The eldest of the Yan family in the Siheyuan

Chapter 386 Kong Yuqin's Divorce

After the two finished talking, they went back to intense work. They didn't have time until Yan Jiecheng got off work, and it was too late to send Wang Yi home. They left the shop and rode bicycles directly to Chen Hu's residence.

He thought that there must be a marriage if he can't make it happen, even if Chen Hu didn't manage things well, Yan Jiecheng could think of other ways in advance.

When Yan Jiecheng arrived at Chen Hu's house, Chen Hu hadn't come home yet, so Yan Jiecheng had to park his bicycle at the door of his house, find a step and sit down.

He planned to wait for him here for a while, but fortunately, Chen Hu didn't make Yan Jiecheng wait too long. After about half an hour, Chen Hu walked over slowly with his two younger brothers.

"Boss Yan, hurry up. Come in, let's go in and talk about anything." Chen Hu saw Yan Xiecheng sitting on the steps of his house, so he ran over quickly and said to Yan Xiecheng, while taking the bag from his pocket. The key was taken out to open the door.

After all, walls have ears, it's better to be careful in everything, especially those in their line of work.

After Chen Hu opened the door and several people entered the room and took their seats, Yan Xiecheng hurriedly asked, "How is it, did Qiangzi agree to move out of the capital?"

"Brother Yan, don't worry, wait for brother to drink." As he spoke, Chen Hu picked up the kettle on the coffee table and poured a cup of tea for himself, Yan Jiecheng and the two little brothers.

After taking a sip of tea, he said slowly: "Brother Yan, you don't know, that Qiangzi is a coward at all, we just beat him up, and then he agreed to everything gone."

Chen Hu laughed while talking. Before, he thought it was difficult to handle, but he didn't expect Qiangzi to be so frightened. Before he could do anything, Qiangzi was so scared that he peed his pants.

Hearing Chen Hu's words, Yan Jiecheng was relieved, feeling as if a boulder had finally fallen to the ground, and then thought that Kong Yuqin was still married to Qiangzi, so he asked, "He also agreed to the divorce?"

"That's for sure, don't worry, Brother Yan, brother, I'm still sure about things." Chen Hu smiled and said to Yan Jiecheng, and felt that Yan Jiecheng was a generous person, and he was able to deal with him, otherwise he would use Chen Hu's character How could he be so polite to Yan Jiecheng?

"I'm relieved now, by the way, this is the money I promised my brother afterwards, you take it." As he spoke, Yan Jiecheng took out another 50 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Chen Hu.

"Brother Yan, let's give the money after the matter is over, at least wait until he leaves the capital." Regarding the money that Yan Jiecheng handed over, Chen Hu refused to take it, after all, there are rules. How can he collect money if the matter is not finished.

"Okay, since you've said that, I'll do what you want, then I'll leave if there's nothing else to do, and I'll arrange a meal for my brothers when I'm done." Yan Jiecheng got up and said to Chen Hu .

Kong Yuqin must still be waiting for him at his house. After all, she has no other place to go, because after marrying Qiangzi, her parents will definitely ask questions again when she returns home, and she dare not go back to the courtyard. I also know the location of the courtyard.

"Okay, I know Brother Yan has something to do, so I won't keep you any longer. If you have anything to do in the future, just come and find me." Seeing that Yan Xiecheng was about to leave, Chen Hu didn't stay any longer, but got up and wanted to see Yan Jiecheng off.

The two walked out while chatting. "By the way, Chen Hu, when that kid goes to get a divorce, I have to trouble you to come forward and follow him, so that he won't go back on his word at that time."

Yan Jiecheng thought that he was going to be engaged to Wang Yi soon, and it was not convenient for him to get involved in the matter of Kong Yuqin's divorce, so he could only trouble Chen Hu to go with him again, so as to save Qiang Zi from any troubles at that time.

"Don't worry, Brother Yan, I don't dare to follow that kid." It's not a big deal for Chen Hu to follow him for a while. After all, Yan Jiecheng spent a lot of money, and he must keep up with this service. We can't let him I think the money is wasted.

"That's good, that's fine, you go back too, I'm leaving now." The two walked to the door while talking, Yan Jiecheng stepped on the bicycle and turned to Chen Hu and said, without waiting for Chen Hu to reply, Get on your bike and head towards home.

