Chapter 387 Literacy Classes

Looking at the time, it was almost at this point, so Yan Jiecheng packed up and went out to climb over the wall and came to Chen Xueru's house.

The lights in Chen Xueru's house were not turned on, and the room was pitch black, and Yan Xiecheng carefully walked to the bedroom step by step, leaning on the wall.

"Who is it?" Chen Xueru was resting on the bed when she suddenly saw a black figure entering her bedroom, so she immediately asked aloud. While asking, Chen Xueru took out a pair of scissors from under the pillow, ready to give it to him at any time. Human fatal blow.

"Stop shouting, it's me." Seeing Chen Xueru's nervous look, Yan Jiecheng said quickly.

"You scared me, you dead man. I haven't come for several days, why are you free today?"

After hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Xueru was relieved, but her tone of voice was still somewhat dissatisfied. After all, Yan Jiecheng hadn't come over for many days, and why she didn't come no one knew, but she was very clear about Yan Jiecheng's flamboyant self If he didn't care about it, then Yan Jiecheng would neglect him even more.

"Isn't it busy?" Yan Jiecheng went to bed while saying this, seeing that Chen Xueru felt resentful, so he stretched out his hand to touch Chen Xueru's back and answered.

"Hmph, get busy taking care of your little lover."

"Hey, hey, I really can't hide anything from you, or else, the widow is the smartest person in the world." Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Xiecheng said with a smile.

With a cynical look, Chen Xueru became angry for a while, so she stretched out her hand to massage Yan Jiecheng's thigh with two fingers. Although it didn't hurt very much, Yan Jiecheng still put on a grinning expression.

"Come on, I didn't use any effort just now, so I just stayed there and left. I'm not just coming and leaving whenever I want." Chen Xueru saw Yan Xiecheng's expression and said directly, as if she wanted to drive Yan Xiecheng out .

"Come on, I'm here." As he spoke, Yan Jiecheng immediately started to touch Chen Xueru.

Chen Xueru, a woman, was no match for Yan Jiecheng, she lost her resistance in a short while, and could only let Yan Jiecheng exert power on her, and after a short while, there were constant groans in the room.

For more than an hour, Chen Xueru's face was flushed, she had no strength in her whole body, and lay motionless on the bed, with only weak breathing.

On the other hand, Yan Xiecheng stood by Chen Xueru's side, as if he wasn't satisfied with anything else, he laid hands on Chen Xueru.After all, he hasn't eaten meat for several days, and he finally found an opportunity. How could he be her so easily? At least he has to come two or three times to let her feed himself.

"It's over, let me take a break." Chen Xueru slapped Yan Jiecheng's troublesome hands while talking. After all, she didn't have as good physical strength as Yan Jiecheng, and this time it took a little longer. If she didn't take a break, she would still I can't stand it.

"You don't need to contribute this time, you just need to get into a good posture." Hearing Chen Xueru's words, Yan Jiecheng stretched out his hand to help Chen Xueru into a good posture.

Then she moved on her body, Chen Xueru wanted to resist, but she had no strength at all, so she could only moan loudly and let Yan Xiecheng exert power on her body, Chen Xueru suffered a lot that night, her body was tossed by Yan Xiecheng as if she was falling apart .

I didn't get up the next morning, but fortunately Liao Yucheng had already returned from the south, so even if she didn't go to the store, she could still operate as usual.

"It's all your fault, Liao Yucheng must deduct my salary." Chen Xueru looked at Yan Jiecheng who was lying beside her and said angrily.

"Isn't it just a day's salary, and you still care about your worth? Besides, I'm not like you." Hearing Chen Xueru's complaints, Yan Xiecheng said with a smile.

"You, forget it, who doesn't know that Wang Yi is your girlfriend, and she can still remember your absence from work." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Chen Xueru gave him an angry look.

"I'm going back if I have nothing to do. You have a good rest, and I'll be back in the evening." Yan Jiecheng opened the curtains and looked outside, seeing that the sun was already high outside, so he was about to get out of bed and go home.

"Why, after bullying others, you won't admit it?" Seeing Yan Jiecheng's movements, Chen Xueru pulled his arm and said.

"Isn't it getting late? I have to go back. I have to go to work later. It would be bad if I waited for Wang Yi to come over later." Yan Jiecheng broke free from Chen Xueru's hand and said.

