Chapter 354
The next morning, Yan Jie got up before seven o'clock.

He had already discussed with Yu Li last night that today he would clean up the third floor of the fried chicken shop, and then buy some equipment.

After breakfast, Yan Jiecheng drove the newly bought Lada 2105 yesterday and took Yu Li all the way to the shop.

Although the country has opened up the private purchase of cars, there are still very few people who have the money to buy a car. Occasionally, one is basically a taxi on the street.

People still use bicycles as the main means of travel, and traffic jams like those in later generations have not yet appeared.

Yu Li sat on the co-pilot and looked around. It was the first time in her life that she rode in a car. It felt very fresh and at the same time a little scared. She watched the buildings flashing by on both sides and firmly grasped the handrail.

It wasn't until Yan Jiecheng parked the car in front of the fried chicken shop that Yu Li breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly got out of the car for the rest of her life.

He couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Yan Jiecheng, blaming Yan Jiecheng for driving too fast just now.

"Boss, you bought a car." At this moment, a group of employees came out of the store and asked around the car.

"I just bought it yesterday, that's all right, don't hang around, there's something else to do later."

Yan Jiecheng waved his hand to disperse the crowd, and then he and Yu Li came to the third floor. The indoor area of ​​the third floor is 350 square meters, plus four balconies of more than ten square meters in the southeast, northwest and north.

It should be more than enough to pack it up and build a R&D center. After all, this starting point is already stronger than most start-up companies.

It is said that when someone wanted to start it, he took 30 yuan from the research institute and led eleven scientific and technical personnel to start it in a mail room of tens of square meters. Anyway, there are different opinions, and it is not known whether it is true or not.

Yan Jiecheng walked around the third floor, and then asked the staff to take all the things downstairs and clean up the entire third floor.

He also asked Yu Li to call Yan Jiedi and Yu Haitang to take away all the tables, chairs and benches, so that she would have to buy new office equipment later.

After arranging everything, Yan Jiecheng went downstairs and drove to the computer research institute, intending to find Yan Jiekuang to see if he could pull some people out of the institute.

After all, the R&D center cannot rely on Yan Jiekuang alone, and now domestic talents who understand computers are almost all concentrated in computer research institutes and major universities.

As for the first R&D product after the establishment of the R&D center, Yan Jiecheng has already thought about it, and that is the router.

The world's first router was developed by Cisco in [-], but Cisco has not yet been established.

Leonardo Bosack and his wife are still teachers at Stanford University, and they will not think of setting up a company until the end of this year, which is still half a year away.

With half a year as a buffer, no matter how it can form a first-mover advantage.

The reason why I chose the router product is also because this thing does not require high hardware, and the core technology is algorithms and protocols.

When Yan Jiecheng came to the computing office, Yan Jiekuang was just off work.

"Brother, why are you here?" Yan Jiekuang trotted all the way over and asked Yan Jiecheng.

"Let's talk later, you get in the car first." Yan Jiecheng opened the car door and let Yan Jiekuang come up, and after seeing Yan Jiekuang sat down, he asked, "You haven't eaten yet, it's just right, let's find a restaurant to eat and chat."

As he said that, Yan Jiecheng drove Yan Jiekuang to find a small restaurant nearby.

"Brother, why are you looking for me?" Yan Jiekuang asked anxiously as soon as the two of them sat down.

"Aren't you going to go out independently? It just so happens that my brother is also planning to start a computer company. See if you can poach some people from the research institute." Yan Jiecheng replied while holding a teapot and pouring water for the two.

"This... I guess it's not enough. Even if a new company is established, it is still a public company. No one wants to leave a good job and go to work for a private person."

Hearing that Yan Jiecheng wanted him to poach people, Yan Jiekuang's first reaction was that it was impossible. After all, this is a national key unit of the Institute of Computer Science.

Although the salary is not very high, but to work for a private person, he feels that no one is willing to go.

Hearing Yan Jiekuang's words, Yan Jiecheng didn't take it seriously. Now these people are unwilling to come out, mainly because they can't let go of their status as state-owned employees.

But Yan Jiecheng believes that as long as you give enough, nothing is impossible, and if you don't want to come, you can spend money.

So he smiled and said, "I haven't talked about the salary yet, how do you know that no one wants to come.

In this way, you get in touch first, as long as you have the skills, you can get a minimum salary of 2000 yuan per month, and you can add more money if you have good skills. "

Hearing the salary offered by Yan Jiecheng, Yan Jiekuang asked in surprise: "Brother, what are you going to do? With such a high salary, can you make money?"

"I want to develop a new network device to link incompatible computer networks together." Yan Xiecheng said truthfully.

Now major domestic colleges and universities also have their own computer rooms, but the scale is a bit small, and they are independent without forming a network.

When Yan Jiekuang heard Yan Jiecheng's idea, he immediately became interested and said that he could try it, but he didn't know if anyone would come.

"By the way, is there a professor named Ni Guangnan in your institute? See if you can poach him here too."

Thinking of the fortune history of a certain thought, I have to mention one person, that is Ni Guangnan. In August 1981, Ni Guangnan was invited to work at the NRC of the National Research Institute of Canada as a visiting researcher. The annual salary was 8 Canadian dollars, which is equivalent to China’s 4.3 times the domestic wage.

In May 1983, he gave up the opportunity to work in Canada with a high salary and returned to China. Before returning to China, he spent several thousand Canadian dollars to buy key equipment enough to develop several Chinese character microcomputer prototypes and brought them back to China, including Z5 CPU, SRAM, DRAM, Interface and other VLSI chips and C compiler.

At the beginning of 1984, the organization research group developed the second product of Chinese character processing, namely "LX-80 associative Chinese character graphic microcomputer system.

And the reason why a certain idea can develop is because of this associative Chinese card. If he can be dug over, it is estimated that if he wants to die, he will be crippled.

Although this operation is a bit difficult, if you don't try it, how will you know it's impossible.

"I said brother, how dare you think that he is going to be the chief engineer of the new company, and he won't come if anyone comes.

Besides, people will not value the salary you give. If he really wants to make money, he will not choose to return to China. "Yan Jiekuang said angrily.

He thinks that Yan Jiecheng is whimsical, and he still has some confidence in poaching a few ordinary researchers, but it is a bit unreasonable to directly poach the chief engineer of others.

Isn't this a typical way of eating inside and out, it doesn't matter if you leave, poaching someone is too much, especially poaching someone's chief engineer, let Liu know about this, and don't punish him to death.

(End of this chapter)

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