet the second uncle who was watching the fun, so he asked.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, who else can there be besides her? Their family is the most troublesome in our courtyard." The second uncle whispered, afraid of being heard by Mrs. Jia Zhang. If you say that the second uncle is not really afraid of her, it is mainly Jia Zhang. Shi is just a bastard, she rolls around at every turn, and swears all over her mouth, you can't do anything with her yet.

"What's going on, their family is causing trouble again?"

Yan Jiecheng thought that it should be the matter of Li Hong's pregnancy yesterday. Originally, he thought that the rumors came from their family, so it seems that he didn't run away.

"Today, Mrs. Jia and Zhang talked about his wife's tongue, saying that the child in Li Hong's stomach was not from the old He family. Li Hong happened to hear it and slapped Mrs. Jia directly. The two families started to quarrel."

The second uncle regretted that he was not there at the time and missed a good show.

At this time, at the door of Shazhu's house, Mrs. Jia Zhang was rolling on the ground, cursing He Daqing while rolling.

Since the death of the deaf old lady, how could she have suffered such grievances, she was directly slapped in the face, if this made the old He family vomit blood once, how could she hang around in the courtyard.

But He Daqing was not made of mud, how could he tolerate Jia Zhang's messing around here, he directly grabbed Jia Zhang's hair, and "slapped" two more slaps.

She was stunned by the beating. She didn't expect that He Daqing would dare to beat someone in front of so many neighbors. She was stunned for a moment and then cried loudly.

"Old He, how can you beat someone? Even if the old sister-in-law did something wrong, you can't do it." Seeing Jia Zhang being beaten, the old man jumped out and said.

"Why don't you ask me why I beat her?" He Daqing said while looking at Yi Zhonghai expressionlessly.

"No matter what the reason is, it's not the reason for you to beat people. Zhu Zi liked to fight people in the courtyard before, and it seems that he also learned from you."

The uncle looked at He Daqing with disgust, if this old man hadn't come back, he wouldn't have parted ways with Sha Zhu.

The old-age plan that had been calculated was also bankrupt. Although Qin Huairu's family was still there, he still felt a little unreliable. After all, their family was a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, and the sticks were not up to the mark.

The whole family lives by the dividends from the restaurant. If Sha Zhu cuts off their family's income, they will have to drink the northwest wind. At that time, they can't even take care of themselves, so they still have time to take care of him.

Originally, he wanted to wait for the stupid Zhu's anger to dissipate, but he came forward to persuade the two to get back together, gentlemen, how can it be done without a woman around.

Unexpectedly, He Daqing actually found a young girl in her 20s for Sha Zhu, and this Sha Zhu could still have a crush on Qin Huairu.

I guess Qin Huairu has been completely forgotten in my heart. If I were to say that Jia Zhang was responsible for this matter, if she hadn't forced Qin Huairu to go to the ring, how could Qin Huairu give birth to a son and a half for Sha Zhu? There are things now.

But it's too late to regret it now, what can he do even if he doesn't want to.

Unless, the uncle looked at Li Hong behind He Daqing and felt that he didn't have to go all the way to the dark with Qin Huairu.

Since Shazhu can find a young one, why can't I, even if I can't find someone like Li Hong, I can find a middle-aged widow. Although I am not as good as Shazhu, I still have some money.

In addition, I still have retirement funds, deposits, and [-]% of the shares of Shazhu Hotel. Finding someone who can take care of me is no better than following Qin Huairu.

"I hit someone. If you have any objections, come to me. If you don't agree, you can make gestures with us." He Daqing said, squinting at the uncle.

At this moment, the elder master also had a change in his heart, since he didn't plan to go all the way to the dark with Qin Huairu, it didn't matter to him whether Jia Zhang was beaten or not.

If he hadn't wanted Qin Huairu to provide for him in the old age, he wouldn't have been nosy.

Thinking of this, the old man smiled and said: "Old He, I didn't mean that, the old sister-in-law has a bad mouth, everyone in this compound knows it, and it's good to teach her a lesson, I don't care about it. "

Hearing the old man's words, everyone in the compound was shocked, especially Qin Huairu's family, thinking that this is still the old man, the change is so great, is it because they are afraid of He Daqing.

But now is not the time to think about these things, even the uncle will not help them, and no one in the compound will speak for their family.

It doesn't make any sense to continue the quarrel, and maybe you will suffer a loss, so Qin Huairu hurried forward to pull Jia Zhang up, and slipped home without bothering He Daqing.

He wanted to figure out why the uncle didn't speak for their family first.

Seeing Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang's fleeing, Yan Jiecheng was not surprised at all, but was somewhat puzzled by the uncle's attitude. He didn't know why the uncle's attitude changed so much.

Could it be that the uncle is going to betray Qin Huairu and fall back into Sha Zhu's embrace.

"Okay, there's nothing else, let's all leave. By the way, be careful what you say in the future. Don't run the train with your mouth full like Jia Zhang, or you deserve it if you get slapped on the mouth." The uncle waved at everyone, Did not forget to say.

By saying so much, he just wanted to sell He Daqing's favor, after all, he might have to help him find his wife in the future.

When everyone dispersed, the second uncle stopped the first uncle who was about to leave.

"Old Yi, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd? Why are you still talking for He Daqing?" The second uncle asked a little puzzled.

After all, no matter what happened in the courtyard before, the uncle always stood by Qin Huairu's side, and it was the first time I met Qin Huairu talking to outsiders like this today.

"What are you talking about for He Daqing, what I said is the truth, that's all right, you should go back quickly, I won't talk to you if I have something else to do." Saying that, the first uncle bid farewell to the second uncle and went home directly.

Since he doesn't plan to hang out with Qin Huairu anymore, he must get back the investment he made to their family before.

So much money can't be wasted, it is related to his quality of life in the future.

Finding a widow may have to bring children, just like Wang Dani of Xu Damao's family, how can this be done without some money.

So the uncle dug out all the savings in the family, as well as the account books that had helped Qin Huairu's family before, he memorized them all.

I plan to wait and tell Qin Huairu that even if I can't come back, half of it is fine.

It has been exactly 20 years since Jia Dongxu passed away, although the money he gave to Qin Huairu's family in these 20 years was not as much as Shazhu.

But the addition is not a small sum, and there are still thousands of dollars.


At this time, Qin Huairu's family.

Jia Zhangshi was looking at Qin Huairu with a livid face, blaming her for pulling him back.

Originally, she wanted to extort a sum of money from the old He's family. After all, she was slapped for nothing. This is not her Jia Zhang's style.

"Mom, stop making trouble, and think about what to do in the future. The uncle's behavior is a bit abnormal today. I think something will happen."

"What can happen, he still has to rely on our family to provide for him in the old age, I think he is afraid of He Daqing." Jia Zhang said with a face of resentment.

"I don't look like it, forget it, I'll go and see the uncle later, and see what's going on."

"What are you going to do, show him face, I think our family is too kind to him, don't give him dinner tonight when he is hungry." Jia Zhang said through gritted teeth.

"Mom, don't talk nonsense. If it weren't for you chewing your tongue, this would happen. The key is that you chew your tongue and let people hear it. Why don't you pay attention." Qin Huairu said speechlessly.

She really can't handle this person, she can't do anything well except eat, and people can hear bad things about him.

(End of this chapter)

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