Back home, Kong Yuqin was waiting anxiously in the living room. Seeing that Yan Jiecheng had returned, she hurriedly said:

"How do you solve it? I didn't have a chance to ask you when I was at work, is Qiangzi's matter settled?"

"In two days, I'll have someone follow you to divorce Qiangzi. After the divorce is over, Qiangzi will leave the capital and probably won't come back in the future. You should rest assured now." Yan Jiecheng pulled The chair sat down and took a sip of water, then said to Kong Yuqin.

Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Kong Yuqin finally let go of her heart. Before that, she had always been worried, for fear that Qiangzi would come and do something to her.

"I understand, where will I live these two days? I'm a little worried about living in a large courtyard, but I can't go back at home now, and my parents don't know about my divorce yet." Kong Yuqin just let go of her previous worries. There are new troubles.

Hearing Kong Yuqin's words, Yan Jiecheng lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "No, you can stay with me for two days, but you have to leave early in the morning so that no one can see you. Let me tell Wang Yi about these two days." Transfer you to the morning shift, and transfer you back when the matter is over."

"That's fine, then I'll go wash my feet if I'm fine." Kong Yuqin said happily after hearing Yan Jiecheng's words.

She is very willing to live in Yan Jiecheng's house, but she didn't have the opportunity before, and Yan Jiecheng would not agree even if she proposed it before.

After all, the two of them are at best friends with benefits, and Yan Jiecheng never planned to marry her from the beginning to the end.

Because of Kong Yuqin's pregnancy, Yan Jiecheng couldn't do anything to her. Although he was angry, he could only take a cold shower and endure it.

Even if there was Chen Yuru next door, Yan Jiecheng would not dare to go there, after all, his affair with Chen Xueru was also shady.

And Kong Yuqin didn't want to move around while lying on the bed, for fear of angering Yan Xiecheng and venting on her.

Early the next morning, Yan Jiecheng woke up Kong Yuqin from the bed early, and drove her to work in the store in a hurry before even having breakfast.

Two days passed in a flash, and it was the day when Kong Yuqin and Qiangzi divorced.

Yan Jiecheng handed Kong Yuqin to Chen Hu and asked him to take Kong Yuqin to divorce Qiangzi, but he went to Wang Yi's house.

After all, it was agreed before that Yan Jiecheng would go to her house to meet Wang Yi's aunt, and then take a few people to a restaurant for dinner.

"Is this the object of our niece? The young man is really energetic." A middle-aged woman who was about 50 years old in the opposite grade looked at Yan Jiecheng with a smile on her face and said.

"Hello, Auntie." Yan Jiecheng knew at a glance that this woman must be Wang Yi's aunt, after all, he knew everyone in her family, and here was the only one he had never met.

"Okay, we don't have such big rules in our house, let's all sit down." At this time, Director Wang came from the kitchen with a teapot in his hand, and said to Yan Jiecheng while pouring water for several people.

Several people sat down and chatted for a while. During this period, Director Wang and Aunt Wang Yi had been chatting enthusiastically, but Yan Jiecheng didn't say anything. After all, Yan Jiecheng didn't know this person before, and he had nothing to say. Several people kept adding water.

"Mom, it's getting late, let's go eat." Seeing Yan Xiecheng's lack of interest, Wang Yi looked up at the wall clock on the wall and said. .

"Okay, let's go then, yes, where are we going to eat?" Hearing Wang Yi's words, Director Wang checked the time and asked Yan Jiecheng who was beside him.

"How about we go to Quanjude to eat roast duck?"

"No, no, it's too expensive, let's find a small restaurant to make do with it." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's proposal to go to Quanjude, Director Wang quickly shook his head and refused.

"Mom, just listen to Xiecheng. Auntie finally came here. How can you not eat some of our capital's specialties?" Wang Yi followed up with persuasion. She knew that Yan Jiecheng was not short of money, not his salary. His dividend is not a small sum of money.

"This... well, let's go to Quanjude according to Xiecheng." Director Wang looked at Yan Xiecheng, saw that his expression was normal, and agreed.

"Wang Yi, I think it's better to forget it. Let's just eat a bite. There's no need to spend so much money. I'm not an outsider, so I can pick on you." Wang Yi's aunt also knows the name of Quanjude in the capital, and knows where The consumption is not low, although he does not need to spend his own money, he still refuses.

