The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 355 Cooperation with Computing Institute

Chapter 355 Cooperation with Computing Institute
"Regardless of whether we can be dug over or not, it's always right to get in touch. Even if we don't come, we can establish a good relationship. After all, you are also colleagues, and there may be opportunities to cooperate in the future." Yan Xiecheng said indifferently, it would be best if he could be dug over. He has nothing to lose if he doesn't come, anyway, it doesn't cost money to try.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Yan Jiekuang could only say helplessly: "Okay, then I'll try, I can't guarantee whether it will work or not."

Unexpectedly, two days later, Yan Jiekuang really invited him, but he didn't want to join their company, but was just interested in Yan Jiecheng's idea of ​​developing a multi-protocol router.

The Computing Institute is now busy setting up a company to market the Lenovo Hanka he developed, and has no idea about spending money on researching and developing routers.

So I came here with Yan Jiekuang, wanting to meet the person who proposed this idea and see if he could participate in this project.

However, Yan Jiecheng was a little hesitant, mainly because he was afraid that there would be disputes in the future. After all, Ni Guangnan is now a member of the calculation office.

If he gets involved, whoever gets the results will be the one to blame. Even if Ni Guangnan himself doesn't say anything, he can't do anything about being a rascal at the calculation office.

But Yan Jiecheng didn't reject it outright. After all, more people are more powerful, and more people can speed up the research and development time.

But the ownership should be clarified. Thinking of this, Yan Xiecheng said: "Chief Ni, do you think it will work? I will pay, and your research institute will send people. Let's set up a joint venture to develop this product together."

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Ni Guangnan was overjoyed. Originally, their research institute had little funding for scientific research, otherwise they would not have thought about starting a company.

According to what Yan Jiecheng said, the research institute can own the shares of the new company without paying a penny.

As for the talents, it doesn't matter, after all, this is a computer research institute, and almost half of the country's computer talents are concentrated here.

But he will soon be transferred to a new company as the chief engineer, and he can't make decisions about the affairs of the institute.So I could only say:

"This method is good. I will go back and mention it to the director. I think the problem should not be big."

Hearing Ni Guangnan's words, Yan Jiecheng immediately said: "How about this, I will drive you back together, if it works, I will start the company in two days."

Saying that, Yan Jiecheng got up, took the car keys, and took the lead to go out.

Half an hour later, several people came to the computing office and went directly to the director's office.

"This is?" Director Zeng asked with some doubts when he saw Ni Guangnan leading a stranger in.

"Director, this is Comrade Yan Jiecheng, the person who proposed the development of a multi-protocol router."

"Oh, hello, hello, I don't know why you are here this time..."

Director Zeng thought to himself, could this person come here to let the research institute develop this so-called router?

"This is the director. Comrade Yan wants to set up a joint venture with our research institute to develop this product. He just pays and we supply people." Before Yan Jiecheng could speak, Ni Guangnan explained aloud.

"Oh, I don't know how to calculate the new company, how many people we need to pay, and how many shares we can take up." Director Zeng immediately became interested when he heard that there was no need to pay.

They don't have much else, but they have a lot of talents. Since this year, the courtyard has issued comrades, and the institute has to be responsible for its own profits and losses. He really doesn't know how to support so many people.

"The computing institute sent 500 engineers, and I gave 80.00 million yuan to set up a joint venture company. As for the shares, I want to hold [-]%." ​​Yan Xiecheng thought for a while and said.

80.00% of the shares ensured his absolute control, even if the accountant changed his director later, it would not have any impact on the company.

Seeing Director Zeng's reluctance, Yan Jiecheng said again:
"There is another way of cooperation. I own 90.00% of the shares, and calculate [-]% of the shares. I will pay for the [-]% saved."

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Director Zeng was a little moved. After all, 500% of the investment quota of 50 million is [-].

There is no need to pay a penny, and there is no need to bear the risk of R&D failure. You can get a sum of money and [-]% of the shares. This business can be done. As for the [-] engineers, he has already selected them. forgotten.

"Okay, let's choose the second way of cooperation. That is, I don't know when the money will be delivered to our office." Director Zeng looked at Yan Jiecheng with enthusiasm and asked, changing his previous attitude of being indifferent.

"Tomorrow I will go to register the company. As long as the personnel are in place, 50 yuan will be paid to the office immediately. By the way, Director Zeng, can you also include Engineer Ni in it."

Yan Jiecheng felt that although the Computing Institute has many talents, there are still few talents like Academician Ni Guangnan who have been abroad and have foreign work experience.

If possible, Yan Jiecheng still wanted to pull him into his team. After all, even if he didn't go to his own place, he would have no future if he stayed in a certain place.

After all, I want to be an assembly factory, so it would be a waste to require so many talents.

"This is not acceptable. Comrade Ni Guangnan is going to serve as the chief engineer of our new company."

The reason why Director Zeng was unwilling to let him go was mainly because he was afraid that Ni Guangnan would bring Lenovo Hanka over there. If so, how would their new company rely on to make a profit.

"Director Zeng, in this way, as long as you agree to let Engineer Ni join in, I will give 10 yuan to the institute." Yan Jiecheng waved his big stick of money again.

He didn't believe that Director Zeng would not be tempted. You must know that the Lada car that Yan Jiecheng bought was only 3 yuan, which was enough to buy three cars for the institute.

"Okay, but I have a condition. I can't bring Lenovo Hanka over there, and the established joint venture company can't produce Hanka."

Director Zeng gritted his teeth and made a decision. The main reason was that Yan Jiecheng offered too much, and he couldn't refuse. There was only one researcher, and there were not many other people in the institute. If Yan Jiecheng offered 10 yuan per person, He can make Yan Jiecheng go bankrupt.

The reason why he can agree now is because Lenovo Hanka has not yet been launched on the market, and the institute has not yet made any money.

If he waited until next year, when the Lenovo Han Card began to enter the market, he probably would not like the little money Yan Jiecheng gave him.

Liu did not respond to the separation of Ni Guangnan. Anyway, the research and development of Lenovo Hanka has been completed, and the next main task is to establish a company and then push it to the market. It is good that Ni Guangnan is gone, so the new company will have less rights. Compete alone.

Ni Guangnan doesn't care about this, he can work anywhere, as long as he is engaged in R&D work, and he doesn't care much about rights or not.

So in this way, Yan Jiecheng cooperated with the Institute of Computer Science and established a new company - "Hongmeng Computer System Co., Ltd."

Within a few days, thirty engineers were sent by the computing office, and Ni Guangnan and Yan Jiekuang happened to be among them.

Yan Jiecheng also cleaned up the third floor of the fried chicken shop and bought some office equipment.

In order to make it easier for them to go back and forth, Yan Jiecheng also equipped the new company with three Daihatsu vans produced by Jin City.

Some people lived far away, and Yan Jiecheng even arranged dormitories for them, which were small courtyard houses nearby.

As for the three of them, Ziwan and Ziyang, Yan Jiecheng asked them to move to the courtyard with three entrances. Anyway, they are usually in school, so it doesn't matter where they live, as long as they have a place to rest during the holidays.

(End of this chapter)

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