"Okay, then remember to come here early at night, I'll leave the door open for you." Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Chen Xueru didn't make trouble unreasonably, after all, she also knew the seriousness of the matter.

On the way back, Yan Jiecheng bought some deep-fried dough sticks by the side of the road, and walked towards the shop while eating. When he got to the shop, everyone was already there, so it was up to Yan Xiecheng himself.

"Hey, the person in charge is here." Seeing Yan Jiecheng's arrival, Master Pian said to the few people on the side, and when they heard Master Pian's words, they all looked at Yan Jiecheng.

"Yan Jiecheng, why are you late?" Wang Yi asked with some doubts. After all, Yan Jiecheng had always been punctual and had never been late before. Moreover, Yan Jiecheng returned very early after dinner yesterday. Such a situation.

"Hey, I'm delayed by something, let's work quickly." Yan Jiecheng was afraid that Wang Yi would be confused if he asked any further questions, so he took off his jacket and put on his sleeves, and started to work, trying to divert Wang Yi's attention.

Although Wang Yi was puzzled, she saw that Yan Jiecheng didn't want to talk or ask. After all, it was working hours, and Yan Jiecheng was late. If he made mistakes, he might miss the meal time.

Wang Yi had been busy in the store until she got off work, so she found an opportunity to ask Yan Jiecheng, "Xiecheng, why did you go today? Why are you late?"

"Chen Xueru's toilet is broken. I went to help her fix it. After all, she is also my god-sister. Since she called me, it would be inappropriate not to help."

"That's right, then go home if you have nothing to do. You send me back today." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's explanation, Wang Yi didn't have any doubts. After all, Yan Jiecheng had already told her about admitting his godfather.

"Yes, I understand. My mother said that our streets are going to carry out literacy work. Do you think we should support it?" Wang Yi asked Yan Jiecheng, remembering what her mother said at home.
"This is a good thing. Of course we have to support it. In this way, when the public-private partnership was established, the street gave us a yard and several warehouses. What do you think of it?" Yan Xiecheng thought. Liao wanted to say to Wang Yi, after all, running a literacy class is also a matter of showing off, and Yan Jiecheng has no reason not to do it.

In the TV series, didn't Xu Huizhen run a literacy class, and that's why Zhao Yali was taken down from the position of the public manager.

"It's fine, but let's go there to find a teacher? We usually have to go to work and don't have time to teach." Hearing Yan Jiecheng's words, Wang Yi said hesitantly. After all, she was the only one of them with a high enough education level. Herself, but she usually has to reconcile accounts after get off work when she is busy with restaurants, and she doesn't have the time to give lectures.

"It's easy to handle. We don't have time to go to the school to look for it. At worst, we can pay some money. Besides, we only teach at night, and at most two or three hours a day. The turnover of our restaurant is not short of this money. "After hearing Wang Yi's words, Yan Jiecheng said directly.

"Is this okay? After all, our restaurant is considered a public entity, so we can't spend the money casually." Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Wang Yi said hesitantly. After all, the small restaurant is not only owned by Yan Jiecheng, but also owned by the government. have to report.

"Why don't you go back and ask Director Wang. If Director Wang agrees, then we'll do it this way. If not, we'll think of other ways. At worst, we'll pay for it ourselves. It won't cost much anyway." Yan Xiecheng thought about it for a while. After all, the public has a lot of money. If the audit finds that there is less money, it is difficult for Yan Jiecheng to explain it. It is better to report it to save trouble in the future.

"Well, okay, you can take me home." Hearing what Yan Jiecheng said, Wang Yi walked out of the shop while talking.

And Yan Jiecheng followed, locked the door, got on his bicycle and took Wang Yi home.

The tavern next door is also discussing the establishment of literacy classes at this time. Xu Huizhen does not have as much say in the tavern as Yan Jiecheng. Even if she wants to do it, Fan Jinyou and Zhao Yali object.

"No, you don't own the tavern alone, you can do whatever you want, and we don't have a place, so we can't, let's close the tavern at night." Zhao Yali heard that Xu Huizhen was going to hold a literacy class, although she didn't move But I also know that as long as it is what Xu Huizhen wants, I have to oppose it. After all, she is now the public manager of the tavern, so she is naturally in the position of Xu Huizhen's opponent.