"Auntie, don't worry, I will invite Xie Cheng, you just listen to us, wherever you go, you just care about eating and don't care about other things." Wang Yi saw that her aunt was unwilling to go, so she took her arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, okay, it's not enough to listen to you, let it go quickly, you are still acting like a baby when you are old, don't let Xie Cheng see the joke." The auntie could only nod her head in agreement when she saw that she said nothing.

Several people left Director Wang's house and came all the way to Quanjude. They were not very far away, and they didn't ride bicycles, but walked all the way on their legs.

Thinking about Kong Yuqin's divorce, Yan Jiecheng didn't stay long after dinner, said a few polite words to his aunt and went straight home.

At this time, Kong Yuqin also divorced Qiangzi, and waited for him to come back at Yan Xiecheng's house with a relaxed face, planning to tell him the good news as soon as possible.

"How is it? Didn't happen anything today?" Yan Xiecheng asked Kong Yuqin as soon as he entered the door.

"Fortunately, Brother Hu went with him. At that time, Qiangzi wanted to repent, but after being beaten up by Brother Hu and others, he calmed down and honestly filed for a divorce with me. Then Brother Hu was still worried, and planned to follow him in the afternoon. Qiangzi, send him back to his hometown." Kong Yuqin said with a smile on her face, helping Yan Xiecheng take off his coat while talking, looking like a good wife and mother.

"It's okay, you can go back to live with peace of mind."

"Why, do you hate me and don't want to see me anymore." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Kong Yuqin couldn't help but think too much. After all, she is still pregnant with a child and is alone. If something happens, she doesn't even have anyone to help.

"Aren't you overthinking it? I've been guarding a beauty like you all day long. I can't see it but I can't eat it. Don't mention how uncomfortable it is. It's better for us to separate."

"Then what should I do if something happens to me? I don't even know anyone in the courtyard, and even if something happens, there is no one to help." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's explanation, Kong Yuqin said worriedly while stroking her stomach.

"Well, anyway, your family is too large to live in. Why don't you let your mother take care of you? After you give birth to the child, someone will help look after the child. Then give her some money every month. I miss your father. Your brother and the others will definitely agree." Yan Jiecheng thought about it for a while and felt that this was also a problem, after all, it was not safe for a girl like Kong Yuqin to live in a house by herself, especially since she was still pregnant, so he suggested.

This is not only much safer, but also someone will take care of the child after it is born, but it only costs some money, and Yan Jiecheng doesn't care.

"Yes, yes, but you have to pay some money. I will save my money for the child to marry a wife in the future." Kong Yuqin touched her belly and said kindly. She was just less than a month pregnant, and she was about to Plan for your child's future.

And even if you plan early, you still have to know whether it is a man or a woman. If you are pregnant with a daughter, what kind of wife will you marry?

"Okay, okay, I can't go out, you go back and talk to your mother." Yan Xiecheng knew that Kong Yuqin said this for the sake of the child, so he was not angry.

"What should I say when I go back? If my mother asks me where Qiangzi has gone, how should I answer?"

"Let's say that Qiangzi went back to his hometown to do some business. After a while, you say that Qiangzi met a beautiful one. The two of them saw each other right, so I don't want you anymore." Yan Jiecheng thought for a while and said.

"Can this work? What if my dad goes to his hometown to look for him? Besides, I still have a child in my stomach. What if they ask me to give the child away?" Kong Yuqin asked worriedly, after all, she now She is not too old, and her parents will definitely hope to let her find one, so that not only can she receive a gift, but also her daughter can rely on her when she gets old.

"If you can't, just wait until the child is born. You can say that Qiangzi is busy with his business in other places, and he will take you over when he earns a lot of money." Yan Jiecheng had no other choice but to take a step first. step.

"Okay, I'll go home and talk to my mom now, but how much is a good monthly payment for her?"

"Ten yuan a month, no more, no less." Hearing Kong Yuqin's words, Yan Xiecheng thought for a while and replied.

"Okay, then I'll go back." Kong Yuqin got up and stood up, and Yan Jiecheng walked her to the door before turning back to the room.

Because of Kong Yuqin's presence these past few days, Yan Jiecheng didn't go to Chen Xueru, and Kong Yuqin was pregnant, so he couldn't mess around.

Now that I am finally free, I must go to Chen Xueru to solve my physical problems tonight, and discuss life with her, otherwise I am afraid I will have problems. After all, I am used to eating meat and eating vegetarian food every day. I can't stand it.

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