"There is no place we can look for. If not, I will vacate a room in the back room. Anyway, I have settled for the literacy class. If you are not satisfied, you can go to Director Wang and sue me." Xu Huizhen said firmly, for the two and her It doesn't matter at all to speak against the tune. After all, running a literacy class can be regarded as a response to the above policy. She believes that Director Wang will not object.

"If you insist on going your own way, let's wait and see. Anyway, I won't agree to run a literacy class. How about you, Fan Jinyou?" Standing with her is two to one, even if Xu Huizhen is a private manager, she can't mess around.

"No, why did you two drag me after all, I don't want to participate in this matter." Hearing Zhao Yali's words, Fan Jinyou was anxious to let go. One of them is a public manager and the other is a private manager. It's just an ordinary employee, no matter how he messes with himself, he won't benefit, so he doesn't want to be involved in the fight between the two.

"You have to make a statement. There are only three of us in the tavern, and the two of us disagree. You have to stand up at the critical moment." Zhao Yali said forcefully, leaving no room for Fan Jinyou, and wanted him to make a statement immediately. After all, in her mind, Fan Jinyou is also a relative of her family, so she should be towards her.

"This..., then I support Xu Huizhen." Seeing that he couldn't be alone in the world, Fan Jinyou said, the reason why he chose to stand by Xu Huizhen's side was because he felt that Zhao Yali had no hope of winning. How could he beat Xu Huizhen?

"You..., Fan Jinyou, you are a villain." Zhao Yali shouted when she heard Fan Jinyou's words. Before, she felt that Fan Jinyou and Xu Huizhen had a problem, and he was still related to her, so she would never choose Standing with Xu Huizhen, I didn't expect her to make a mistake.

"Okay, Zhao Yali, you don't need to shout. It's two to one, and I've already won. That's the decision to hold a literacy class, and I've even found a teacher. We'll start class tomorrow." See Fan Jin You chose to stand by him, although Xu Huizhen was a little puzzled, but she still said happily.

"Hmph, I'll go to the neighborhood committee tomorrow to ask Director Wang to sue you." Seeing that the two were colluding, Zhao Yali threw her bag on the table angrily, and left angrily.

"Xu Huizhen, it's okay. You suggested the literacy class. It has nothing to do with me. If something happens, you can ask Director Wang to explain it clearly." Fan Jinyou said worriedly when Zhao Yali left angrily.

"Look at how petty you are, don't worry, I'll take care of what happens, and I won't blame you." Xu Huizhen rolled Fan Jin's eyes angrily, and then said in a disdainful tone.

"That's good, that's good." Hearing Xu Huizhen's words, Fan Jinyou was relieved, thinking that it seemed that he was right to choose to stand with Xu Huizhen, and he didn't know about Zhao Yali. One thought was to shirk responsibility, that's why he didn't choose to follow Zhao Yali, instead of optimistic about the literacy class.

"Okay, you can go if you have nothing to do." Xu Huizhen got angry when she saw Fan Jinyou's appearance, so she directly issued the order to evict the guest.

Early the next morning, when Yan Jiecheng was at work, he heard Mr. Pian and the others discussing that Xu Huizhen would also run a literacy class.

"Master Pian, who did you hear this from?" Yan Jiecheng walked over and asked curiously.

"Who else can there be except Fan Jinyou? When he came to buy breakfast in the morning, he told about Xu Huizhen's literacy class. Not only did we know about it, but the neighbors in the neighborhood also knew about it."

"Wang Yi, did you go back and tell Director Wang about the literacy class? What's Director Wang's attitude?" Yan Xiecheng turned to Wang Yi and asked after hearing the master's words.

On the other hand, Wang Yi said with a smile on her face: "Of course I agreed to such a good thing, and my mother also praised you for your high awareness."

"Hey, I don't dare to take it for granted. It's all thanks to you, and you were the one who proposed the idea of ​​running a literacy class." Yan Jiecheng waved his hands and said modestly.

After finishing speaking, he asked again: "By the way, if we want to hold a literacy class, the next door will also hold it. Isn't this overlapping?"

"That's right, we supposedly brought it up first, and Wang Yi already told Director Wang about it yesterday, but I'm afraid that others will say that Director Wang is acting for his own benefit." The film master said worriedly.

After all, the street here is so big, and the two families are so close to each other, it is really inappropriate to hold literacy classes at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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